Morrumbala (Zambézia) Map Cropping Samples

Morrumbala (Zambézia) Map Cropping Samples-1

Morrumbala (Zambézia) Map Cropping Samples-2

Morrumbala neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Morrumbala with 3D shadow effect

Morrumbala map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Morrumbala (geojson format) :
Morrumbala.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Morrumbala map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Morrumbala Map : ( -17.655827 , 35.145626 , -16.352329 , 36.459145 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Morrumbala map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-17.655827, 35.145626, -16.352329, 36.459145);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Morrumbala)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Morrumbala
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aboobacar | -17.361670 , 35.485830 |
Afonso | -16.612780 , 35.173330 |
Aguas Quentes | -17.416670 , 35.350000 |
Alfaiate | -17.071940 , 36.202780 |
Aluto | -17.070280 , 35.791940 |
Alves | -17.313610 , 35.347220 |
Amosse | -16.688330 , 35.565280 |
Anibal | -17.336670 , 35.345560 |
Arefai | -16.950000 , 35.300000 |
Armeida | -17.214720 , 35.460830 |
Avalinho | -17.392500 , 36.138060 |
Benguma | -17.306390 , 35.658890 |
Boroma | -17.445280 , 35.659720 |
Caguala | -16.554170 , 35.536110 |
Caixote | -17.576110 , 35.438890 |
Camacho | -16.503060 , 35.366110 |
Campata | -16.767220 , 35.392780 |
Candieiro | -17.100280 , 36.183890 |
Canivete | -17.396390 , 35.624440 |
Cardoa | -17.487220 , 35.672780 |
Casteano | -17.494170 , 35.802500 |
Caverere | -16.753060 , 35.723890 |
Chagaca | -17.114170 , 35.533060 |
Chametengo | -17.023330 , 35.381670 |
Changata | -16.860280 , 35.341670 |
Checha | -17.180000 , 35.887220 |
Checha | -17.127220 , 35.769720 |
Chelim | -16.943610 , 35.997220 |
Cherimane | -17.164720 , 35.946670 |
Chibanga | -16.766670 , 35.383330 |
Chicono | -16.971940 , 36.281390 |
Chigaia | -16.950000 , 35.300000 |
Chilo | -17.158330 , 35.961940 |
Chilomo | -16.554170 , 35.158060 |
Chipanga | -17.458060 , 35.341670 |
Citsa | -16.650000 , 35.216670 |
Combuane | -17.618060 , 35.609170 |
Correia | -16.540560 , 35.883610 |
Cozombe | -17.107780 , 35.609720 |
Cuelo | -16.662780 , 36.005560 |
Cumbapa | -17.226670 , 35.653330 |
Daciana | -17.272780 , 36.259440 |
Derre | -16.964720 , 36.126670 |
Dinheiro | -17.225280 , 36.142220 |
Dzongua | -16.633330 , 35.200000 |
Enchaua | -17.496390 , 35.483060 |
Faouire | -17.570830 , 35.571110 |
Feijao | -17.380280 , 35.527500 |
Fortes | -17.290560 , 35.349170 |
Gabizua | -17.090830 , 36.091670 |
Galave | -17.042220 , 36.141390 |
Galimote | -16.780560 , 35.479440 |
Gera | -17.273890 , 35.341670 |
Gimo | -16.527220 , 35.347220 |
Goera | -17.207780 , 35.450830 |
Golombe | -17.170560 , 36.124170 |
Gomo | -16.642500 , 35.256390 |
Gondoa | -17.282780 , 35.637780 |
Guerrissa | -17.318890 , 35.957780 |
Gulengula | -17.054720 , 35.331390 |
Gumbe | -16.610000 , 35.388890 |
Gundasse | -17.361670 , 35.764720 |
Induna | -16.948610 , 35.484170 |
Inhacondira | -17.388330 , 35.780280 |
Inhamaonde | -16.743330 , 35.732500 |
Jafar | -17.574440 , 35.535000 |
Janimoto | -17.192500 , 35.929720 |
Jase | -17.025280 , 36.207780 |
Jasse | -16.875000 , 35.363330 |
Jasse | -17.198060 , 35.838330 |
Jasse | -16.755830 , 35.700280 |
Jasse | -17.221390 , 35.619720 |
Jassene | -17.326670 , 35.531110 |
Jirunca | -17.595830 , 35.627780 |
