Birni N'Gaoure (Dosso) Map Cropping Samples

Birni N'Gaoure (Dosso) Map Cropping Samples-1
Birni N'Gaoure (Dosso) Map Cropping Samples-1

Birni N'Gaoure (Dosso) Map Cropping Samples-2
Birni N'Gaoure (Dosso) Map Cropping Samples-2

Birni N'Gaoure neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect
Birni N'Gaoure neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Birni N'Gaoure with 3D shadow effect
flag map of Birni N'Gaoure with 3D shadow effect

Birni N'Gaoure map with 3d shadow effect
Birni N'Gaoure map with 3d shadow effect

Create and download free physical and topographic maps for Birni N'Gaoure.

Download outline map of Birni N'Gaoure (geojson format) : Birni N'Gaoure.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Birni N'Gaoure map for "Google Maps" : Birni N'Gaoure.txt
Bounding Box for Birni N'Gaoure Map : ( 12.276771 , 2.469666 , 13.619471 , 3.109366 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Birni N'Gaoure map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](12.276771, 2.469666, 13.619471, 3.109366);
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Birni N'Gaoure)
rel["name"="Birni N'Gaoure"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Birni N'Gaoure"][type=boundary];
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Neighborhoods and Villages of Birni N'Gaoure
Neighborhoods and VillagesCoordinates (Latitude, Longitude)
Abouko Kwara 12.541390 , 2.918080
Afodamata 12.567710 , 2.943500
Alfa Amadou Kouara 12.840300 , 2.973400
Alfa Kwara 12.620540 , 2.909570
Alfa Kwara 12.477910 , 2.888320
Alfabire 13.270200 , 2.872000
Alkawel Peul 13.361400 , 2.953100
Alkawel Zarma 13.372200 , 2.949800
Alouguel 12.579300 , 2.898500
Alzanna Fandou 13.200500 , 2.911100
Alzanna Tombo 13.491500 , 2.925700
Aoulondo Kwara 12.541250 , 2.953290
Arissouna 12.487540 , 2.917310
Babourey Kouara 12.754150 , 2.945650
Bakotounga 12.950790 , 2.912600
Balibal 12.945870 , 2.882620
Balibali 12.942320 , 2.716120
Bangario Baba Moussa 13.344500 , 2.970300
Bangario Baba Peul 13.348300 , 2.920700
Bangario Baba Zarma 13.341800 , 2.919300
Bangario Zou 13.338300 , 2.941500
Bangou Kirey 13.510600 , 2.987700
Bangoubi 13.327500 , 2.931900
Bangoukoukou 12.764840 , 2.964600
Bangourouol 12.930090 , 2.923670
Bangourouol Zarma 12.919760 , 2.927250
Bangoutissa 12.490050 , 2.869860
Bani-Koubey 13.614600 , 2.993700
Banizoumbou 13.428900 , 2.876900
Barbe Peul 13.163500 , 2.887800
Barkeldaba 12.521880 , 2.935740
Barkire Kwara 12.563050 , 2.910630
Barkoy Kouara 13.431500 , 2.991700
Bassi Peul 12.798790 , 2.860360
Bassi Zarma 12.808090 , 2.867890
Batama Beri 13.114200 , 2.899100
Bele 13.418500 , 2.915100
Bellare 13.280800 , 2.913300
Beylande 12.739340 , 2.870240
