Biu (Borno) Map Cropping Samples

Biu (Borno) Map Cropping Samples-1

Biu (Borno) Map Cropping Samples-2

Biu neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Biu with 3D shadow effect

Biu map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Biu (geojson format) :
Biu.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Biu map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Biu Map : ( 10.538371 , 11.623166 , 11.070371 , 12.522966 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Biu map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](10.538371, 11.623166, 11.070371, 12.522966);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Biu)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Biu
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Alagarno | 10.858300 , 12.200500 |
Alagarno | 10.819600 , 12.397860 |
Allaguerno | 10.776540 , 11.747740 |
Bam | 10.970460 , 12.034720 |
Bantini | 10.890720 , 11.846260 |
Bappa | 10.842220 , 11.746060 |
Bara | 10.719390 , 12.092630 |
Barawe | 10.586830 , 12.125760 |
Barum | 10.702360 , 11.901970 |
Bima | 10.848620 , 11.865290 |
Biu | 10.612850 , 12.194580 |
Blablin | 10.873290 , 11.727400 |
Bornukice | 10.712930 , 11.764760 |
Brigisam | 10.772430 , 12.216090 |
Bula | 10.623400 , 12.106740 |
Bula Makoama | 10.743520 , 12.149000 |
Bula Mel | 10.624370 , 12.182580 |
Bum | 10.602250 , 12.101080 |
Bumbulum | 10.651380 , 11.950200 |
Bumsa | 10.720660 , 12.078790 |
Burakum | 10.630650 , 12.092920 |
Buratai | 10.904840 , 12.088630 |
Cara | 10.882740 , 11.966860 |
Changul | 10.634170 , 12.150850 |
Charenji | 10.637660 , 11.932840 |
Chemi Moda | 10.725860 , 12.163110 |
Chibakur | 10.737560 , 12.251140 |
Dadin Kowa | 10.776840 , 11.940620 |
Dam | 10.823550 , 12.034490 |
Dambowa | 10.718730 , 11.758760 |
Daneski | 10.715780 , 11.925070 |
Dangusha | 10.688440 , 12.186980 |
Darazau | 10.690310 , 12.155390 |
Diuwa | 10.677380 , 12.166470 |
Dora | 10.972860 , 12.121100 |
Dousa | 10.883140 , 11.768930 |
Dula | 10.674270 , 12.179350 |
Gabu | 10.682430 , 12.233060 |
Gara Bulla | 10.703840 , 11.966040 |
Gari | 10.618540 , 11.944590 |
Gari Abo | 10.724790 , 12.152010 |
Gartu Buna | 10.655390 , 12.072310 |
Garubula | 10.777510 , 12.018930 |
Garwada | 10.591700 , 11.911580 |
Gaza | 10.700390 , 11.769330 |
Geidam | 10.855220 , 11.783960 |
Gohi | 10.669420 , 11.947510 |
Gonda | 10.789430 , 11.850100 |
Gufka | 10.726970 , 12.074360 |
Gulabinda | 10.794780 , 11.782840 |
Gur Garubula | 10.770290 , 12.203420 |
Gur Lawan | 10.778130 , 12.231470 |
Gura | 10.583590 , 12.183970 |
Gurgur | 10.673420 , 12.248180 |
Gwaram | 10.659290 , 12.138530 |
Implessa | 10.602140 , 12.179180 |
Jare | 10.709370 , 12.163380 |
Jimbaru | 10.681270 , 11.978020 |
Jorogumbo | 10.852260 , 11.678210 |
Kasatna | 10.582050 , 11.878220 |
