Kollo (Tillabéri) Map Cropping Samples

Kollo (Tillabéri) Map Cropping Samples-1
Kollo (Tillabéri) Map Cropping Samples-1

Kollo (Tillabéri) Map Cropping Samples-2
Kollo (Tillabéri) Map Cropping Samples-2

Kollo neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect
Kollo neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Kollo with 3D shadow effect
flag map of Kollo with 3D shadow effect

Kollo map with 3d shadow effect
Kollo map with 3d shadow effect

Create and download free physical and topographic maps for Kollo.

Download outline map of Kollo (geojson format) : Kollo.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Kollo map for "Google Maps" : Kollo.txt
Bounding Box for Kollo Map : ( 12.514871 , 1.483866 , 13.899071 , 2.862366 )
Wikipedia ID for Kollo : Q987243
Wikipedia SPARQL Query for Kollo (population,elevation,area,lat,long, postal code,licence plate) :
SELECT ?population ?elevation ?area ?latitude ?longitude ?postal_code ?license_plate
OPTIONAL { wd:Q987243 wdt:P1082 ?population. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q987243 wdt:P2044 ?elevation. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q987243 wdt:P2046 ?area. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q987243 wdt:P281 ?postal_code. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q987243 wdt:P395 ?license_plate. }
wd:Q987243 p:P625 ?coordinate.
?coordinate psv:P625 ?coordinate_node.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLatitude ?latitude.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLongitude ?longitude.

Run this SPARQL Query on Wikidata Page (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Run this Query with SPARQL API

Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Kollo map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](12.514871, 1.483866, 13.899071, 2.862366);
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Kollo)
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Neighborhoods and Villages of Kollo
Neighborhoods and VillagesCoordinates (Latitude, Longitude)
Abada Goungou 13.391700 , 2.209400
Aboka 13.731890 , 1.827330
Adamou Kouara 13.314600 , 2.473700
Ahamandey Beri 13.295400 , 2.776600
Alha Hokki 13.295400 , 2.357900
Aoula Kouara 13.337600 , 2.311800
Atou Baba Kouara 13.544700 , 2.402800
Baba Kaina Kouara 13.813100 , 2.324100
Babangata Barkire 12.951940 , 2.405490
Baboussay 13.393500 , 2.627100
Badouel 13.371700 , 2.777500
Bagoua 13.497500 , 2.769700
Balankole 13.672250 , 1.778590
Balati 13.651280 , 1.816790
Balati Foulague Koyra 13.632690 , 1.820920
Bamey Kouarey 13.665030 , 1.733330
Bangou Banda 13.424700 , 2.185700
Bangou Bobo 13.714900 , 2.352200
Bangou Guinde 13.607000 , 2.204500
Bangou Kouarey 13.602890 , 1.895890
Bangou Kouarey 13.330200 , 2.584490
Bangoufida 13.416670 , 2.216670
Bangoula 13.605710 , 1.994670
Bani Goungou 13.426900 , 2.167300
Banizombou 12.716670 , 2.500000
Banizoumbou 13.527100 , 2.660600
Banizoumbou 13.292900 , 2.469900
Banka Dey 13.530100 , 2.603400
Banye Bangou 12.914450 , 2.608310
Bari Touri 13.395100 , 2.586000
Barkiawal Beri 13.543600 , 2.311300
Bella Kouara 13.402300 , 2.434000
Bellare 13.754750 , 1.669110
Beri 13.588400 , 1.919600
Bilifouda 13.520630 , 2.234570
Billingol 13.471900 , 2.376100
Bir Zamzam 13.502200 , 2.340600
Bir Zamzam 13.477000 , 2.342700
Birni Fantora 13.710300 , 2.472900
Birni Koberi 13.679800 , 2.484800
Birni Kolondia 13.695800 , 2.464200
Birni Madeize 13.800000 , 2.466670
Birni Sofo 13.694000 , 2.457200
Birni Tondi 13.516670 , 2.433330
Birnin Lafia 13.712650 , 2.534970
Bitaga Zarga 13.366670 , 2.333330
Bitinkodji 13.583890 , 1.959440
Boey Tondi 13.816670 , 2.216670
Boggol 13.351600 , 2.399300
Bokossay 13.426800 , 2.790700
Boksay 13.709770 , 1.596710
Boktili 13.283000 , 2.699900
Boktili 13.535700 , 2.430900
Bom Bangou 13.650320 , 1.500050
Bomberi Kwara 13.333330 , 2.816670
Bomboulassa 13.724710 , 1.682420
Bossey Bangou 13.599200 , 2.135500
Boubon 13.601810 , 1.927310
Boula Darey 13.626100 , 2.790900
Boula Fandoga 13.332800 , 2.808200
Boula Gandatie 13.337500 , 2.809500
Boula Kouara Tegui 13.336500 , 2.793900
Boundou 13.544600 , 2.642100
Boundou Warou 13.564400 , 2.798100
Bourbourkabe 13.642050 , 2.155280
Bourouboure Kabe Keyna 13.683330 , 2.166670
Boyey 13.851900 , 2.016200
Boyey Tondi 13.841320 , 1.978850
Dabara 13.359900 , 2.235500
Dabey Koukou 13.353700 , 2.254300
Dagari Peul 13.167500 , 2.466300
Dagari Zarma 13.196400 , 2.383800
Dakale Kouara 13.820400 , 2.498200
Dambou Beri 13.589020 , 1.922140
Dandala 13.373100 , 2.633800
Danguey Gorou 13.795300 , 2.009000
Dantiandou 13.411800 , 2.757600
Dantiandou Tegui 13.609700 , 2.601500
Dara 13.640590 , 1.791880
Daraina 13.572490 , 1.990320
Dare Gorou Brahima 13.768700 , 2.233300
Dare Gorou el Fazaz 13.746900 , 2.229800
