Chincheros (Apurimac) Map Cropping Samples

Chincheros (Apurimac) Map Cropping Samples-1

Chincheros (Apurimac) Map Cropping Samples-2

Chincheros neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Chincheros with 3D shadow effect

Chincheros map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Chincheros (geojson format) :
Chincheros.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Chincheros map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Chincheros Map : ( -13.736404 , -73.847748 , -13.169617 , -73.449187 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Chincheros map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-13.736404, -73.847748, -13.169617, -73.449187);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Chincheros)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Chincheros
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Acyahuasi | -13.519780 , -73.675850 |
Allacro | -13.530180 , -73.736290 |
Amancaes | -13.483330 , -73.550000 |
Antabamba | -13.483450 , -73.511670 |
Antasco | -13.700000 , -73.650000 |
Arpatimplana | -13.617190 , -73.606170 |
Artilleria | -13.426790 , -73.822910 |
Ataccara | -13.515460 , -73.703240 |
Atajara | -13.570000 , -73.499670 |
Bombon | -13.510000 , -73.776110 |
Cabracancha | -13.371990 , -73.693240 |
Callebamba | -13.527280 , -73.804810 |
Casabamba | -13.540930 , -73.721210 |
Cayara | -13.563720 , -73.722990 |
Ccasccabamba | -13.520570 , -73.563430 |
Ccechuapata | -13.538190 , -73.743980 |
Ccellupate | -13.500000 , -73.816670 |
Chacchahua | -13.374290 , -73.782310 |
Chaccobamba | -13.540260 , -73.711930 |
Challhuane | -13.466670 , -73.566670 |
Challhuane | -13.533330 , -73.683330 |
Chilcabamba | -13.473990 , -73.552770 |
Chincheros | -13.518330 , -73.722220 |
Chinchimayo | -13.618380 , -73.738870 |
Chingaray | -13.348500 , -73.758300 |
Chinpaccechua | -13.617660 , -73.764970 |
Chojepuquio | -13.536130 , -73.531440 |
Chojocra | -13.468310 , -73.561920 |
Churrupallana | -13.643160 , -73.695620 |
Cocharcas | -13.610000 , -73.740000 |
Cocharquina | -13.646200 , -73.763550 |
Collpa Pampa | -13.516670 , -73.700000 |
Comorumi | -13.537320 , -73.666160 |
Comunpampa | -13.389670 , -73.676260 |
Congoma | -13.403820 , -73.798460 |
Cruz Jata | -13.559830 , -73.484180 |
Cuay | -13.628080 , -73.729910 |
Cunyac | -13.349020 , -73.724290 |
Curampa | -13.385020 , -73.711220 |
Durasnioc | -13.422100 , -73.759600 |
Esmeralda | -13.506390 , -73.531390 |
Florida | -13.493260 , -73.547280 |
Generosa | -13.496490 , -73.802200 |
Hacienda Aurora | -13.533330 , -73.800000 |
Hacienda Corral | -13.583330 , -73.683330 |
Hornopampa | -13.478510 , -73.549160 |
Huaccana | -13.387500 , -73.689720 |
Huallhuay | -13.484010 , -73.522500 |
Huamanccasa | -13.541110 , -73.481110 |
Huamburqui | -13.394750 , -73.592970 |
Huanca Huacho | -13.671490 , -73.712480 |
Huancamara | -13.525920 , -73.726200 |
Huancana | -13.699440 , -73.638130 |
Huancayo | -13.489200 , -73.541730 |
Huanchor | -13.581390 , -73.468330 |
Huarango Pata | -13.352750 , -73.797160 |
Huaribamba | -13.532400 , -73.574670 |
Huaynioc | -13.622780 , -73.649720 |
Huranmarca | -13.669710 , -73.665830 |
Illachayoc | -13.507780 , -73.774440 |
Illachayoc | -13.495840 , -73.768800 |
Illapacancha | -13.411730 , -73.673310 |
Incarajay | -13.338990 , -73.805150 |
Inguino | -13.429950 , -73.616250 |
Jellua Jocha | -13.583570 , -73.580050 |
Jenhua | -13.544460 , -73.579910 |
Jeshua | -13.668700 , -73.682420 |
