Ganjuwa (Bauchi) Map Cropping Samples

Ganjuwa (Bauchi) Map Cropping Samples-1

Ganjuwa (Bauchi) Map Cropping Samples-2

Ganjuwa neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Ganjuwa with 3D shadow effect

Ganjuwa map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Ganjuwa (geojson format) :
Ganjuwa.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Ganjuwa map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Ganjuwa Map : ( 10.3871713683 , 9.56936633973 , 11.1039713683 , 10.5468663397 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Ganjuwa map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](10.3871713683, 9.56936633973, 11.1039713683, 10.5468663397);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Ganjuwa)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Ganjuwa
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Angawan Kutari | 10.634170 , 10.184770 |
Anguwan Ari | 10.891000 , 9.831280 |
Anguwan Digawa | 11.030580 , 9.658250 |
Anguwan Gumeru | 10.780760 , 9.782200 |
Anguwan Gwaldabu | 10.589500 , 9.908470 |
Anguwan Mallam Alkali | 10.704210 , 10.486690 |
Anguwan Wawa | 10.625990 , 9.725980 |
Badakoshi | 10.546480 , 10.011860 |
Baiya | 10.802090 , 10.042440 |
Bakunawa | 10.791100 , 10.386310 |
Banga Luri | 10.669620 , 10.461050 |
Barkaya | 10.514860 , 9.869810 |
Buda | 10.690900 , 10.213660 |
Bulum | 10.708380 , 9.837510 |
Bunga | 11.066670 , 9.633330 |
Bungan Bauchi | 11.042520 , 9.639140 |
Bungan Ningi | 11.055370 , 9.639460 |
Burako | 10.940900 , 9.980040 |
Buri | 10.661540 , 9.822160 |
Buri Buri | 10.722210 , 10.486110 |
Dadinga | 10.855710 , 10.401440 |
Dare | 10.776490 , 10.188600 |
Dari | 10.753130 , 10.191630 |
Dasha | 10.597770 , 10.108890 |
Dauduwo | 10.872870 , 10.395100 |
Debe Mai Kasuwa | 10.526710 , 10.084790 |
Deben Kasa | 10.529350 , 10.122590 |
Degele | 10.593360 , 10.133570 |
Degele | 10.569830 , 10.131640 |
Dela | 10.926280 , 9.997590 |
Deno | 10.678280 , 10.289440 |
Diriya | 10.648180 , 10.175260 |
Dumi | 10.510190 , 9.900690 |
Durgumi | 10.585610 , 9.952490 |
Fanga | 10.563850 , 10.166340 |
Gabi | 10.663070 , 10.451470 |
Gadan Dan Fulani | 10.579030 , 10.162200 |
Gali | 10.764780 , 10.279060 |
Gamadadi | 10.774090 , 10.507290 |
Gamadadi | 10.663660 , 10.203020 |
Gamasura | 10.607140 , 10.200600 |
Ganjuwa | 10.859430 , 10.168790 |
Geduwa | 10.940030 , 10.095970 |
Geren Madaki | 10.545790 , 10.133630 |
Geren Sama | 10.571420 , 10.117730 |
Gilliri | 10.559060 , 10.088340 |
Gokaka | 10.649260 , 9.860210 |
Gunta | 11.063240 , 9.638710 |
Gurzum | 10.549280 , 9.905960 |
Gwaranduwi | 10.940900 , 10.029900 |
Jangu | 10.782320 , 9.587170 |
Jimbim | 10.863700 , 9.980720 |
Jimin | 10.874600 , 10.472680 |
Jobo | 10.554420 , 10.260450 |
Jurara Abas | 10.681100 , 10.474040 |
Jurara Gwalti | 10.685800 , 10.463160 |
Kadiyal | 10.717030 , 10.469400 |
Kafin Galadima | 10.762560 , 10.256490 |
Kafin Kawo | 10.630060 , 9.758760 |
Kafin Liman | 10.607140 , 9.757290 |
Kafin Madaki | 10.688560 , 9.760510 |
Kafin Magaji | 10.834860 , 10.257870 |
Kakuma | 10.628720 , 10.198260 |
Kariya | 10.908300 , 9.775750 |
Kensedi | 10.578780 , 9.936150 |
Kilpin | 10.697000 , 9.918330 |
Kubi | 10.563690 , 10.229020 |
Kufa | 10.659320 , 10.215040 |
Kuna | 10.626300 , 10.244790 |
Lafiyari | 10.535100 , 9.924650 |
Laguru | 10.912440 , 10.034480 |
Lamba | 10.618560 , 9.790590 |
Loyi | 10.585750 , 10.004390 |
Ludumi | 10.793790 , 10.321320 |
Madadiya | 10.862020 , 10.360360 |
Maharba | 10.871880 , 10.455500 |
Mamudu | 10.784440 , 10.465700 |
Marbini | 10.915210 , 10.163000 |
Marga | 10.752100 , 10.290050 |
Masuwa | 10.596760 , 10.213480 |
Minduwi | 10.620890 , 9.833920 |
Miya | 10.894030 , 9.828770 |
Nabayi | 10.839020 , 10.354130 |
Nassarawa | 10.610690 , 9.924560 |
Pala | 10.755820 , 10.333900 |
Reri | 10.528140 , 10.062880 |
Rigansu | 10.687270 , 10.243580 |
Ringim | 10.687560 , 9.682390 |
Ruduyausa | 10.472900 , 9.855160 |
Rugan Jauro Adamu | 10.835820 , 10.374460 |
Rugan Zo | 10.667210 , 10.231910 |
Shadareki | 10.892330 , 10.381870 |
Si | 10.569780 , 9.908650 |
Siri | 10.631430 , 10.217820 |
Siri | 10.812710 , 9.796070 |
Somni | 10.497610 , 10.121510 |
Soro | 10.777370 , 10.297590 |
Sunkani | 10.666410 , 10.456290 |
Tafingarda | 10.808040 , 10.328980 |
Tashan Gidan Waya | 10.566170 , 10.085240 |
Wailo | 10.713310 , 10.238740 |
Widibida | 10.534930 , 9.955350 |
Wuro Madi | 10.737040 , 10.499900 |
Wuro Nagge | 10.882830 , 10.402980 |
Yaga | 10.540150 , 10.142200 |
Yali | 10.524630 , 9.857530 |
Yargidi | 10.567250 , 10.018740 |
Yelwa | 10.885290 , 10.356380 |
Yinda | 10.892530 , 10.197470 |
Zala | 10.804160 , 10.028600 |
Zalanga | 10.614320 , 10.176470 |
Zara | 10.907080 , 9.999880 |
- You can download geometry data for Ganjuwa in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.