Katsina | 10.721460 , 12.225920 |
Kebura | 10.579090 , 12.228350 |
Kimba | 10.816670 , 12.416670 |
Kimba Chamalwa | 10.820500 , 12.436110 |
Klare Kuda | 10.853940 , 11.977130 |
Kogul | 10.638420 , 12.177740 |
Kunar Ngwa | 10.542570 , 12.209710 |
Kurnari | 10.879320 , 12.109400 |
Kwori | 10.607180 , 11.920010 |
Laraski | 10.778270 , 12.029360 |
Lareski | 10.747190 , 11.767700 |
Logwa | 10.633470 , 12.134410 |
Madia | 10.637390 , 12.141460 |
Mahdiya | 10.809780 , 11.810560 |
Maidaki Mesau | 10.817550 , 11.752760 |
Maidugari | 10.894390 , 11.732450 |
Maina Hari | 10.677850 , 12.156880 |
Mallam Ali | 10.865780 , 11.773420 |
Mallam Bindiga | 10.788450 , 11.740350 |
Mallam Buku | 10.792130 , 11.760560 |
Mallam Usman | 10.569030 , 11.896060 |
Manda Klihilba | 10.601020 , 12.139420 |
Mangada | 10.811670 , 12.127520 |
Mangada Malalam | 10.800840 , 12.131060 |
Mangari | 10.986950 , 12.153460 |
Manicodo | 10.853450 , 11.642620 |
Maza | 11.060250 , 12.045410 |
Mborowa | 10.835550 , 11.768640 |
Miringa | 10.731150 , 12.146260 |
Ndikur | 10.866470 , 11.967650 |
Njibi | 10.869720 , 11.682640 |
Nzuku | 10.624480 , 12.143660 |
Pakilsha | 10.590930 , 12.110070 |
Palma | 10.794680 , 11.937570 |
Panama | 10.916180 , 11.770600 |
Pompomari | 10.720370 , 12.159270 |
Pompomari | 10.579370 , 12.207500 |
Pulda | 10.608100 , 11.960070 |
Pupa | 10.662340 , 11.876640 |
Sabon Gari | 10.623050 , 12.188680 |
Sabon Layi | 10.726230 , 12.222270 |
Shawa | 10.715120 , 12.021550 |
Sungdung | 10.583160 , 12.138960 |
Tabura | 10.620300 , 12.167990 |
Taksak | 10.662530 , 11.958170 |
Tango | 10.834510 , 11.741240 |
Tangurmi | 10.704320 , 12.161230 |
Tsahuyam | 10.779830 , 12.003890 |
Tsahuyam | 10.646590 , 12.090450 |
Tudun Wada | 10.839730 , 11.676150 |
Tum | 10.606800 , 12.108020 |
Unthlur Kuthli | 10.772640 , 12.035740 |
Vulam | 10.577280 , 12.190820 |
Waka | 10.637280 , 12.197410 |
Wakama | 10.619840 , 12.118670 |
Wandali | 10.568640 , 11.958100 |
Warma | 10.721000 , 11.797740 |
Wula Wula | 10.956950 , 12.256530 |
Wungna | 10.840120 , 12.189910 |
Wuran | 10.560970 , 12.208500 |
Wuro Malum Jibru | 10.827040 , 12.123110 |
Wuyaku Birma Ali | 10.852760 , 11.816540 |
Yagwola | 10.775570 , 12.223560 |
Yalori | 10.885400 , 11.709150 |
Yalwa Bariki | 10.598650 , 12.217470 |
Yamari | 10.697550 , 12.154080 |
Yamarkumi | 10.658080 , 12.162800 |
Yamsala | 10.745700 , 12.092210 |
Yarda | 10.698330 , 11.883630 |
Yaulari | 10.723210 , 12.181000 |
Yaulari | 10.733170 , 12.098710 |
Yawe | 10.599450 , 12.223020 |
Zaramari | 10.873810 , 11.661790 |
Zaranda | 10.779850 , 12.011640 |
Zarmari | 10.710890 , 12.151470 |
Zura | 10.809750 , 12.208710 |
Zura Birmari | 10.818630 , 12.172680 |
Zuwa | 10.765120 , 12.021980 |
- You can download geometry data for Biu in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.