Esa'ala (Milne Bay) Map Cropping Samples

Esa'ala (Milne Bay) Map Cropping Samples-1

Esa'ala (Milne Bay) Map Cropping Samples-2

Esa'ala neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Esa'ala with 3D shadow effect

Esa'ala map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Esa'ala (geojson format) :
Esa'ala.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Esa'ala map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Esa'ala Map : ( -10.193778 , 150.422913 , -9.262917 , 151.294586 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Esa'ala map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-10.193778, 150.422913, -9.262917, 151.294586);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Esa'ala)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Esa'ala
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abwaia | -9.533330 , 150.816670 |
Agamoia | -9.550000 , 150.616670 |
Ailulai | -9.642990 , 150.622370 |
Alo Aloia | -9.450000 , 150.816670 |
Amoiboa | -9.394110 , 150.624200 |
Asatupi | -9.750000 , 150.866670 |
Avana | -9.366670 , 150.550000 |
Babagai | -10.114710 , 151.069910 |
Badilai | -10.033330 , 151.066670 |
Barabara | -10.139260 , 151.113280 |
Basima | -9.466420 , 150.832620 |
Biauwa | -10.039900 , 151.267390 |
Binoa | -9.983330 , 150.983330 |
Bowabu | -10.033330 , 150.950000 |
Budiai | -10.083330 , 151.250000 |
Bunama | -10.149770 , 151.153060 |
Bwasiaia | -10.104790 , 150.965980 |
Daguala | -9.450000 , 150.716670 |
Degola | -10.050000 , 151.100000 |
Eiatoto-Unu | -9.488550 , 150.830550 |
Elasi | -10.029310 , 151.146040 |
Gabutaia | -9.416670 , 150.750000 |
Gabutawa | -9.435020 , 150.667230 |
Gambumanaweia | -9.450000 , 150.450000 |
Ganimwala | -10.016670 , 151.150000 |
Garagaras | -9.550000 , 150.650000 |
Gausepa | -9.866670 , 150.866670 |
Gelawadedena | -10.033330 , 151.066670 |
Gigowa | -10.166670 , 151.216670 |
Gimogimowo | -10.133330 , 151.233330 |
Godumuri | -10.152420 , 151.186060 |
Guleguleu | -10.072490 , 151.258970 |
Gurawaia | -9.633330 , 151.000000 |
Hatulawalai | -10.066670 , 151.266670 |
Iakini | -10.100000 , 151.233330 |
Ialohia | -10.066670 , 151.116670 |
Iaupolo | -9.569240 , 150.486490 |
Ibwananio | -9.633330 , 150.450000 |
Isumdimaiu | -10.001550 , 150.946300 |
Kalo Kalo | -9.415290 , 150.431110 |
Kanani | -9.683330 , 150.850000 |
Kasikasi | -10.150760 , 151.221440 |
Kenolia | -9.966670 , 151.183330 |
Kerorogea | -10.033450 , 151.146840 |
Kumapau | -10.133330 , 151.233330 |
Kurada | -10.111110 , 151.033840 |
Kwadewalai | -10.150000 , 151.233330 |
Kwahaula | -10.083330 , 151.233330 |
Lamalele | -9.511890 , 150.533220 |
Lau-Uhina | -10.100000 , 150.983330 |
Lawadi | -10.183330 , 151.216670 |
Leapwaapwa | -10.050000 , 151.116670 |
Lekwanwamuhuwa | -10.133330 , 151.233330 |
Liahane | -10.033330 , 151.166670 |
Mailoloi | -9.416670 , 150.516670 |
Mapamoiwa | -9.607760 , 150.435450 |
Mataupa | -9.950000 , 150.883330 |
Naieta | -9.475000 , 150.542920 |
Naikwala | -9.750000 , 150.866670 |
Nemwa Ili Ili | -9.600000 , 150.766670 |
Niubuo | -9.554730 , 150.600410 |
Numanuma | -9.668510 , 150.872040 |
Patumara | -10.166670 , 151.216670 |
Pwanapwana | -9.966670 , 150.966670 |
Salamo | -9.660270 , 150.785590 |
Sebutuia | -9.569950 , 150.855380 |
Sewataitai | -9.956060 , 151.008750 |
Sibonai | -10.034360 , 150.971160 |
Sibweiauho | -10.100000 , 150.966670 |
Somwadina | -10.009220 , 151.280410 |
Susukwai-Aleiwa | -9.850000 , 150.916670 |
Talaha | -10.016670 , 151.266670 |
Tomodebamu | -9.366670 , 150.433330 |
Tutubea | -9.549440 , 150.652170 |
Tuwala | -9.650000 , 150.633330 |
Ufune | -9.400000 , 150.600000 |
Ukaiokaio | -9.624300 , 150.579550 |
Ulaolaoia | -9.583330 , 150.633330 |
Upa-Upasina | -9.800000 , 150.783330 |
Wadalei | -9.421340 , 150.743680 |
Wagarai | -9.583330 , 150.800000 |
Wagegia | -9.483330 , 150.483330 |
Waialupwa | -10.016670 , 150.950000 |
Waikaiuna | -10.052210 , 150.961310 |
Wawamouna | -10.110370 , 151.012150 |
Weihu | -10.050000 , 151.133330 |
- You can download geometry data for Esa'ala in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.