Ngauma (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples

Ngauma (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Ngauma (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Ngauma neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Ngauma with 3D shadow effect

Ngauma map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Ngauma (geojson format) :
Ngauma.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Ngauma map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Ngauma Map : ( -14.109421 , 35.162159 , -13.553683 , 36.069576 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Ngauma map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-14.109421, 35.162159, -13.553683, 36.069576);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Ngauma)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Ngauma
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aldeia Chamande | -13.868890 , 35.470830 |
Aldeia Chiguaja | -13.759720 , 35.314720 |
Aldeia Litete | -13.960560 , 35.434440 |
Aldeia Lucucho | -13.738890 , 35.542780 |
Aldeia Lussanga | -13.790000 , 35.355830 |
Aldeia Mecava | -13.890000 , 35.672500 |
Aldeia Mitamba | -13.888330 , 35.418330 |
Aldeia Udala | -13.886670 , 35.375830 |
Amade | -13.757500 , 35.583060 |
Amimo | -13.817780 , 35.403610 |
Amuri | -13.934440 , 35.312220 |
Banga | -13.829440 , 35.275560 |
Bango | -13.843610 , 35.392220 |
Bela | -13.792220 , 35.352220 |
Beleie | -14.050000 , 35.450000 |
Buane | -13.809440 , 35.426940 |
Caluma | -13.699170 , 35.807220 |
Camuana | -13.926390 , 35.310560 |
Candulo | -13.836670 , 35.384720 |
Capia | -13.874440 , 35.300830 |
Capingame | -13.762220 , 35.315000 |
Cariguimbe | -13.870830 , 35.470280 |
Casembe | -13.875280 , 35.260560 |
Casembe | -13.895560 , 35.291110 |
Catema | -13.846390 , 35.304170 |
Catona | -13.848610 , 35.450560 |
Catur | -13.792780 , 35.499440 |
Caunga | -13.768610 , 35.268330 |
Chamba | -14.050000 , 35.533330 |
Chande | -13.657220 , 35.489440 |
Chicuti | -13.751670 , 35.278890 |
Chindandal | -13.879440 , 35.273330 |
Chinunga | -13.713330 , 35.887220 |
Chipendi | -13.873330 , 35.394720 |
Chitambe | -13.833890 , 35.365560 |
Chuonga | -13.919170 , 35.312500 |
Chuonga | -13.873890 , 35.464440 |
Chutula | -13.972220 , 35.635560 |
Cuitambe | -13.906390 , 35.298330 |
Cuizimba | -13.949720 , 35.316670 |
Cundage | -13.744440 , 35.544720 |
Dogara | -13.890280 , 35.418330 |
Faque | -13.669440 , 35.844720 |
Firmino | -13.901670 , 35.427780 |
Gasila | -13.869440 , 35.296110 |
Itepela | -13.775560 , 35.524440 |
Jane | -13.803890 , 35.402500 |
Labana | -13.805000 , 35.360830 |
Lovele | -13.773330 , 35.322220 |
Lupalane | -13.734440 , 35.753060 |
Macungane | -13.965830 , 35.624170 |
Magiga | -13.748060 , 35.262220 |
Mamba | -13.703610 , 35.803330 |
Mamiconga | -13.780000 , 35.827500 |
Mapinge | -13.958060 , 35.628330 |
Masimbo | -13.712500 , 35.467220 |
Massale | -13.832220 , 35.381940 |
Massangulo | -13.922500 , 35.431940 |
Mebanda | -13.838890 , 35.509170 |
Mecono | -13.837220 , 35.250280 |
Meterero | -13.876670 , 35.468060 |
Metuana | -13.821940 , 35.505000 |
Mingaca | -13.916670 , 35.283330 |
Missange | -13.820560 , 35.852780 |
Muambico | -14.050000 , 35.600000 |
Mungusi | -13.736940 , 35.474170 |
Nambilange | -13.710560 , 35.886390 |
Necal | -13.847500 , 35.416390 |
Nedala | -13.836390 , 35.282780 |
Nesalo | -13.754720 , 35.810830 |
Netalilo | -13.775560 , 35.354720 |
Ngauma | -13.907780 , 35.297780 |
Nhambala | -13.832780 , 35.417220 |
Ossemani | -13.857500 , 35.394440 |
Pachole | -13.838330 , 35.801940 |
Pacunganha | -13.770000 , 35.844440 |
Panduale | -13.792780 , 35.284170 |
Pandulo | -13.776670 , 35.838890 |
Pechelinga | -13.776940 , 35.283060 |
Ponha | -13.852780 , 35.403610 |
Saide | -13.769170 , 35.272780 |
Same | -13.657220 , 35.560280 |
Sane | -13.857780 , 35.456940 |
Saniquanda | -13.759720 , 35.492780 |
Santarem | -13.701670 , 35.921110 |
Solei | -13.888060 , 35.277500 |
Uncula | -13.854720 , 35.289170 |
Usale | -13.848330 , 35.279720 |
Zamela | -13.810830 , 35.456940 |
Ziquenda | -13.748610 , 35.807780 |
Zonhe | -13.869170 , 35.398610 |
- You can download geometry data for Ngauma in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.