Dukku (Gombe) Map Cropping Samples

Dukku (Gombe) Map Cropping Samples-2

flag map of Dukku with 3D shadow effect

Dukku map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Dukku (geojson format) :
Dukku.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Dukku map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Dukku Map : ( 10.3751713683 , 10.4731663397 , 11.1826713683 , 11.1385663397 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Dukku map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](10.3751713683, 10.4731663397, 11.1826713683, 11.1385663397);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Dukku)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Dukku
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Baluro | 10.817350 , 10.814130 |
Bami | 11.047350 , 11.041110 |
Bana | 10.741410 , 10.955070 |
Bani Gayi | 10.760910 , 10.856340 |
Bardafiti | 10.823970 , 10.565590 |
Bawa | 10.691920 , 10.502150 |
Beli Kadiyel | 10.587360 , 10.574860 |
Birni | 10.722720 , 10.810810 |
Bogurum | 10.854390 , 10.586850 |
Bolari | 11.013900 , 11.116220 |
Bomala | 10.610910 , 10.697850 |
Bomala | 10.378880 , 10.981980 |
Bulbul | 10.784210 , 10.811400 |
Bulbul | 10.806520 , 10.639380 |
Buro Lawal | 10.799900 , 10.681590 |
Damba | 10.651640 , 10.714720 |
Dambazau | 10.694540 , 10.719200 |
Damigya | 10.652050 , 10.597850 |
Dashi | 10.761340 , 10.693060 |
Digge | 11.052740 , 11.079780 |
Dinawa | 10.397120 , 10.998180 |
Dokoro | 10.973970 , 10.827190 |
Dukku | 10.823790 , 10.772210 |
Duku | 10.823060 , 10.771670 |
Duwo | 10.581190 , 10.690260 |
Gabeiyari | 10.971060 , 10.793850 |
Gagara Bami | 11.058100 , 11.009290 |
Gajigala | 10.848240 , 10.635670 |
Gambe | 10.798630 , 10.947370 |
Garin Bazongo | 10.419760 , 10.945490 |
Garin Buba Kuppe | 10.391460 , 10.951840 |
Garin Bulamo | 11.042120 , 11.018920 |
Garin Mallam Bossai | 10.383360 , 10.946860 |
Garin Mallam Jatau | 10.522130 , 10.678750 |
Gashiri | 10.675400 , 10.495560 |
Gidan Bani | 10.792590 , 10.734410 |
Gidan Sarkin-Noma | 10.397320 , 10.969400 |
Girtiba | 10.795410 , 10.600210 |
Gombe Aba | 10.822230 , 10.601170 |
Hashidu | 10.890060 , 10.649610 |
Jamari | 11.048600 , 10.936800 |
Jangira | 10.675240 , 10.610320 |
Jerdadi | 10.704100 , 10.832450 |
Jerkam | 10.801850 , 10.907300 |
Jombo | 10.684020 , 10.750100 |
Juro Musa | 11.035980 , 11.029380 |
Kabade | 10.898030 , 10.672930 |
Kokobe | 10.643880 , 10.581890 |
Kunde | 10.714030 , 10.530210 |
Kuni | 10.699610 , 10.692020 |
Lafiya | 10.968130 , 10.681190 |
Lafiya | 10.784110 , 10.820080 |
Lamba Saingel | 10.779920 , 10.573590 |
Lamba Shawari | 10.765500 , 10.563150 |
Lugo | 10.838600 , 10.581480 |
Lulin Sama | 10.759740 , 10.593660 |
Malaya | 11.004900 , 10.748600 |
Maru | 10.904560 , 11.027430 |
Maulamidu | 10.929140 , 10.711090 |
Nakuja | 10.784500 , 10.768720 |
Nape | 10.676700 , 10.876620 |
Peshare | 10.553020 , 10.668030 |
Runde | 10.812080 , 10.571740 |
Sabon Gari | 10.917150 , 10.653900 |
Sayum | 10.758670 , 10.706730 |
Shabiwa | 10.804490 , 10.773010 |
Shalodi | 10.768910 , 10.790930 |
Shedori | 10.813840 , 10.557430 |
Shuwari | 10.865290 , 10.607230 |
Shuwe | 10.705320 , 10.876580 |
Suka | 10.829310 , 10.988790 |
Tinda | 10.787290 , 10.890660 |
Towal | 10.839410 , 10.613610 |
Tsaiga | 10.663490 , 10.508780 |
Tumpuri | 10.709460 , 10.753660 |
Wakalu | 10.754340 , 10.760150 |
Walowa | 10.707400 , 10.568620 |
Wangi | 10.726410 , 10.735870 |
Wuro Baye | 10.815770 , 10.622950 |
Wuro Bongu | 10.874130 , 10.684020 |
Wuro Dama | 10.786250 , 10.649970 |
Wuro Danuda | 10.828550 , 10.820780 |
Wuro Dole | 10.765490 , 10.779910 |
Wuro Tale | 10.971100 , 10.774080 |
Wuro Tara | 10.818270 , 10.667730 |
Wuro Taraki | 10.859070 , 10.658070 |
Wurodole | 11.006490 , 11.117090 |
Yautare | 10.887900 , 10.586840 |
Yola | 10.778850 , 10.794210 |
Yole | 10.883620 , 10.668520 |
Yolil | 10.803790 , 10.610990 |
Zangala | 10.722320 , 10.787850 |
Zange | 10.567210 , 10.770160 |
- You can download geometry data for Dukku in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.