Joao | -17.466940 , 36.430560 |
Kakawa | -17.016670 , 35.300000 |
Licoa | -16.977220 , 36.031390 |
Licose | -16.763890 , 36.039440 |
Lomue | -16.972220 , 36.182780 |
Lundu | -16.883330 , 35.283330 |
M'toa | -16.550560 , 35.169170 |
Mabala | -17.475000 , 36.341390 |
Maceto | -17.187780 , 35.303060 |
Machuambo | -17.555560 , 35.452780 |
Macumbise | -16.967220 , 36.308330 |
Madeira | -17.298060 , 36.077220 |
Maia | -17.223610 , 36.106390 |
Maibeque | -16.916670 , 35.300000 |
Maina | -16.607220 , 35.874720 |
Majaro | -16.970560 , 36.243610 |
Mandaua | -17.588890 , 35.325830 |
Maneca | -17.499720 , 35.886110 |
Marecene | -16.671110 , 35.649170 |
Marrenco | -17.187500 , 35.437500 |
Marruo | -16.971940 , 36.236390 |
Marundo | -17.202780 , 35.665000 |
Massanga | -16.864440 , 36.131940 |
Matambe | -16.559440 , 35.543610 |
Matamulo | -16.548610 , 35.552780 |
Matchiua | -17.355000 , 36.316110 |
Matico | -16.729440 , 36.032780 |
Maticula | -16.892220 , 36.259720 |
Matimane | -17.106670 , 36.177500 |
Matimba | -17.242220 , 36.181670 |
Matipuire | -17.375560 , 35.633060 |
Matombe | -16.981110 , 36.171670 |
Matope | -16.634720 , 35.889170 |
Mecarrula | -17.300280 , 36.063890 |
Megaza | -17.138330 , 35.315560 |
Mepinha | -17.216670 , 35.783330 |
Metolola | -16.610000 , 35.717220 |
Mida | -17.016110 , 35.934720 |
Mindai | -17.134440 , 35.932500 |
Mone | -17.548890 , 35.344170 |
Morerembe | -17.117500 , 35.409440 |
Morire | -16.764440 , 35.455560 |
Morrumbala | -17.326940 , 35.584170 |
Muaerua | -16.843610 , 35.951110 |
Mucita | -17.078330 , 36.074720 |
Muerunco | -17.552780 , 35.479170 |
Mulogomoda | -17.168330 , 36.424440 |
Mulolo | -16.500000 , 35.216670 |
Nanamira | -17.407500 , 35.692780 |
Nantucunha | -17.190280 , 36.089720 |
Natango | -16.988060 , 36.207220 |
Naviriano | -16.839440 , 36.241390 |
Nhacaraze | -17.058890 , 35.564440 |
Nhalicoco | -16.874170 , 35.927500 |
Nhamalinda | -16.565830 , 35.921390 |
Nhambande | -17.034440 , 35.803060 |
Nhamuanha | -16.853610 , 35.556110 |
Nhanzozo | -16.790000 , 36.075280 |
Nhecoro | -17.260280 , 35.591110 |
Pamba | -17.352220 , 35.950830 |
Pedro | -17.103330 , 36.185560 |
Pedro M'dumba | -17.176940 , 36.032780 |
Penembe | -16.896390 , 35.521110 |
Pinda | -17.366940 , 35.349170 |
Polaina | -17.254170 , 36.069440 |
Quembe | -16.652220 , 35.689170 |
Quembo | -17.397780 , 35.826670 |
Raposo | -17.290830 , 35.606940 |
Roda | -17.280280 , 35.386940 |
Rondau | -17.441940 , 36.229440 |
Runa | -16.779440 , 35.378060 |
Sabao | -17.135830 , 36.156390 |
Sabe | -17.631110 , 35.531390 |
Sabe | -17.236940 , 35.613890 |
Sacaombe | -17.151110 , 36.144440 |
Samassoa | -16.832220 , 36.259440 |
Samuana | -16.829440 , 35.336110 |
Sande | -16.783890 , 35.517500 |
Sapanda | -17.384720 , 36.127500 |
Silva | -17.565280 , 35.428610 |
Solemane | -17.178890 , 35.977500 |
Souza | -16.795280 , 35.349170 |
Souza | -17.307500 , 35.611110 |
Suare | -17.600000 , 35.583330 |
Supine | -17.349440 , 36.347780 |
Tabanha | -16.687220 , 35.870560 |
Tebeia | -16.885560 , 35.951940 |
Tembete | -17.153330 , 35.966940 |
Tesoura | -17.314440 , 36.059170 |
Tole | -17.045830 , 35.703610 |
Uapero | -17.039720 , 36.210560 |
Uncabe | -17.023060 , 36.128610 |
Vicente | -16.616670 , 35.183330 |
Zauara | -16.666390 , 35.668890 |
- You can download geometry data for Morrumbala in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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