Goilala (Central) Map Cropping Samples

Goilala (Central) Map Cropping Samples-1

Goilala (Central) Map Cropping Samples-2

Goilala neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Goilala with 3D shadow effect

Goilala map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Goilala (geojson format) :
Goilala.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Goilala map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Goilala Map : ( -8.881648 , 146.379146 , -7.768499 , 147.650364 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Goilala map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-8.881648, 146.379146, -7.768499, 147.650364);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Goilala)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Goilala
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aduai | -8.711320 , 147.298820 |
Amena | -8.100680 , 146.845970 |
Aporota | -8.300000 , 147.133330 |
Ariome | -8.333330 , 146.950000 |
Arione | -8.476570 , 147.061650 |
Aromaitsi | -8.416670 , 147.166670 |
Aveni | -8.066670 , 146.900000 |
Aveve | -8.665690 , 147.036760 |
Awaluta | -8.416670 , 146.950000 |
Baidani | -8.473990 , 147.117020 |
Baroevi | -8.133330 , 147.066670 |
Belavista | -8.534310 , 147.061090 |
Beravesa | -8.497910 , 147.396590 |
Bisianumu | -8.716670 , 147.416670 |
Bome | -8.200000 , 146.933330 |
Buri | -8.566670 , 147.566670 |
Danapai | -8.150000 , 147.066670 |
Digurenda | -8.542460 , 147.126240 |
Dioro | -8.390630 , 147.092790 |
Eifa | -8.533330 , 147.466670 |
Elava | -8.210500 , 147.079150 |
Enende | -8.759330 , 147.302320 |
Erumelavava | -8.250000 , 146.983330 |
Everupu | -8.116670 , 146.900000 |
Evesa | -8.581440 , 147.584580 |
Evese | -8.660270 , 147.235690 |
Fanuma | -8.416670 , 146.933330 |
Fatima Mission | -8.565320 , 147.250190 |
Favane | -8.466670 , 147.133330 |
Foro | -8.569080 , 147.567750 |
Gagave | -8.064610 , 146.895170 |
Gane | -8.284870 , 147.128870 |
Ganiawai | -8.102280 , 146.881920 |
Garima | -8.537380 , 147.551150 |
Garima 1 | -8.525170 , 147.111930 |
Garima 2 | -8.532360 , 147.103560 |
Garipa | -8.350910 , 147.029090 |
Genera | -8.544480 , 147.551220 |
Girebi | -8.133330 , 146.800000 |
Givena | -8.099760 , 146.831500 |
Goilala | -8.283330 , 147.066670 |
Golo | -8.833330 , 147.216670 |
Gomeda | -8.766670 , 147.266670 |
Gomina | -8.216670 , 147.183330 |
Guari | -8.117740 , 146.865590 |
Guburu | -8.100240 , 146.900200 |
Gunim | -8.266670 , 147.066670 |
Gutoiz | -8.066670 , 146.866670 |
Hoianurenda | -8.641300 , 147.366460 |
Idula | -8.566880 , 147.086740 |
Igid | -8.366670 , 146.900000 |
Iguai | -8.297100 , 146.871340 |
Iguai | -8.266670 , 146.933330 |
Ilai | -8.243450 , 147.100490 |
Inaorena | -8.347070 , 146.837510 |
Iongai | -8.525440 , 147.469480 |
Iongai | -8.533330 , 147.466670 |
Ita | -8.363030 , 147.121060 |
Ivirupu | -8.121310 , 146.816270 |
Jake | -8.051600 , 146.909270 |
Jamalavava | -8.300000 , 146.916670 |
Jao | -8.250000 , 146.800000 |
Javier | -8.266670 , 147.000000 |
Kago | -8.549290 , 147.468120 |
Kaieri | -8.400000 , 147.083330 |
Kambisi | -8.628820 , 147.282710 |
Kapemoku | -8.566670 , 146.983330 |
Karau | -8.166670 , 147.066670 |
Karuama | -8.246530 , 146.801610 |
Kase | -8.745140 , 147.267810 |
Katapa | -8.316670 , 147.166670 |
Katiapa | -8.283330 , 147.033330 |
Kerame | -8.645060 , 147.111090 |
Kerau | -8.250000 , 147.066670 |
Kikori | -8.491410 , 147.406430 |
Kileipi | -8.216000 , 147.149680 |
Kiletu | -8.168040 , 147.094830 |
Killavava | -8.233330 , 147.050000 |
