Essien Udim (Akwa Ibom) Map Cropping Samples

Essien Udim (Akwa Ibom) Map Cropping Samples-1

Essien Udim (Akwa Ibom) Map Cropping Samples-2

Essien Udim neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Essien Udim with 3D shadow effect

Essien Udim map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Essien Udim (geojson format) :
Essien Udim.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Essien Udim map for "Google Maps" :
Essien Udim.txt
Bounding Box for Essien Udim Map : ( 5.02057136831 , 7.53076633973 , 5.18747136831 , 7.80096633973 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Essien Udim map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](5.02057136831, 7.53076633973, 5.18747136831, 7.80096633973);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Essien Udim)
rel["name"="Essien Udim"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Essien Udim"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Essien Udim
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abia Okpo | 5.147970 , 7.703480 |
Adiasim | 5.080510 , 7.713920 |
Adiasim | 5.075300 , 7.741950 |
Afaha Ikot Ebak | 5.125040 , 7.657160 |
Atan | 5.141290 , 7.688260 |
Ebe Ikpe | 5.105390 , 7.760770 |
Ebe Ikpe | 5.089900 , 7.758470 |
Editaha | 5.170410 , 7.580290 |
Ekpenyong Atai | 5.063250 , 7.677200 |
Ekpenyong Atai | 5.089970 , 7.661110 |
Ekpenyong Ufum | 5.159120 , 7.583820 |
Esana | 5.085180 , 7.738680 |
Etak Ikpe | 5.103700 , 7.741260 |
Ibong Ikpe Mbiabet | 5.104570 , 7.774940 |
Ide | 5.127120 , 7.697710 |
Idung Esimuk | 5.128200 , 7.593710 |
Ifa Okon | 5.069840 , 7.600900 |
Ikot | 5.131310 , 7.687670 |
Ikot Abia | 5.165210 , 7.616500 |
Ikot Abiat | 5.102240 , 7.748300 |
Ikot Abiat | 5.113950 , 7.763010 |
Ikot Abuk | 5.185460 , 7.638180 |
Ikot Ada Utor | 5.138000 , 7.626380 |
Ikot Akpabio | 5.107630 , 7.700660 |
Ikot Akpan | 5.127810 , 7.788240 |
Ikot Akpan | 5.161420 , 7.643960 |
Ikot Akpan Essiet | 5.134140 , 7.634760 |
Ikot Akpan Ika | 5.136690 , 7.615500 |
Ikot Ama | 5.063130 , 7.578890 |
Ikot Andem | 5.136570 , 7.590460 |
Ikot Ankan | 5.169420 , 7.621950 |
Ikot Ebak | 5.107800 , 7.651790 |
Ikot Ebok | 5.120930 , 7.565670 |
Ikot Eda | 5.078280 , 7.756620 |
Ikot Edem Udo | 5.095680 , 7.623520 |
Ikot Ekefere | 5.064240 , 7.597980 |
Ikot Ekefere Okon | 5.058290 , 7.599390 |
Ikot Ekpenyong | 5.067250 , 7.610680 |
Ikot Esien | 5.095850 , 7.744110 |
Ikot Esien | 5.100500 , 7.592940 |
Ikot Esurua | 5.155250 , 7.665250 |
Ikot Ibanga | 5.102520 , 7.557190 |
Ikot Idaha | 5.134760 , 7.793270 |
Ikot Igwe | 5.070080 , 7.636160 |
Ikot Ineme | 5.145560 , 7.557060 |
Ikot Inyang | 5.063810 , 7.691000 |
Ikot Inyang Udo | 5.069710 , 7.641790 |
Ikot Ndem | 5.077420 , 7.687830 |
Ikot Nja | 5.080760 , 7.564940 |
Ikot Ntuen Ukana | 5.132700 , 7.716620 |
Ikot Obiokon | 5.111900 , 7.613520 |
Ikot Obong | 5.115110 , 7.634510 |
Ikot Offiong | 5.115190 , 7.665890 |
Ikot Okon | 5.087280 , 7.598280 |
Ikot Okon | 5.123630 , 7.579080 |
Ikot Otu | 5.169250 , 7.635760 |
Ikot Udo Ekpat | 5.173910 , 7.632590 |
Ikot Udo Okure | 5.075690 , 7.621000 |
Ikot Udom | 5.139520 , 7.580920 |
Ikot Udu | 5.150790 , 7.591930 |
Ikot Udu | 5.142410 , 7.601400 |
Ikot Uko | 5.106000 , 7.664530 |
Ikot Uko Eto | 5.104600 , 7.566430 |
Ikot Uko Eto | 5.082070 , 7.576920 |
Ikot Ukpon Eto | 5.154090 , 7.630540 |
Ikot Ukpong | 5.131500 , 7.616650 |
Ikot Umo Esien | 5.132840 , 7.552750 |
Ikot Utun | 5.087850 , 7.557740 |
Ikot-Idem | 5.120150 , 7.594240 |
Ikpe Anang | 5.119230 , 7.780220 |
Ikpe Ikot Akpan | 5.127780 , 7.776440 |
Ikpe Ikot Eside | 5.125460 , 7.717290 |
Ikpe Nung Inyang | 5.135270 , 7.770220 |
Ikpe Udok | 5.141060 , 7.791810 |
Medim | 5.046870 , 7.627980 |
Mkpatak | 5.052110 , 7.670450 |
Nsasak | 5.148660 , 7.629750 |
Nsasak | 5.086870 , 7.699810 |
Ntak Ekpenyong | 5.070190 , 7.682200 |
Nto Abia | 5.047840 , 7.666580 |
Nto Nsea | 5.130660 , 7.657130 |
Nto Okpo | 5.088910 , 7.612770 |
Nto Ubiam | 5.084460 , 7.629860 |
Nwaigwe | 5.142690 , 7.537720 |
Nyi | 5.064680 , 7.622590 |
Obo-Ukana Iba | 5.086670 , 7.709510 |
Okon | 5.095680 , 7.595870 |
Onuk Ikot Nwo | 5.135700 , 7.703420 |
Ufuku | 5.072870 , 7.579780 |
Ukana Akpa Utong | 5.099770 , 7.718180 |
Ukana Iba | 5.110590 , 7.721330 |
Ukana Ikot Akpan | 5.088470 , 7.736600 |
Ukana Ikot Ofok | 5.110720 , 7.741570 |
Umon | 5.099400 , 7.606720 |
Urua Akpan | 5.127740 , 7.628550 |
Uwa | 5.153480 , 7.648980 |
- You can download geometry data for Essien Udim in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.