Jesjenioc | -13.360270 , -73.791430 |
Jochacalla | -13.577450 , -73.554860 |
Jochapampa | -13.510540 , -73.525050 |
Jochapampa | -13.604030 , -73.534510 |
Jonac | -13.530130 , -73.557170 |
Lamblamayo | -13.560830 , -73.708610 |
Levantuyoc | -13.685000 , -73.671940 |
Llojepata | -13.388140 , -73.805150 |
Lorenzayoc | -13.458580 , -73.581550 |
Mara Mara | -13.333820 , -73.676000 |
Maray | -13.718910 , -73.629430 |
Maraypampa | -13.532500 , -73.566670 |
Maucallacta | -13.562630 , -73.495070 |
Maucallacta | -13.389140 , -73.698760 |
Miraflores | -13.534880 , -73.694050 |
Molle Bamba | -13.525730 , -73.542770 |
Mollejasa | -13.390880 , -73.789870 |
Mollo Mollo | -13.674770 , -73.669300 |
Morocucho | -13.573550 , -73.731490 |
Munapucro | -13.615220 , -73.682980 |
Mutuynioc | -13.556110 , -73.621390 |
Nahuimpuquio | -13.424750 , -73.777400 |
Ocobamba | -13.481940 , -73.561110 |
Omaca | -13.544290 , -73.498810 |
Ongoy | -13.403610 , -73.669720 |
Osccollo | -13.643910 , -73.714760 |
Pachacamarca | -13.460450 , -73.575770 |
Pacpayoc | -13.452280 , -73.795820 |
Padre Rume | -13.537560 , -73.595620 |
Parco | -13.340380 , -73.752820 |
Pariabamba | -13.722880 , -73.673410 |
Peccoy | -13.633330 , -73.700000 |
Pichipampa | -13.362050 , -73.737710 |
Pilluto | -13.667430 , -73.702590 |
Piscobamba | -13.566670 , -73.483330 |
Playapampa | -13.366930 , -73.658150 |
Pomabamba | -13.630160 , -73.701370 |
Pongoro | -13.534590 , -73.712220 |
Posac Puquio | -13.505540 , -73.700920 |
Potrero | -13.368560 , -73.732070 |
Pucara | -13.531110 , -73.585000 |
Pumachuco | -13.329690 , -73.739320 |
Pumaranra | -13.566670 , -73.750000 |
Puncumarca | -13.472260 , -73.574250 |
Purisima | -13.311760 , -73.782610 |
Quispi Marca | -13.517330 , -73.669670 |
Ranracancha | -13.533610 , -73.605280 |
Rauca | -13.470830 , -73.585240 |
Rayampata | -13.525030 , -73.599190 |
Recreo | -13.666750 , -73.687920 |
Rio Blanco | -13.430910 , -73.811890 |
Rochoc | -13.435740 , -73.601140 |
Sacapayo | -13.509170 , -73.541390 |
Salvia | -13.484250 , -73.563270 |
San Cristobal | -13.547780 , -73.797640 |
San Jose | -13.361180 , -73.749120 |
San Pedro de Chuparo | -13.526500 , -73.681470 |
San Vincente | -13.269370 , -73.795250 |
Sarahuarcay | -13.541500 , -73.505660 |
Sauri | -13.344240 , -73.668840 |
Sayhua Pata | -13.543820 , -73.667840 |
Sayruro Pampa | -13.670290 , -73.688510 |
Sillapata | -13.513700 , -73.772600 |
Simpi | -13.292870 , -73.754990 |
Sinhuapaca | -13.522680 , -73.573320 |
Socos | -13.509040 , -73.510710 |
Socos | -13.730830 , -73.620000 |
Socospampa | -13.490520 , -73.528400 |
Sulcabamba | -13.666670 , -73.733330 |
Tancayllo | -13.636160 , -73.689220 |
Tincocc | -13.590620 , -73.741680 |
Tintoc | -13.382720 , -73.800850 |
Tocso | -13.358700 , -73.670440 |
Tojaro | -13.617780 , -73.657500 |
Toruro | -13.371560 , -73.655980 |
Totora | -13.603390 , -73.621750 |
Totorabamba | -13.540100 , -73.664940 |
Uchuarana | -13.692040 , -73.682120 |
Uchuy Ccollpa | -13.531130 , -73.671350 |
Uchuy Cruz | -13.245230 , -73.767590 |
Uchuypata | -13.297340 , -73.788610 |
Uncara | -13.396050 , -73.567220 |
Uripa | -13.532500 , -73.677220 |
Uro Cancha | -13.585020 , -73.763480 |
Vista Alegre | -13.523240 , -73.662280 |
Yanaccollpa | -13.626390 , -73.630830 |
Yatanaco | -13.554790 , -73.603830 |
- You can download geometry data for Chincheros in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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