Lapai (Niger) Map Cropping Samples

Lapai (Niger) Map Cropping Samples-1

Lapai (Niger) Map Cropping Samples-2

Lapai neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Lapai with 3D shadow effect

Lapai map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Lapai (geojson format) :
Lapai.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Lapai map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Lapai Map : ( 8.18297136831 , 6.40806633973 , 9.38737136831 , 6.86196633973 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Lapai map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](8.18297136831, 6.40806633973, 9.38737136831, 6.86196633973);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Lapai)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Lapai
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abugi | 8.383330 , 6.783330 |
Arunze | 8.766670 , 6.550000 |
Avuye | 8.333330 , 6.733330 |
Bachida | 9.130420 , 6.685130 |
Baje | 8.400000 , 6.616670 |
Bakatara | 9.118760 , 6.597390 |
Baro | 8.600000 , 6.416670 |
Batako | 8.266670 , 6.683330 |
Benu | 9.112420 , 6.698920 |
Beruna | 9.085080 , 6.592420 |
Bidanko | 8.566670 , 6.633330 |
Borugu | 9.094290 , 6.595370 |
Chechegi | 9.147520 , 6.548750 |
Chekku | 8.350000 , 6.650000 |
Denbor | 8.516670 , 6.433330 |
Dida | 8.433330 , 6.733330 |
Duma | 8.900000 , 6.616670 |
Dzwafu | 9.148330 , 6.638980 |
Ebbo | 8.450000 , 6.583330 |
Emu | 8.516670 , 6.533330 |
Emwa | 8.566670 , 6.566670 |
Gawa | 8.466670 , 6.650000 |
Gbanuwa | 9.180150 , 6.656620 |
Gidi | 8.633330 , 6.683330 |
Gripa | 9.360350 , 6.801640 |
Gulu | 8.666670 , 6.600000 |
Gulu West | 8.650000 , 6.583330 |
Gupa | 8.433330 , 6.683330 |
Indakoso | 9.210140 , 6.543360 |
Kandi | 8.616670 , 6.583330 |
Kapako | 8.816670 , 6.750000 |
Kawaseme | 8.850000 , 6.733330 |
Kpada | 8.616670 , 6.633330 |
Kungo | 9.380380 , 6.833830 |
Kungoshin | 9.370240 , 6.816140 |
Lafia Kpada | 8.700000 , 6.683330 |
Lenfa | 9.212000 , 6.555960 |
Maguda | 9.131030 , 6.709300 |
Malaji | 9.209290 , 6.586520 |
Mayaki | 8.850000 , 6.700000 |
Mukugi | 9.116700 , 6.587800 |
Nasarawa | 8.800000 , 6.616670 |
Ndawasu | 9.124930 , 6.612000 |
Ndeji | 9.112490 , 6.662290 |
Nugmagi | 8.516670 , 6.566670 |
Pako | 8.716670 , 6.583330 |
Pelemi | 8.550000 , 6.633330 |
Rugugudandi | 9.058320 , 6.723560 |
Sakka | 8.400000 , 6.716670 |
Saminaka | 9.114050 , 6.757200 |
Shaki | 9.345450 , 6.797040 |
Sofon Lapai | 9.060080 , 6.714600 |
Sokunde | 8.300000 , 6.633330 |
Takalafiya | 9.005560 , 6.672980 |
Talakalfia | 9.056280 , 6.611770 |
Tashibo | 9.041110 , 6.701320 |
Tungan Kaura | 8.816670 , 6.766670 |
Vulegbo | 8.650000 , 6.566670 |
Waka | 8.866670 , 6.683330 |
Zole | 9.172010 , 6.623520 |
- You can download geometry data for Lapai in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.