Mutarara (Tete) Map Cropping Samples

Mutarara (Tete) Map Cropping Samples-1

Mutarara (Tete) Map Cropping Samples-2

Mutarara neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Mutarara with 3D shadow effect

Mutarara map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Mutarara (geojson format) :
Mutarara.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Mutarara map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Mutarara Map : ( -17.7011394501 , 34.0695381165 , -16.2574195862 , 35.3460731506 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Mutarara map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-17.7011394501, 34.0695381165, -16.2574195862, 35.3460731506);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Mutarara)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Mutarara
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aldeia Ancuaze | -16.782500 , 34.561110 |
Aldeia Bandar | -16.636940 , 34.146390 |
Aldeia Flandue | -16.784440 , 34.766670 |
Aldeia Goncalo | -16.826110 , 34.785000 |
Aldeia Luombuo | -16.661940 , 34.265830 |
Alfandega | -17.367500 , 35.154440 |
Alfandega | -16.919440 , 34.826390 |
Almeida | -16.791110 , 34.570830 |
Andrea | -16.875000 , 34.736670 |
Angorele | -17.283330 , 35.266670 |
Antonio | -16.876670 , 34.852780 |
Bacar | -17.466670 , 35.310280 |
Baliro | -16.936670 , 34.841110 |
Bene | -17.184170 , 35.230560 |
Bompona | -17.562780 , 35.328330 |
Botao | -17.326110 , 35.301940 |
Caetano | -17.329440 , 35.018060 |
Camba | -17.110830 , 34.930830 |
Cambemba | -17.398060 , 35.110000 |
Cambola | -17.283330 , 35.166670 |
Camera | -17.547220 , 35.297220 |
Camonguira | -16.565830 , 34.472500 |
Campira | -17.235830 , 35.242500 |
Camunho | -16.882500 , 34.750830 |
Canavete | -16.947500 , 34.861110 |
Canhimo | -17.316940 , 35.252500 |
Cantchitche | -16.908330 , 34.883890 |
Caparga | -17.148330 , 34.954720 |
Cassamo | -17.536940 , 35.185830 |
Cassinge | -16.883610 , 34.752500 |
Catanguro | -16.899440 , 34.834170 |
Catemba | -17.251940 , 35.254170 |
Catunda | -17.315000 , 35.275280 |
Chaleca | -16.629720 , 34.215000 |
Chali | -17.220000 , 34.980280 |
Chapotoca | -17.383890 , 35.118610 |
Chavundira | -17.260280 , 35.003060 |
Chilembe | -17.544720 , 35.142220 |
Chindo | -17.683890 , 35.280560 |
Chinsato | -16.659440 , 34.227780 |
Chirembue | -17.526670 , 35.146670 |
Chitui | -16.645280 , 34.669170 |
Chitui | -17.230830 , 35.204170 |
Chueza | -16.512780 , 34.503330 |
Conapanja | -17.294440 , 35.161110 |
Condore | -17.636940 , 35.217220 |
Conhenze | -16.544440 , 34.505830 |
Cordore | -17.126110 , 34.936940 |
Coro | -17.144170 , 34.949170 |
Cuenga | -16.788890 , 34.768890 |
Cuengue | -16.682780 , 34.364440 |
Cumbua | -17.451940 , 35.235830 |
Cupira | -16.950560 , 34.856390 |
Cusaduca | -17.337500 , 35.141390 |
Cutche | -16.933330 , 35.166670 |
Decha | -17.330830 , 35.314440 |
Djangaia | -16.783060 , 34.859440 |
Doa | -16.645280 , 34.686940 |
Donsa | -17.346670 , 35.232500 |
Dova | -17.201110 , 35.142780 |
Duarte | -17.669720 , 35.267220 |
Dumba | -17.300560 , 35.272220 |
Dzimba | -16.699170 , 34.743890 |
Fero | -16.653610 , 34.198330 |
Floquia | -17.162500 , 35.075560 |
Fortuna | -16.664720 , 34.255280 |
Funganibuco | -16.768060 , 34.529720 |
Ganunga | -17.326670 , 35.267500 |
Giro | -17.472220 , 35.255280 |
Gogo | -17.313890 , 35.021110 |
Gundane | -16.503610 , 34.491940 |
Hebo | -17.343330 , 35.238610 |
Imbizi | -16.396390 , 34.187780 |
Ingale | -17.159720 , 35.141390 |
Inhangoma | -17.488890 , 35.239720 |