Darey 13.615100 , 2.748800
Darey 13.422100 , 2.727000
Debey 13.629260 , 1.841080
Dekala 13.533330 , 2.216670
Delora 13.819100 , 2.272400
Dey Tegui 13.449300 , 2.790400
Dey Tegui 13.685100 , 2.312400
Dey Tegui Gorou 13.372400 , 2.650000
Diabati Peul 13.387300 , 2.496500
Diabati Zarma 13.380200 , 2.511700
Dikore 13.250400 , 2.470700
Dinki 13.690500 , 2.017300
Diole 13.869400 , 2.074600
Diri Bangou 13.403400 , 2.534000
Dirim 13.678400 , 1.545270
Djerma Gandey 13.600000 , 2.183330
Dolewa 13.366600 , 2.287800
Dolohi 13.458400 , 2.589000
Fada 13.743900 , 2.217800
Falanga 13.426000 , 2.806100
Falink Kaina 13.542700 , 2.444700
Falinke 13.816670 , 2.566670
Falinke Beri 13.543300 , 2.461500
Fandobong 13.448520 , 2.610860
Fandoga 13.272200 , 2.513400
Fandoga 13.750000 , 2.216670
Fandoga 13.543200 , 2.410300
Fandoga 13.813500 , 2.004700
Fandou Beri 13.531200 , 2.556700
Fatay Bangou Banda 13.847740 , 1.866690
Fatay Karma 13.851540 , 1.860030
Fetobokki Peul 13.524800 , 2.351800
Fetobokki Zarma 13.508200 , 2.357600
Fetokadie 13.459100 , 2.630200
Fou Hinza 13.375000 , 2.466400
Gabo Baba Kouara 13.833000 , 2.549100
Gadabo Fetokadie 13.768100 , 2.328300
Gadabo Kouara 13.759100 , 2.362800
Gado Kouara 13.361500 , 2.493800
Gagare 13.515300 , 2.440200
Gala Beri 13.370300 , 2.225500
Gala Kaina 13.360700 , 2.242600
Galbel 13.501700 , 2.231000
Ganguel 13.507570 , 2.033500
Garba Goungou 13.224900 , 2.368200
Garbey Kourou 13.740540 , 1.609620
Garbey Tombo 13.685900 , 2.633300
Gassan Kournie 13.496100 , 2.546300
Gasseyda 13.471700 , 2.671700
Gawana 13.735080 , 1.614790
Gay Kwara 13.600000 , 2.166670
Goguieize Kouara 13.616000 , 2.527600
Gongozougou Peul 13.239200 , 2.390600
Gongozougou Zarma 13.230300 , 2.384800
Gonzare 13.461110 , 2.236940
Gonzare 13.490280 , 2.233890
Goro 13.751210 , 1.828220
Gorou 13.622800 , 2.097100
Gorou 13.472500 , 2.688900
Gorou Goussa 13.838690 , 2.033660
Gorou Keyna 13.566670 , 2.166670
Gorou Kirey 13.426800 , 2.142700
Gorou Yeyna 13.510600 , 2.742000
Gorou-Banda 13.437600 , 2.130100
Goroual 13.500000 , 2.016670
Goube 13.855440 , 2.085250
Goungoubong 13.345100 , 2.282700
Gounou Bangou 13.815000 , 2.141700
Gounti Kouara 13.534600 , 2.487500
Gourmounde 13.595140 , 1.627480
Gourou Beri 13.633330 , 2.166670
Guessel Bodi 13.411910 , 2.361960
Guessel Bodi Yo Koy Kouara 13.432000 , 2.365000
Guilawa 13.633150 , 1.850040
Guileyni 13.441500 , 2.710200
Hamdallay 13.558300 , 2.410800
Hassou Bangou 13.847800 , 2.236200
Hondey 13.660570 , 1.773370
Hondobon 13.689000 , 1.775310
Hondou Beri 13.698610 , 1.990280
Hondou Beri Kouara 13.786860 , 1.975010
Hondou Beri-Zarma Gande 13.819130 , 1.969150
Ibba 13.324300 , 2.333600
Kaba 13.628760 , 1.640510
Kaki Donkay 13.852900 , 2.249800
Kala 13.676530 , 1.513490
Kalassi 13.528610 , 2.578770
Kampa Peul 13.403200 , 2.660200
Kampa Zarma 13.443700 , 2.649600
Karabeji 13.263700 , 2.506800
Karayel 13.497300 , 2.005900
Karbanga 13.632800 , 2.744900
Karey Gorou 13.534700 , 2.004800
Karki Kouara 13.732000 , 2.545900
Karma 13.672420 , 1.812470
Katanga 13.536100 , 2.815300
Keyan-Zarma 13.591400 , 2.420300
