Nipepe (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples

Nipepe (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Nipepe (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Nipepe neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Nipepe with 3D shadow effect

Nipepe map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Nipepe (geojson format) :
Nipepe.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Nipepe map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Nipepe Map : ( -14.318092 , 37.433807 , -13.492641 , 38.402946 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Nipepe map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-14.318092, 37.433807, -13.492641, 38.402946);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Nipepe)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Nipepe
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Capouca | -13.989170 , 37.889720 |
Chefe Muachia | -13.932780 , 38.099170 |
Chefe Nipepe | -13.946670 , 38.112220 |
Colete | -13.801110 , 37.448060 |
Coliua | -13.918060 , 37.977220 |
Cololo | -14.144170 , 37.815000 |
Contante | -13.887500 , 37.521390 |
Conter | -14.024170 , 38.202780 |
Cumetonde | -14.273890 , 37.660000 |
Humo Nicuncune | -13.957220 , 38.126670 |
Janato | -13.754170 , 37.885280 |
Lusumone | -13.795830 , 37.450280 |
Macoa | -14.021670 , 37.920000 |
Macula | -13.939720 , 37.815280 |
Malema | -14.122220 , 38.390560 |
Manlia | -13.940560 , 37.972220 |
Manlia | -13.806110 , 37.915000 |
Mapaco | -13.996390 , 37.832780 |
Matxia | -13.920560 , 37.958060 |
Mcapua | -14.076110 , 37.955000 |
Mecamera | -14.063330 , 38.112500 |
Mecamera | -14.100280 , 38.142220 |
Metarica | -14.243060 , 37.819440 |
Morruma | -14.273330 , 37.756670 |
Mtacurro | -14.119720 , 38.028060 |
Mtipia | -14.233330 , 37.866670 |
Muanlati | -14.137220 , 38.138890 |
Muechiua | -14.148330 , 38.056390 |
Muela | -14.131110 , 37.848060 |
Muembere | -13.858060 , 37.532500 |
Muluco | -14.066390 , 38.310560 |
Muluco | -14.019170 , 38.244440 |
Murrula | -14.037780 , 37.931390 |
Mutala | -14.094440 , 38.163890 |
Nacololo | -14.285000 , 37.645280 |
Namatabulo | -14.104440 , 37.925830 |
Namutxa | -14.286940 , 37.732500 |
Nancopue | -13.876390 , 37.515830 |
Nantepo | -14.250000 , 37.850000 |
Nantoco | -14.146940 , 38.298060 |
Napasso | -14.057780 , 37.798060 |
Nipepe | -14.071670 , 38.222780 |
Nipepe | -14.023330 , 37.840560 |
Nocorroco | -13.943610 , 37.913060 |
Pacarre | -14.276110 , 37.697500 |
Paia | -14.103060 , 37.508330 |
Pedro | -14.258610 , 37.888060 |
Raipo | -13.934440 , 37.963060 |
Tamica | -14.278330 , 37.748060 |
Taube | -13.817220 , 37.441940 |
Tela | -14.013890 , 37.764170 |
Txagoma | -14.269440 , 37.769720 |
Vajane | -13.882220 , 37.513060 |
Venhua | -14.060560 , 37.963890 |
Verua | -14.067500 , 37.568610 |
Votiua | -14.128060 , 38.039720 |
Votiua | -14.255560 , 37.572220 |
Votiua | -14.094440 , 37.998330 |
- You can download geometry data for Nipepe in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.