Emuoha (Rivers) Map Cropping Samples

Emuoha (Rivers) Map Cropping Samples-1

Emuoha (Rivers) Map Cropping Samples-2

Emuoha neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Emuoha with 3D shadow effect

Emuoha map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Emuoha (geojson format) :
Emuoha.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Emuoha map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Emuoha Map : ( 4.78487136831 , 6.66786633973 , 5.27727136831 , 6.93076633973 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Emuoha map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](4.78487136831, 6.66786633973, 5.27727136831, 6.93076633973);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Emuoha)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Emuoha
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abamesidia | 4.841410 , 6.724860 |
Abiankwo | 4.828240 , 6.833790 |
Agbar Ndele | 4.895500 , 6.701590 |
Ahai | 4.836740 , 6.905310 |
Ahia Ahor | 4.851320 , 6.872750 |
Ahiaeke | 4.930760 , 6.826860 |
Akukwetera | 4.851390 , 6.814190 |
Alibrada | 4.903510 , 6.853660 |
Amangu | 4.821320 , 6.921100 |
Egamini | 4.938660 , 6.719820 |
Egbeda | 5.234080 , 6.751940 |
Ekunchara-Egamini | 4.942780 , 6.723590 |
Ekunchoro | 4.948460 , 6.730260 |
Elele Alimini | 5.055930 , 6.732050 |
Eli Ehia | 4.859900 , 6.710590 |
Emuoha | 4.884000 , 6.860100 |
Ibao | 4.967000 , 6.812650 |
Ikukiri | 4.805340 , 6.903480 |
Imogu | 4.987510 , 6.684040 |
Isiodu | 4.893020 , 6.870120 |
Mbuosi | 4.878250 , 6.885330 |
Mgbu Elia | 4.971880 , 6.744390 |
Mgbu-Olua | 4.980080 , 6.745190 |
Mgbueto | 4.877180 , 6.863130 |
Mgbuhie | 4.951520 , 6.687930 |
Mgbuochio | 4.952740 , 6.687930 |
Mgbuodo | 4.953870 , 6.688680 |
Nsokpo | 4.875320 , 6.856410 |
Obele Gorri | 4.958380 , 6.688090 |
Obele Nwokoma | 4.985600 , 6.683200 |
Obelle | 5.011330 , 6.820390 |
Obia | 4.826350 , 6.736510 |
Obitie | 4.926730 , 6.844580 |
Obogo | 4.890100 , 6.696310 |
Obokiri | 4.826870 , 6.738740 |
Oduoha | 4.818920 , 6.912870 |
Oduoha | 4.920310 , 6.835480 |
Ogbakiri | 4.847780 , 6.889440 |
Ogbamafa | 4.849280 , 6.843520 |
Ogbokiri | 4.793870 , 6.911130 |
Okpabo | 5.117950 , 6.722440 |
Okpoae | 4.884440 , 6.689140 |
Okporowo | 4.830890 , 6.899350 |
Ola-Rumuodogo | 4.888010 , 6.785750 |
Omagwa | 4.983460 , 6.690160 |
Omofo | 4.952080 , 6.732040 |
Omoviri | 4.931520 , 6.675590 |
Omucgolo | 4.998110 , 6.822010 |
Omuiyoro | 4.986090 , 6.820900 |
Orotoh | 4.872320 , 6.898810 |
Orugbanikiri | 4.821920 , 6.745460 |
Orugborkiri | 4.841960 , 6.781080 |
Osogu | 4.862040 , 6.758710 |
Oyeku | 4.925590 , 6.819730 |
Rumechie | 4.833330 , 6.916670 |
Rumuachara | 4.928760 , 6.674540 |
Rumuafo | 4.862250 , 6.761570 |
Rumuahi | 4.870220 , 6.858340 |
Rumuakunde | 4.881270 , 6.859630 |
Rumuche | 4.874170 , 6.857950 |
Rumuehua | 4.903050 , 6.768580 |
Rumuji | 4.940150 , 6.778760 |
Rumuodogo | 4.918800 , 6.790150 |
Rumuokani | 4.822860 , 6.915270 |
Rumuoro | 4.825520 , 6.909430 |
Umu-Dioga | 5.171180 , 6.797380 |
- You can download geometry data for Emuoha in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.