Kiolivi | -8.224000 , 147.107380 |
Kiriai | -8.413090 , 147.135800 |
Kodige | -8.632180 , 147.108630 |
Kofa | -8.533330 , 147.450000 |
Kogo | -8.583330 , 147.533330 |
Koifa | -8.131390 , 146.781580 |
Koipuku | -8.500000 , 147.433330 |
Kokoda | -8.582010 , 147.252310 |
Kone | -8.516670 , 147.083330 |
Kopenilavava | -8.200000 , 147.050000 |
Kopurilavava | -8.210080 , 147.056070 |
Koru | -8.233330 , 146.933330 |
Kosipe | -8.457610 , 147.209910 |
Kuda | -8.633330 , 147.083330 |
Kunima | -8.263780 , 147.052510 |
Kupova | -8.266670 , 146.933330 |
Kuputaivi | -8.129460 , 147.057670 |
Kurama | -8.666670 , 147.333330 |
Kutumarava | -8.250000 , 147.050000 |
Laitate | -8.316670 , 147.133330 |
Lalofa | -8.683330 , 147.266670 |
Lamanaipa | -8.222560 , 147.176560 |
Lamina | -8.363910 , 146.935320 |
Lamoro | -8.415430 , 146.901290 |
Laramaita | -8.278530 , 146.917550 |
Lavavai | -8.386820 , 147.052510 |
Lobudon | -8.041120 , 146.912510 |
Lotuava | -8.411550 , 147.085210 |
Maera | -8.450000 , 147.216670 |
Maini | -8.329010 , 147.100060 |
Malava | -8.266670 , 147.133330 |
Matsialavava | -8.266670 , 146.968590 |
Mave | -8.566670 , 147.133330 |
Miku | -8.633330 , 147.250000 |
Mili | -8.521020 , 147.473090 |
Minaru | -8.150000 , 147.050000 |
Misiraka | -8.083330 , 146.883330 |
Mondo | -8.552590 , 147.098470 |
Nairilavava | -8.233330 , 147.000000 |
Nana | -8.800000 , 147.266670 |
Nionopu | -8.370040 , 147.063530 |
Nuivi | -8.550000 , 147.500000 |
Old Okavai | -7.916670 , 146.433330 |
Olivi | -8.224110 , 146.820720 |
Omafe | -8.718660 , 147.311210 |
Ombo | -8.563450 , 147.248430 |
Omo | -8.066670 , 146.900000 |
Omoritulavava | -8.163700 , 147.050210 |
Omu | -8.079360 , 146.895310 |
Onete | -8.400000 , 147.050000 |
Ononge | -8.572270 , 147.250280 |
Oro | -8.363670 , 147.018060 |
Oro | -8.766080 , 147.250820 |
Pobiaka | -8.366670 , 147.116670 |
Poiet | -8.250000 , 146.966670 |
Pomutu | -8.266670 , 146.950000 |
Ponialavava | -8.174610 , 147.053630 |
Poruara | -8.251470 , 147.005760 |
Pugra | -8.633330 , 147.200000 |
Rohido | -8.216670 , 146.933330 |
Ruruai | -8.250000 , 146.950000 |
Singgo | -8.515330 , 147.436000 |
Sisiarenda | -8.598830 , 147.340300 |
Sivil | -8.616670 , 147.250000 |
Suasi | -8.116670 , 146.800000 |
Sumbi | -8.614660 , 147.332000 |
Tafade | -8.796270 , 147.231210 |
Tanipai | -8.433330 , 147.400000 |
Tapini | -8.363080 , 146.958870 |
Tata | -8.616670 , 147.216670 |
Tauko | -8.283330 , 146.800000 |
Tavevi | -8.283330 , 146.850000 |
Taviva | -8.216670 , 146.916670 |
Tawuni | -8.291760 , 147.010280 |
Tokyo | -8.400000 , 147.150000 |
Tonamena | -8.142900 , 146.849120 |
Tororo | -8.255350 , 146.928980 |
Torura | -8.016670 , 146.900000 |
Tuamai | -8.033330 , 146.883330 |
Turutup | -8.216670 , 146.833330 |
Ubegara | -8.806750 , 147.285910 |
Uni | -8.065390 , 146.771840 |
Unialavava | -8.316670 , 146.983330 |
Urun Mission | -8.612040 , 147.278470 |
Vera Vera | -8.250000 , 146.816670 |
Veriveri | -8.083330 , 146.866670 |
Veru | -8.100000 , 146.850000 |
Visi | -8.686590 , 147.236080 |
Voriba | -8.507610 , 147.404070 |
Wailapu | -8.518000 , 147.244950 |
Wapote | -8.431080 , 146.882390 |
Warupi | -8.650000 , 146.966670 |
Woitape | -8.615820 , 147.241560 |
Yologe | -8.726160 , 147.094830 |
Yulai | -8.550000 , 147.133330 |
Yumu | -8.543350 , 147.098360 |
Zailapu | -8.128040 , 146.904980 |
Zhamalalava | -8.297260 , 146.917350 |
Zhamora | -8.363660 , 146.903800 |
- You can download geometry data for Goilala in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.