Nicoadala (Zambézia) Map Cropping Samples

Nicoadala (Zambézia) Map Cropping Samples-1

Nicoadala (Zambézia) Map Cropping Samples-2

Nicoadala neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Nicoadala with 3D shadow effect

Nicoadala map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Nicoadala (geojson format) :
Nicoadala.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Nicoadala map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Nicoadala Map : ( -18.023005 , 36.358616 , -17.167723 , 37.197102 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Nicoadala map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-18.023005, 36.358616, -17.167723, 37.197102);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Nicoadala)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Nicoadala
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Andazuce | -17.640560 , 36.806110 |
Barroso | -17.668890 , 36.688610 |
Bero | -17.648060 , 36.592780 |
Bissane | -17.740000 , 36.929440 |
Botao | -17.614720 , 36.805830 |
Chigaval | -17.767780 , 37.012780 |
Chombe | -17.393890 , 36.598060 |
Colete | -17.671940 , 36.595280 |
Dee | -17.400280 , 36.702500 |
Elalane | -17.793060 , 36.792220 |
Funhamuco | -17.756390 , 36.762780 |
Geriano | -17.781110 , 37.112500 |
Ilova | -17.871670 , 36.794170 |
Ingode | -17.582220 , 36.697500 |
Inhangulue | -17.934440 , 36.947500 |
Licuare | -17.584170 , 36.713610 |
Ligogo | -18.011940 , 36.979170 |
Maconde | -17.669440 , 36.863610 |
Maconde | -17.429440 , 36.515000 |
Madal | -17.903890 , 36.960560 |
Maquecha | -17.315000 , 36.432220 |
Maquival | -17.775830 , 37.055560 |
Maquival | -17.735560 , 37.066670 |
Marrongane | -17.680560 , 37.075830 |
Marrumbune | -18.007220 , 36.978610 |
Marrumissa | -17.418890 , 36.683890 |
Matinada | -17.764170 , 36.916940 |
Mendozo | -17.965830 , 36.981110 |
Mepuando | -17.778060 , 36.746670 |
Messia | -17.783330 , 36.753060 |
Milato | -17.790830 , 36.921670 |
Missage | -17.757220 , 36.754440 |
Morais | -17.745830 , 37.066110 |
Morroa | -17.579170 , 36.869440 |
Morrua | -17.720560 , 36.891940 |
Mugogada | -17.805280 , 37.077780 |
Mulehe | -17.580830 , 36.886390 |
Namacata | -17.789170 , 36.907500 |
Namenaua | -17.646940 , 36.684440 |
Nangire | -17.200560 , 36.479440 |
Nhafuba | -17.353610 , 36.558890 |
Nicoadala | -17.608060 , 36.819720 |
Nicuadala | -17.607673 , 36.819706 |
Palane | -17.966110 , 37.013890 |
Rara | -17.663060 , 36.766670 |
Safrao | -17.927220 , 36.952780 |
Safur | -17.867780 , 36.987780 |
Sao Rafael | -17.763890 , 37.074170 |
Sargento | -17.331390 , 36.590000 |
Sile | -17.800280 , 36.970830 |
Sofria | -17.777500 , 37.116110 |
Sopinho | -17.716670 , 37.166670 |
Sozinho | -17.606110 , 36.640560 |
Tangalane | -17.998330 , 36.969170 |
Temane | -17.841940 , 36.971670 |
Tivire | -17.811390 , 36.983330 |
Uarrote | -17.815000 , 36.980280 |
Vimpimba | -17.465280 , 36.539720 |
Zolala | -17.829720 , 37.119440 |
Zunguza | -17.298060 , 36.436670 |
- You can download geometry data for Nicoadala in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.