Kialoumadobou 13.433330 , 2.233330
Kida Bazagaize 13.620600 , 2.581000
Kida Tafa Kouara 13.586800 , 2.622340
Kiran Billingol 13.763600 , 2.517000
Kiran Fandou Beri 13.759500 , 2.497400
Kiran Mili 13.810800 , 2.502400
Kirtachi Seybou 12.795190 , 2.475570
Ko Dey 13.379400 , 2.844500
Ko Gorou 13.538200 , 2.253100
Ko Kaina 13.588700 , 2.785200
Ko Kire 13.705700 , 2.209200
Ko Kouarey Peul 13.395500 , 2.436600
Ko Kouarey Zarma 13.413700 , 2.450100
Koberi Kouara 13.582000 , 2.470600
Kobiol 13.136900 , 2.406300
Kodjiri Bani Kouara 13.558400 , 2.510400
Kogueli 13.633330 , 2.666670
Kokorbe 13.361400 , 2.737800
Kollo 13.304300 , 2.339000
Kolo Bossey 13.733500 , 2.589400
Kolo Diogono 13.720400 , 2.601800
Kolo Gawani 13.816500 , 2.569700
Kolo Tassi 13.737300 , 2.578200
Koma Koukou 13.501800 , 2.630300
Komba 13.566220 , 1.976480
Komba Goura 13.675410 , 1.764820
Kondo Tondi 13.749620 , 1.691990
Kone Beri 13.746700 , 2.098100
Kone Kaina 13.695600 , 2.095300
Kongou 13.600560 , 2.211110
Kongou Peul 13.309800 , 2.376100
Kongou Zarma 13.300100 , 2.351200
Korgoura 13.630280 , 1.832700
Koroze 13.421600 , 2.189800
Korto 13.493900 , 2.693200
Kossara Hondo 13.544770 , 1.648950
Kossey 13.511800 , 2.044400
Kossey 13.539200 , 2.023000
Kouabiri Kouara 13.722000 , 2.575700
Kouara Lami 13.666340 , 1.748110
Kouara Tegui 13.595700 , 2.206700
Kouara Tegui 13.350600 , 2.270500
Kouara Zeno 13.839900 , 2.319100
Kouara Zeno 13.664660 , 1.526830
Koulou Kouara 13.394300 , 2.206000
Kouofou 13.581820 , 1.665610
Kourteydo 13.395830 , 2.203060
Koute Kwara 13.400000 , 2.216670
Koutoukale Goungou 13.685840 , 1.726640
Koutoukale Tegui 13.703700 , 1.726090
Koutoukale Zeno 13.693820 , 1.743360
Koutoume Bigare 13.615310 , 1.499920
Koya 13.658970 , 1.514110
Labou Titiloua 13.782000 , 2.260800
Larba Birno 13.704300 , 1.557060
Larba Kouara Zeno 13.726170 , 1.592940
Larba Toloumbou 13.694210 , 1.557530
Lata 13.766670 , 1.666670
Latakabiey Songay 13.759780 , 1.666120
Lawey 13.712500 , 2.194000
Lele Koynounga 13.415500 , 2.153100
Leley Beri 13.416670 , 2.166670
Libore 13.403400 , 2.191900
Libore Zarma 13.429800 , 2.196400
Loga 13.775820 , 2.580500
Londiodi 13.654700 , 1.847810
Lougga 13.581300 , 2.344500
Louguel Habba 13.435700 , 2.074700
Mala 12.772500 , 2.500040
Mallaley 13.415300 , 2.177400
Manga Kouara 13.064600 , 2.397500
Maourey Kouara Zeno 13.588300 , 2.651300
Maourey Tokobinkani 13.623500 , 2.680600
Mare Kire 13.712500 , 2.518800
Mayaki Kouara 13.731700 , 2.215600
Mbanga 13.604080 , 1.566720
Mboda 13.468100 , 2.335800
Moli 13.336300 , 2.294200
Moriban 13.860710 , 1.827000
Moussa Diolo 13.786950 , 2.100080
N'Dounga 13.350000 , 2.248890
Namarde Goungou 13.617940 , 1.879170
Namaro 13.686630 , 1.712130
Ndounga 13.350100 , 2.248900
Ndounga Saney 13.347300 , 2.258600
Ndounga Sebanguey 13.349420 , 2.253790
Ndounga Tarey 13.377800 , 2.232200
Niame 13.670800 , 1.790680
Nomaou 13.862200 , 2.012000
Ouiman Tama 13.450000 , 2.233330
Sabou Dey 13.580000 , 2.582300
Saga Fondo 13.583940 , 1.960860
Saga Gorou 13.525800 , 2.218300
Saga Gourma 13.447100 , 2.125100