Ismail Faquir Bai | -17.353330 , 35.221940 |
Janasse | -17.268060 , 35.264720 |
Jo | -17.190830 , 35.025000 |
Joao | -16.641940 , 34.180830 |
Joao | -17.369720 , 35.131110 |
Joao Vinho | -17.130830 , 34.941110 |
Joaqui | -17.283330 , 35.266670 |
Jossene | -17.138330 , 35.233890 |
Kanchire | -17.100000 , 35.083330 |
Lobo | -16.659170 , 34.663060 |
Luice | -16.774720 , 34.544170 |
M'bala | -17.196940 , 34.972500 |
M'cali | -16.966390 , 34.870830 |
M'pane | -17.354720 , 35.138890 |
Macruso | -17.062500 , 34.905000 |
Macuisa | -16.869440 , 34.775560 |
Mafunga | -16.928060 , 34.825000 |
Maguza | -17.060000 , 35.051110 |
Malala | -17.421670 , 35.258610 |
Mandua | -17.267220 , 35.173330 |
Maricane | -17.357780 , 35.320830 |
Marinho | -17.595280 , 35.175000 |
Marques | -17.436670 , 35.285000 |
Martinho | -17.093330 , 34.925280 |
Massenga | -17.453330 , 35.157500 |
Meidinde | -17.227220 , 34.982780 |
Merica | -17.015560 , 34.890280 |
Mirave | -16.686110 , 34.356670 |
Missuassua | -17.490560 , 35.111670 |
Mlasamunda | -17.134170 , 35.082220 |
Moenda | -17.395280 , 35.138330 |
Moluissa | -17.693890 , 35.304440 |
Mortare | -17.609720 , 35.193890 |
Mtchatcha | -16.736940 , 34.703330 |
Mtchatcha | -16.916670 , 34.816670 |
Muanda | -17.280000 , 35.012220 |
Muemba | -17.002500 , 34.883060 |
Mutarara | -17.440000 , 35.073890 |
Muzimo | -17.194440 , 35.295830 |
Navalha | -17.368610 , 35.323610 |
Nhamayabue | -17.420560 , 35.065830 |
Nhambindo | -17.255560 , 35.184170 |
Nhampinga | -17.468610 , 35.104440 |
Nhapali | -17.097180 , 35.083490 |
Nota | -16.604720 , 34.078060 |
Panducane | -16.928610 , 34.844170 |
Pangueti | -16.898060 , 34.783060 |
Picado | -17.210280 , 34.975560 |
Pueti | -17.150830 , 34.996940 |
Puiti | -17.158060 , 34.956670 |
Quadi | -16.984720 , 34.875000 |
Raice | -16.778610 , 34.548610 |
Raposo | -17.315560 , 35.295560 |
Roque | -17.360280 , 35.181390 |
Roque Dios | -17.395000 , 35.052500 |
Rosse | -17.186940 , 34.967220 |
Roupa | -16.924170 , 34.821390 |
Salima | -16.819440 , 34.786110 |
Sardinha | -17.316670 , 35.266670 |
Satchspimbe | -17.373060 , 35.046110 |
Satune | -17.376390 , 35.046390 |
Sefala | -16.650000 , 34.683330 |
Serenga | -16.584170 , 34.423330 |
Sinjacufa | -17.270560 , 35.014440 |
Sinjol | -17.030000 , 34.888890 |
Sona | -17.276940 , 35.168890 |
Sonde | -17.070280 , 34.908890 |
Sucamiala | -17.437780 , 35.140830 |
Talo | -17.001390 , 34.897500 |
Talo | -17.150000 , 35.000000 |
Tamampine | -17.171110 , 35.240280 |
Tchabuera | -16.839170 , 34.630830 |
Tchaca | -16.844720 , 35.037780 |
Tchacirimba | -16.866670 , 34.733330 |
Tchali | -17.005560 , 34.888330 |
Tchali | -16.800000 , 34.930000 |
Tchamoronda | -16.896390 , 34.775280 |
Tchapita | -16.862780 , 34.780000 |
Tchenhampine | -16.901940 , 34.781670 |
Tchinganga | -16.551940 , 34.496940 |
Tchirembue | -16.949170 , 35.053060 |
Tchulo | -17.120280 , 35.069440 |
Teixeira | -17.468610 , 35.202220 |
Tembe | -17.466670 , 35.266670 |
Tembe-Tembe | -17.460830 , 35.333060 |
Toma | -16.593610 , 34.375280 |
Tomo | -17.314720 , 35.026110 |
Tora-Tora | -17.468330 , 35.290280 |
Toue | -17.408060 , 35.204720 |
Traquino | -17.475560 , 35.226110 |
Trocida | -17.255830 , 35.259170 |
Tuera | -17.138060 , 34.942220 |
Vicente | -17.345280 , 35.136670 |
Vicente | -16.886110 , 34.759170 |
Visa | -16.884170 , 34.754720 |
Zumbira | -17.246670 , 35.250560 |
Zumira | -16.862780 , 34.840560 |
Zuse | -17.198330 , 35.224720 |
- You can download geometry data for Mutarara in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.