Beylande Toudorou 12.765600 , 2.886970
Bilingol Peul 12.896380 , 2.910840
Bilingol Zarma 12.886370 , 2.901690
Birni Keyna 13.083330 , 2.900000
Birnial Alfari 12.953200 , 2.865370
Birnial Ibrahim 12.940020 , 2.859370
Birnin Gaoure 13.081730 , 2.910990
Bobalombo 12.563530 , 2.931390
Bobiol Peul 12.933140 , 2.956170
Bobiol Zarma 12.930220 , 2.964790
Boggol Hima 13.285900 , 2.845600
Boggol Mamare 13.303600 , 2.840800
Bogowamou 13.153900 , 2.843900
Boize 12.368350 , 2.918180
Bombodji 12.349240 , 2.941480
Bombohi 12.876500 , 2.866730
Bombohi Ganda 12.862580 , 2.876810
Bossadji 13.073600 , 2.754500
Bossey 12.513360 , 2.928910
Bossey Zougou Ganda 12.981830 , 2.898320
Boudidana 13.034800 , 2.880600
Boula Ola 13.091100 , 2.900600
Boulaga 13.587000 , 3.058100
Boulel Gaori Beri 13.149600 , 2.896200
Boulel Gaori Peul 13.139400 , 2.887400
Boulkordji Peul 13.209700 , 2.830200
Boulkordji Zarma 13.229900 , 2.836600
Boulounguey 12.526810 , 2.859050
Boumba 12.407380 , 2.846460
Boundou Goumey 12.878780 , 2.936520
Boundoudie 12.852220 , 2.776020
Boundouga 12.800730 , 2.685440
Bounou Kwara 12.643000 , 2.935740
Bouringa 12.616060 , 2.885520
Bouringa Keyna 12.642300 , 2.896150
Boybangou 12.636530 , 2.839950
Dabaga 13.179010 , 2.935580
Damari 12.955560 , 2.988490
Dandire 13.403400 , 2.888200
Danga Beri 13.383330 , 2.933330
Daniare 13.243200 , 2.837700
Daniaro 12.834830 , 2.968610
Daressalam 12.969790 , 2.811020
Debe Debe Peul 12.793680 , 2.952030
Debe Debe Zarma 12.789350 , 2.963820
Dey Tegui Amadou 12.962040 , 2.783970
Dey Tegui Moussa 12.721880 , 2.775780
Deytigui-Yeni-Koara 13.592300 , 3.079000
Diafaroutounga 12.753720 , 2.938390
Diandiama 12.861300 , 2.885100
Diantega 13.153000 , 2.715300
Diawando 13.127300 , 2.729300
Diori Kouara 12.841070 , 2.932200
Djassarey 13.265800 , 2.879000
Dogawa 12.945520 , 2.802230
Dogo Kouara 12.850910 , 2.972720
Dogo Kwara 12.582380 , 2.938890
Doldol 13.041300 , 2.786600
Dolle 12.984830 , 2.849910
Donlaga 12.976790 , 2.835570
Donoudibi 13.097800 , 2.922700
Doualaga 13.009400 , 2.857300
Doudo 13.194900 , 2.614700
Drouel 13.219800 , 2.787300
Dyeboukiria 12.372650 , 2.891270
Dyonkoto 12.709060 , 2.955470
Dyowol 12.593160 , 2.889730
Fabidji 12.909400 , 2.864740
Falmey 12.595390 , 2.851120
Falmey Keyna 12.589910 , 2.888330
Fandou Balibali 12.939720 , 2.896590
Fandou Djibo 13.285000 , 2.874800
Fatasaye 13.133330 , 2.650000
Fereze 12.532160 , 2.848770
Fetalare 12.949980 , 2.891680
Fetaloulou 12.813610 , 2.787550
Fonoguirbi 12.513820 , 2.861380
Foulanzam 13.327600 , 2.880900
Gamsa Zougou 13.348400 , 2.884200
Gangani Beri 13.361900 , 2.909100
Ganguey 12.408340 , 2.897120
Ganigoungou 12.617650 , 2.857110
Gaobangou 13.600000 , 2.966670
Gaowado 12.830440 , 2.970100
Gardi Peul 13.472800 , 2.948600
