Namacurra (Zambézia) Map Cropping Samples

Namacurra (Zambézia) Map Cropping Samples-1

Namacurra (Zambézia) Map Cropping Samples-2

Namacurra neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Namacurra with 3D shadow effect

Namacurra map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Namacurra (geojson format) :
Namacurra.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Namacurra map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Namacurra Map : ( -17.760813 , 36.789238 , -17.182865 , 37.365421 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Namacurra map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-17.760813, 36.789238, -17.182865, 37.365421);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Namacurra)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Namacurra
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Adacuana | -17.580830 , 36.921670 |
Adamo | -17.396110 , 37.119170 |
Alamba | -17.351110 , 37.063330 |
Aleixo | -17.468330 , 37.249170 |
Andrico | -17.368330 , 37.167500 |
Aside | -17.595560 , 37.190560 |
Auzera | -17.521670 , 36.968890 |
Bava | -17.380560 , 37.033610 |
Brigodo | -17.643330 , 37.247780 |
Burice | -17.463890 , 37.189720 |
Cabaia | -17.687780 , 37.256670 |
Cabuire | -17.581940 , 37.276940 |
Cadir | -17.672220 , 37.049170 |
Camacho | -17.469440 , 36.936110 |
Camisola | -17.257220 , 36.986390 |
Canoara | -17.553330 , 37.197780 |
Chaleca | -17.374170 , 36.916110 |
Chiuma | -17.624170 , 37.143060 |
Chuunda | -17.401110 , 37.123330 |
Cotoa | -17.597500 , 37.278890 |
Cucunha | -17.436670 , 37.159720 |
Cutinhangula | -17.528610 , 37.089440 |
Dualia | -17.469720 , 37.089170 |
Duruma | -17.345560 , 36.840000 |
Farinha | -17.347780 , 37.058060 |
Forquia | -17.476670 , 37.200560 |
Funganha | -17.265560 , 37.075830 |
Garrafa | -17.713890 , 37.228330 |
Huampuiua | -17.483330 , 37.200000 |
Joao | -17.353890 , 36.832500 |
Juse | -17.533610 , 37.086940 |
Latia | -17.418890 , 37.014720 |
Liviavia | -17.413060 , 37.073890 |
Lobo | -17.503610 , 37.080560 |
Lopes | -17.630830 , 37.147500 |
M'Panga | -17.407500 , 37.095560 |
Mabadaze | -17.436390 , 36.873330 |
Macuse | -17.706940 , 37.189440 |
Magaio | -17.433060 , 36.820280 |
Maiacobre | -17.549440 , 37.080560 |
Maida | -17.558890 , 36.953890 |
Malei | -17.226110 , 37.023330 |
Malinguine | -17.498890 , 37.103890 |
Mane | -17.480560 , 37.063330 |
Manges | -17.519170 , 37.218890 |
Manhalo | -17.540000 , 37.210280 |
Manonga | -17.682220 , 37.213330 |
Mapidimuno | -17.379440 , 37.141940 |
Mareco | -17.548330 , 37.075830 |
Marima | -17.554440 , 37.127780 |
Matra | -17.355280 , 37.066390 |
Matuga | -17.638890 , 37.115000 |
Mazuao | -17.700000 , 37.220000 |
Mepima | -17.506670 , 37.220560 |
Mepondiua | -17.647500 , 37.115560 |
Mexexine | -17.650000 , 37.083330 |
Mieva | -17.281110 , 36.993890 |
Muambara | -17.548060 , 36.960000 |
Muanda | -17.413610 , 37.135280 |
Muceliua | -17.703330 , 37.244440 |
Mucuarege | -17.484170 , 37.263610 |
Mucucumi | -17.482780 , 37.111390 |
Mugubia | -17.565560 , 37.147500 |
Muibo | -17.528890 , 37.129720 |
Murraio | -17.455000 , 37.223890 |
Mussequite | -17.313610 , 37.098610 |
Mutanda | -17.286390 , 37.051940 |
Mutange | -17.571390 , 36.926110 |
Mutetua | -17.534720 , 36.962500 |
Muua | -17.272500 , 37.085000 |
Naboia | -17.378610 , 37.135560 |
Nabula | -17.384440 , 37.189440 |
Nachego | -17.420830 , 36.836390 |
Naciaia | -17.364720 , 37.041390 |
Nacinto | -17.569720 , 36.948890 |
Namachita | -17.518330 , 36.968330 |
Namacurra | -17.491940 , 37.028890 |
Namucua | -17.675830 , 37.228060 |
Naviria | -17.443330 , 37.018060 |
Nhacua | -17.469720 , 36.861390 |
Nicolau | -17.355560 , 37.003610 |
Nicome | -17.228060 , 36.981940 |
Pagani | -17.275280 , 36.989170 |
Passuela | -17.718060 , 37.250560 |
Paue | -17.425280 , 36.967780 |
Pedro | -17.456940 , 36.874170 |
Peremue | -17.319440 , 37.105560 |
Rombe | -17.215560 , 37.022500 |
Ronda | -17.613890 , 37.165830 |
Sabelende | -17.457220 , 37.236390 |
Sambola | -17.448330 , 37.172220 |
Silima | -17.611390 , 37.217500 |
Sinalo | -17.451940 , 37.133330 |
Supinho | -17.217220 , 36.976670 |
Tomodo | -17.658890 , 37.294170 |
Uariberua | -17.209170 , 36.972220 |
Uazembo | -17.647780 , 37.093890 |
Umbaua | -17.648890 , 37.297780 |
Umpiua | -17.237780 , 37.063330 |
Ungodo | -17.377220 , 36.997780 |
Vida | -17.575000 , 37.156670 |
Zezela | -17.637220 , 37.142220 |
- You can download geometry data for Namacurra in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.