Rakhyut (Zufar) Map Cropping Samples

Rakhyut (Zufar) Map Cropping Samples-1

Rakhyut (Zufar) Map Cropping Samples-2

Rakhyut neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Rakhyut with 3D shadow effect

Rakhyut map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Rakhyut (geojson format) :
Rakhyut.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Rakhyut map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Rakhyut Map : ( 16.731509 , 53.12948 , 17.100197 , 53.752051 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Rakhyut map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](16.731509, 53.12948, 17.100197, 53.752051);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Rakhyut)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Rakhyut
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
`Arfat | 16.811480 , 53.518250 |
`Aydam | 16.988930 , 53.359340 |
Ahamrut | 16.826840 , 53.448390 |
Al Hawtah | 16.761730 , 53.488730 |
Ambaruf | 16.755000 , 53.338070 |
Aqitan | 16.769340 , 53.422840 |
Aqtidinawt | 16.778350 , 53.353030 |
Arak | 16.788430 , 53.332020 |
Ardit | 16.833590 , 53.371120 |
Arjut | 16.786770 , 53.269390 |
Arjut Ashkharayt | 16.778150 , 53.223380 |
Arqaf | 16.743260 , 53.369460 |
Arqawf | 16.788390 , 53.470480 |
Aryad | 16.780980 , 53.475830 |
Ashqul | 16.822250 , 53.435400 |
Assitat | 16.811580 , 53.288450 |
Ayqur | 16.780360 , 53.425580 |
Barq | 16.814090 , 53.375350 |
Dahq Aghdun | 16.808480 , 53.498470 |
Hakam | 16.752553 , 53.259026 |
Har | 16.743430 , 53.377300 |
Hasal | 16.777920 , 53.333890 |
Intakh | 16.768610 , 53.336630 |
Jidawr | 16.775640 , 53.426450 |
Jidayrit | 16.814440 , 53.316160 |
Kazmim | 16.821130 , 53.494250 |
Kizit `Amqat | 16.814580 , 53.393800 |
Kizit al Wusta | 16.818300 , 53.388830 |
Kizit Asaq | 16.819430 , 53.409680 |
Madhhub | 16.784080 , 53.272920 |
Magra | 16.772658 , 53.475365 |
Maqawrah | 16.809370 , 53.479250 |
Maqdawrawt | 16.792300 , 53.556840 |
Marbush | 17.035610 , 53.529650 |
Qaratlayf | 16.816570 , 53.332100 |
Qarhanti | 16.820130 , 53.465700 |
Qayranti Barq | 16.810330 , 53.377900 |
Qurun | 16.817710 , 53.487770 |
Rakhyut | 16.747680 , 53.421890 |
Rakhyut | 16.748153 , 53.416042 |
Rawb | 16.772420 , 53.471720 |
Sakum | 16.801550 , 53.344500 |
Sayfayr | 16.841580 , 53.431490 |
Sayh Mal Rakhyut | 16.788620 , 53.372130 |
Sha`but | 16.773240 , 53.295770 |
Sharshatti | 16.792060 , 53.312740 |
Shidad | 16.787740 , 53.435190 |
Tamdahan | 16.812300 , 53.338630 |
Thantiti | 16.826620 , 53.436740 |
Ufuq | 16.785340 , 53.427350 |
Wadi Darq | 16.809050 , 53.361890 |
Zafrak | 16.801670 , 53.433060 |
- You can download geometry data for Rakhyut in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.