Gardi Zarma 13.492500 , 2.948200
Gardije 13.242500 , 2.667500
Garou Peul 13.123900 , 2.916100
Garou Zarma 13.146300 , 2.935400
Garoubey 13.225100 , 2.895400
Gindo Goloma 12.704210 , 2.783090
Goberi Goubey 12.964230 , 2.849320
Goberi Tassiel 12.978180 , 2.847010
Gobirkoy Beri 13.178400 , 2.515600
Gobirkoy Kaina 13.191800 , 2.507100
Gombewa 13.129600 , 2.486300
Gonoubi 13.126570 , 2.786490
Gordiore 13.094400 , 2.847900
Gordiore Zarma 13.084200 , 2.852700
Gorobanda 12.612840 , 2.930530
Gorou Banda 13.078900 , 2.847400
Gorou Kaina 13.294000 , 2.898700
Goubezeno 13.580660 , 3.028170
Goumbi 13.552000 , 2.937300
Gounoubi Kouara 13.323700 , 2.912600
Gourmandey 13.248600 , 2.950300
Guiaoudire 13.074700 , 2.719900
Guiladji 12.654050 , 2.913440
Guillare Peul 13.130810 , 2.866630
Guirbani Kouara 12.824540 , 2.949920
Habiri 12.826840 , 2.887730
Halidou Kouara 12.860770 , 2.974050
Hamdallay Ama 12.532450 , 2.945720
Hamdallay Hassane 12.544970 , 2.944740
Handou Kouara 13.509030 , 2.926550
Haoulawal 12.961520 , 2.950450
Haoulawal Zarma 12.978340 , 2.948460
Harikanassou 13.258680 , 2.843990
Harikanassou Peul 13.245500 , 2.844500
Hilikoy Kouara 12.835850 , 2.973000
Houndougoume 12.884870 , 2.963390
Imo Kwara 12.585640 , 2.956930
Ira 12.934580 , 2.750950
Issaka Kouara 13.137000 , 2.897500
Issoufoudey 12.840870 , 2.781720
Kaboboy 12.503380 , 2.900690
Kaide 13.201200 , 2.846500
Kala Pate 13.203700 , 2.940500
Kala Peul 13.226800 , 2.946300
Kala Zarma 13.217400 , 2.945000
Kali Gorou 13.579600 , 2.958900
Kanare 13.244500 , 2.763700
Kankandi 12.873740 , 2.963240
Kantyoaga Djerma 12.646250 , 2.859510
Kantyoaga Peul 12.665880 , 2.840760
Kara 13.016100 , 2.934200
Karalay 12.644230 , 2.877160
Karba Karba 13.130300 , 2.897600
Kargui Bangou 13.002200 , 2.659000
Karma Peul 13.401600 , 2.956600
Karma Zarma 13.385600 , 2.981200
Kassanaize Baba Kouara 12.874980 , 2.934590
Kaza Kouara 12.939560 , 2.910570
Kembey 12.616670 , 2.800000
Kiota 13.275000 , 2.958000
Kiota Kaina 13.292600 , 2.957400
Kioulande 13.430000 , 2.948400
Kissin Kissin 13.261700 , 2.955300
Ko Founo 13.186100 , 2.898600
Ko Hinza 13.179100 , 2.915600
Kobe Kire 13.497300 , 2.886500
Kobeberi 13.547100 , 3.026500
Kobekaina 13.519810 , 3.014540
Koberi 13.498500 , 3.057100
Kobo Dey 13.163800 , 2.525300
Kodo 13.237200 , 2.695700
Kofo 13.156600 , 2.737800
Koigolo 13.487100 , 3.010800
Kokitamou 13.283000 , 2.933200
Kola Bossey 13.520900 , 2.945900
Kolbou Peul 13.361300 , 2.968600
Kolbou Zamedo 13.353700 , 2.947700
Kolbou Zarma 13.354400 , 2.974600
Komaguindi Beri 13.366000 , 2.867600
Komaguindi Peul 13.373000 , 2.873300
Komaguindi Zou 13.382100 , 2.878900
Kongore 13.544600 , 2.978500
Konkoure 13.600000 , 2.983330
Koran Kassa Peul 13.029000 , 2.859700