Sakey Kouara Tegui 13.282000 , 2.467600
Sakey Kouara Zeno 13.279300 , 2.478600
Sama Dey 13.583800 , 2.705400
Samandi 12.930830 , 2.679970
Samari Kouara 13.876850 , 1.911960
Sarando Bene 13.583520 , 1.927970
Sarando Ganda 13.589550 , 1.935490
Sayo 12.834230 , 2.464500
Seberi Zarma 13.294000 , 2.346200
Sefo 13.814300 , 2.249900
Settore 13.560500 , 1.984050
Sikiey 13.641860 , 1.832030
Siminti 13.864790 , 1.926580
Siminti Kaina 13.857710 , 1.944010
Sina Kouara 13.282800 , 2.678200
Siriniere Zarma 13.343400 , 2.305500
Sorey 13.434440 , 2.235560
Soudoure 13.576900 , 2.004400
Soudoure Peul 13.590700 , 2.024900
Sounga Beri 12.893540 , 2.410040
Sounga Dossado 12.875240 , 2.437490
Sounga Foulbe 12.882130 , 2.434560
Sounga Keyna 12.886510 , 2.424230
Sourgourou 13.374400 , 2.683500
Taga Tondi Banda 13.641020 , 1.899180
Tagabati 13.636150 , 1.881370
Taguey 13.340300 , 2.831100
Tahirou Kouara 13.238900 , 2.378100
Taksaba 13.797430 , 1.825810
Talle 13.762120 , 1.629530
Tassa Bangou 13.797500 , 2.421600
Tebonse 13.661100 , 2.164000
Telbia 13.715960 , 1.821160
Tera 13.857200 , 2.014300
Tiaho Kwara 13.350000 , 2.266670
Tianfandou 13.686700 , 2.152700
Tiaptey Tondo 13.696340 , 1.563130
Tiendi Farou 13.399500 , 2.195700
Tietieguime 13.665690 , 1.743890
Tigo Tegui 13.510800 , 2.776700
Tigo Zeno 13.468300 , 2.773700
Tilbi 13.417200 , 2.175200
Timere 13.431110 , 2.136670
Tingobangou 13.416670 , 2.200000
Tiolol 13.381200 , 2.322700
Tiou Dawa 13.357730 , 2.504260
Tioubi 13.301000 , 2.630700
Tiraferi 12.944950 , 2.402820
Tokara 13.383330 , 2.200000
Tokobinkani Peul 13.610700 , 2.344100
Tollo 13.333600 , 2.726100
Tombo Zarma 13.347500 , 2.785400
Tondi Banda 13.860100 , 2.314500
Tondi Fou 13.073200 , 2.475500
Tondi Gamey 13.232600 , 2.446600
Tondi Kiboro 13.515900 , 2.687000
Tondi Kourou 13.826830 , 2.083740
Tondi Mekirey 13.606600 , 2.212900
Tondibia 13.563000 , 2.015600
Tondibia Peul 13.602500 , 2.029900
Torombi 13.692510 , 1.994050
Torso 13.258100 , 2.372600
Touliel 13.379900 , 2.743300
Touloua Kouarey 13.446300 , 2.743900
Toulouey 13.034900 , 2.414400
Wankama 13.654300 , 2.649400
Winde Beri 13.330100 , 2.437300
Winde Gorou 13.367900 , 2.437900
Winde Kaina 13.319600 , 2.461900
Winde Korkoy 13.158900 , 2.373300
Yaboni 13.541290 , 2.224990
Yegui Kouara 13.660080 , 2.170900
Yelouma 13.446300 , 2.511500
Yerima Dey 13.480300 , 2.689400
Yete Kouara 13.769700 , 2.243800
Yoba Birni 13.871570 , 1.910920
Yonkoto 13.624540 , 1.860300
Yoreize Kouara 13.613180 , 1.871770
Youloua 13.536100 , 2.625300
Zama Kouara Tegui 13.710510 , 1.716750
Zama Kouara Zeno 13.720260 , 1.702740
Zankom 12.716670 , 2.500000
Zarmakoy Kouara 13.824400 , 2.038900
Zeibane Fiti 13.759600 , 2.013900
Zimba 13.761200 , 2.549200
Zimba Kouara 13.854300 , 2.231700
Zori Bangou 13.753600 , 2.172900
Zoroney 13.427500 , 2.732800
Zouragane 13.771900 , 2.540200

- You can download geometry data for Kollo in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**) Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.

Create Kollo neighborhoods and villages map.

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