Khana (Rivers) Map Cropping Samples

Khana (Rivers) Map Cropping Samples-1

Khana (Rivers) Map Cropping Samples-2

Khana neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Khana with 3D shadow effect

Khana map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Khana (geojson format) :
Khana.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Khana map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Khana Map : ( 4.531971 , 7.315366 , 4.808571 , 7.547066 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Khana map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](4.531971, 7.315366, 4.808571, 7.547066);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Khana)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Khana
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agbani Luekon | 4.763320 , 7.422860 |
Akporo Sogho | 4.756680 , 7.367690 |
Baen | 4.633640 , 7.448910 |
Ban Luekon | 4.759360 , 7.438760 |
Bane | 4.649200 , 7.506360 |
Bar Akani Sogho | 4.750690 , 7.363710 |
Barako Kor | 4.685230 , 7.387800 |
Bayakogoro Beeri | 4.694720 , 7.425570 |
Beri | 4.691610 , 7.429080 |
Bianu | 4.688660 , 7.464150 |
Bionu | 4.723720 , 7.475530 |
Bori | 4.673660 , 7.362010 |
Buan | 4.615660 , 7.484340 |
Bunu Bangha | 4.708070 , 7.473760 |
Ekem | 4.612130 , 7.387570 |
Ewon | 4.641420 , 7.486460 |
Gwara | 4.610710 , 7.404000 |
Ika | 4.577980 , 7.365150 |
Iyaba | 4.590430 , 7.464040 |
Jor Sogho | 4.750090 , 7.357190 |
Kalaoko | 4.675560 , 7.513240 |
Kani | 4.702320 , 7.353850 |
Kere Bangha | 4.732820 , 7.487270 |
Kono | 4.597540 , 7.496330 |
Koro Bangha | 4.711180 , 7.486810 |
Korokoro Luekon | 4.745660 , 7.434390 |
Kowo Bewa | 4.633680 , 7.364510 |
Kpaa | 4.774110 , 7.464580 |
Kpean | 4.612680 , 7.446940 |
Kpong | 4.689470 , 7.404510 |
Kwawa | 4.622910 , 7.477390 |
Lousi Sogho | 4.743850 , 7.359400 |
Luebe | 4.798870 , 7.417770 |
Luegbo | 4.671410 , 7.436890 |
Luekue Banghan | 4.759120 , 7.510280 |
Luere | 4.671950 , 7.429670 |
Lumene | 4.651060 , 7.479280 |
Lumene Bangha | 4.722820 , 7.492840 |
Luubara | 4.663440 , 7.449520 |
Luwa | 4.671600 , 7.481820 |
Nogo Beeri | 4.686750 , 7.424620 |
Nonwa Sogho | 4.762020 , 7.405760 |
Notem | 4.670180 , 7.370910 |
Nyobe Beeri | 4.714220 , 7.466440 |
Nyogor Luekon | 4.750280 , 7.434280 |
Nyokwu | 4.723810 , 7.442770 |
Nyowi Bangha | 4.743490 , 7.468380 |
Okwale | 4.797530 , 7.389450 |
Opuoko | 4.695360 , 7.512330 |
Saa Berri | 4.699510 , 7.423140 |
Sako Kor | 4.685250 , 7.392630 |
Sime Luekon | 4.791860 , 7.465640 |
Tabangh | 4.733010 , 7.413410 |
Teka Sogho | 4.757210 , 7.382070 |
Tem Luekon | 4.742870 , 7.439510 |
Wiikwe Luebon | 4.777130 , 7.413560 |
Wiyakara | 4.667170 , 7.419490 |
Yae | 4.755470 , 7.475040 |
Yo Beeri | 4.700490 , 7.438890 |
- You can download geometry data for Khana in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.