Koran Kassa Zarma 13.041200 , 2.856100
Korobebangou 12.537310 , 2.789130
Kotaki 12.449370 , 2.877070
Kotibanta 12.521310 , 2.834580
Kotyetanga Keyna 12.617830 , 2.964830
Kouara Habi 13.240000 , 2.914300
Koudou Gande 13.106900 , 2.846300
Koudye 12.544620 , 2.876760
Koudye Keyna 12.573720 , 2.885570
Koukoubi Kouara 13.259600 , 2.886900
Koukoubi Sori 13.270200 , 2.902800
Koulou 13.581900 , 2.995200
Kountouniatounga 12.961010 , 2.936320
Kountoure 13.605000 , 3.027000
Kourfare 13.003700 , 2.946400
Kouringuel Kao 13.331500 , 2.893700
Kouringuel Mayaki 13.363100 , 2.904700
Koussoulabou 12.553960 , 2.920970
Koydou 13.414690 , 2.993650
Koydouga 13.407600 , 2.993100
Kwassi 12.299170 , 2.991020
Lalanedji Djerma 12.677050 , 2.885210
Lalanedji Peul 12.679600 , 2.904220
Lalanedji Yero 12.669730 , 2.896950
Lassaoura 13.483330 , 2.933330
Louguedyan Bornou 12.740080 , 2.925580
Loumbouloumbou 12.829390 , 2.902530
Malam Kwara 12.690320 , 2.843520
Maoureydo 12.927180 , 2.885080
Marafa-Koara 13.531300 , 3.025200
Margou 13.104900 , 2.855000
Marouberi Tegui 13.121200 , 2.699100
Marouberi Zeno 13.147800 , 2.713000
Maya Kouara 12.748960 , 2.965570
Mayaki Kouara 13.236700 , 2.914300
Maylare Peul 13.245900 , 2.939100
Maylare Zarma 13.248000 , 2.924000
Mebere Kouara 12.851100 , 2.916060
Mene 13.149400 , 2.916800
Mingui 13.046300 , 2.677300
Modibo Kouara 13.148900 , 2.882000
Moubena 13.458000 , 2.932400
Nazamne 13.303500 , 2.971900
Ndiouga 13.484800 , 2.902700
Ngounga Peul 13.172700 , 2.832000
Ngounga Zarma 13.179400 , 2.827500
Niabere Bella Zarma 13.316700 , 2.840300
Niabere Djambe 13.345400 , 2.860100
Niabere Kaina 13.317400 , 2.854700
Niabere Moulay Peul 13.334900 , 2.836900
Niabere Moulay Zarma 13.335100 , 2.844900
Nialey Kouara 13.316200 , 2.908700
Nianfere 12.673810 , 2.827510
Nioanioare 13.275700 , 2.890700
Nioumey Kougourou Peul 13.147800 , 2.845100
Nyamade 12.804620 , 2.649700
Nyarnyande Keyna 12.837080 , 2.936540
Ouaze 13.127600 , 2.749100
Oude Ali Peul 13.302700 , 2.955300
Oude Ali Zarma 13.311900 , 2.942400
Oude Dourfay Zarma 13.307400 , 2.939300
Oude el Hadji 13.326100 , 2.928400
Oude Seybou 13.305100 , 2.934200
Oudourou 13.445900 , 2.918100
Ouley 13.065300 , 2.796500
Oulhal Zarma 13.352900 , 2.922700
Oumize Kouara 12.864180 , 2.923030
Ouro Dogari 13.107600 , 2.905900
Paterga 13.400000 , 2.950000
Poullo Bossadji 13.081540 , 2.771970
Pounga 13.509200 , 2.894700
Rodji Peul 12.824000 , 2.867590
Rodji Zarma 12.848480 , 2.866760
Saboula 12.528980 , 2.897790
Safa Doungoumi 13.449100 , 2.936300
Safa Kaina 13.453700 , 2.946900
Safa Patiak Peul 13.416400 , 2.965140
Safa Patiak Zarma 13.415700 , 2.945800
Sahaire 13.039300 , 2.769300
Sakala Gonga 12.583460 , 2.771830
Sakala Gonga Keyna 12.594270 , 2.798760
Sakara 12.649590 , 2.837490
Sakirey Peul 13.108300 , 2.915900
Sambou Kouara 12.838710 , 2.963660
Samsere 12.595440 , 2.922250
Sande Moussa 13.248300 , 2.866000
Sande Seydou 13.241480 , 2.865730
Sanke 12.917880 , 2.777650
Seti Birni 13.121800 , 2.979200
Sidi Kwara 12.501600 , 2.884230
Sirakatou 12.859110 , 2.863820
Sosso Bangou 12.945480 , 2.963230
Souda 12.853660 , 2.902800
Souda 12.814140 , 2.914030
Souda Ahidjo 12.807050 , 2.934760
Souda Beri 12.801110 , 2.915880
Souda Boulangaido 12.799540 , 2.941600
Souda Hassane Tiousso 12.787800 , 2.917650
Souda Peul 12.823700 , 2.927590
Souley Gorou 12.831160 , 2.981050
Talawal 12.746120 , 2.700880
Tamkala Gorko 13.069700 , 2.854100
Tana Beri 13.047300 , 2.543700
Tana Kaina 13.064400 , 2.525500
Tana Peul 13.049000 , 2.536500
Tassibon 12.681770 , 2.951100
Tassiel 12.456140 , 2.890170
Tchedey 13.216600 , 2.842400
Tchegao 13.102100 , 2.869300
Tcheloual Zamaido 12.805880 , 2.905580
Tcheloual Zarma 12.797570 , 2.906170
Tiafalkoli 13.533330 , 2.983330
Tiamey Balibali 12.777340 , 2.904530
Tiamey Peul 12.772570 , 2.912080
Tiankargui 12.879100 , 2.816570
Tiassoboba Koara 13.535800 , 3.028000
Tigay 12.759960 , 2.735250
Tilbire 12.920740 , 2.806270
Tinoma 13.215300 , 2.878100
Tombo Assane 12.925910 , 2.786770
Tombo Bella 13.116940 , 2.814980
Tombo Djibo Baba 13.325800 , 2.877100
Tombo Djibo Baba Kouara 13.217400 , 2.727900
Tondi Bongou 12.445640 , 2.975270
Tondi Kouarey 12.906150 , 2.965930
Tondo 12.987870 , 2.708760
Tongossare Djerma 12.682780 , 2.849030
Tongossare Peul 12.692680 , 2.848130
Tonko Dey 13.482200 , 2.986300
Torombi 12.887070 , 2.784550
Toudou 13.174900 , 2.653000
Touhore 12.868280 , 2.633340
Tounga Amarza 13.028600 , 2.898400
Tounga Sina Kouara 12.791430 , 2.893670
Tourize 12.540630 , 2.695480
Tourtourou Kwara 12.726830 , 2.921720
Tyenga 12.667570 , 2.967430
Tyenga Kwara 12.394680 , 2.863880
Tyenga Siminti 12.684350 , 2.982700
Were Guietamey Peul 12.908840 , 2.942430
Were Guietamey Zarma 12.913950 , 2.935160
Winde Bago 12.721150 , 2.899300
Yeda 13.194800 , 2.763900
Yeda 13.539500 , 2.934100
Yeni 13.429110 , 2.994850
Yeni Peul 13.448800 , 2.968200
Yenijende 12.833330 , 2.933330
Yiladde 13.018200 , 2.790700
Yoro Kwara 12.642560 , 2.962410
Zamo Kouara 12.842660 , 2.977280
Zindarou 13.432300 , 2.920900
Zoronay 13.269700 , 2.922300
Zoukwara 12.606080 , 2.688640
Zouzou Beri 13.467900 , 2.884600
Zouzou Peul 13.446900 , 2.885200
Zouzou Saney Peul 13.412400 , 2.887000
Zouzou Saney Zarma 13.430400 , 2.873600

- You can download geometry data for Birni N'Gaoure in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**) Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.

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