Mecanhelas (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples

Mecanhelas (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Mecanhelas (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Mecanhelas neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Mecanhelas with 3D shadow effect

Mecanhelas map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Mecanhelas (geojson format) :
Mecanhelas.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Mecanhelas map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Mecanhelas Map : ( -15.479039 , 35.790684 , -14.395753 , 36.434509 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Mecanhelas map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-15.479039, 35.790684, -14.395753, 36.434509);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Mecanhelas)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Mecanhelas
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Bendela | -15.441110 , 35.908890 |
Buena-uzi | -14.833330 , 35.983330 |
Buenausse | -14.710560 , 36.024720 |
Buto | -14.683330 , 35.916670 |
Cagona | -15.081940 , 36.264170 |
Cajama | -15.437500 , 36.037780 |
Caquelele | -15.224440 , 36.114440 |
Casembe | -15.179440 , 35.875000 |
Catita | -14.733330 , 35.883330 |
Chamba | -15.309720 , 36.147780 |
Chefe Alela | -15.356390 , 36.078330 |
Chefe Bolera | -14.723890 , 36.241390 |
Chefe Cachepo | -14.610830 , 35.915560 |
Chefe Cagingue | -15.426110 , 35.951110 |
Chefe Carreguene | -14.922500 , 35.943060 |
Chefe Cassara | -15.390560 , 36.153330 |
Chefe Chemenha | -15.183610 , 36.261670 |
Chefe Chicuato | -15.168610 , 35.902500 |
Chefe Chiposse | -15.025000 , 35.966390 |
Chefe Chitimbe | -15.338890 , 35.905830 |
Chefe Correia | -14.793890 , 35.968060 |
Chefe Covinha | -15.367220 , 36.275000 |
Chefe Cumulique | -15.034440 , 36.014720 |
Chefe Cuvine | -15.429170 , 36.143060 |
Chefe Dalama | -15.306670 , 36.324440 |
Chefe Epere | -15.131110 , 36.257500 |
Chefe Erera | -14.994440 , 36.094170 |
Chefe Japola | -15.143890 , 35.873890 |
Chefe Jossemira | -15.135830 , 35.938610 |
Chefe Jossene | -15.229440 , 35.923610 |
Chefe Macaria | -15.389170 , 36.090560 |
Chefe Manheue | -15.413890 , 36.175560 |
Chefe Manhungua | -14.980280 , 36.107220 |
Chefe Manhungua | -15.096110 , 36.135830 |
Chefe Manhunho | -14.971110 , 35.954720 |
Chefe Maque | -15.343610 , 36.033060 |
Chefe Marrapata | -15.261670 , 36.101110 |
Chefe Matevele | -14.897780 , 36.059170 |
Chefe Mauissa | -15.278890 , 36.148890 |
Chefe Mecomera | -15.270280 , 35.950830 |
Chefe Meia | -15.297220 , 36.224720 |
Chefe Mepemba | -15.311390 , 35.975000 |
Chefe Metambela | -15.280560 , 36.188890 |
Chefe Micuna | -15.074170 , 35.947780 |
Chefe Mipomola | -14.730280 , 36.127220 |
Chefe Mongorra | -14.751110 , 35.968060 |
Chefe Muala | -15.224440 , 36.019170 |
Chefe Muala | -14.809720 , 35.900000 |
Chefe Muandama | -15.329720 , 36.156390 |
Chefe Mucarro | -15.402780 , 36.026390 |
Chefe Mucoma | -15.241940 , 36.282500 |
Chefe Muecua | -14.693060 , 35.922500 |
Chefe Muela | -14.884720 , 36.283330 |
Chefe Muember | -15.429440 , 35.899720 |
Chefe Muririma | -14.714170 , 36.216390 |
Chefe Nacari | -15.440000 , 36.176940 |
Chefe Naissima | -15.279170 , 35.985280 |
Chefe Nambande | -15.319440 , 35.953890 |
Chefe Nanchapa | -15.057780 , 36.125830 |
Chefe Nangune | -15.367780 , 35.918890 |
Chefe Nicopolo | -15.179440 , 36.074170 |
Chefe Nivinho | -15.043890 , 36.241390 |
Chefe Nivoquia | -15.199720 , 36.011940 |
Chefe Quissacasse | -15.101110 , 35.961390 |
Chefe Urandule | -15.437220 , 35.935280 |
Chefe Vanhiua | -15.298890 , 36.002780 |
Chefe Vatiua | -15.370280 , 35.992220 |
Chefe Vilite | -15.333890 , 36.232220 |
Chiranguane | -15.111940 , 36.013890 |
Cingano | -15.383330 , 35.934170 |
Comera | -15.266670 , 36.000000 |
Companhiua | -15.010000 , 36.079720 |
Conangungo | -15.274720 , 36.210830 |
Cuerocule | -14.950000 , 35.916670 |
Culimar | -14.976670 , 36.004720 |
Entre-Lagos | -14.982780 , 35.884170 |
Ferreira | -14.869720 , 36.329720 |
Gingonha | -14.895830 , 36.140000 |
Issufo | -15.237220 , 35.860830 |
Machauene | -15.116110 , 36.165280 |
Malangono | -15.015830 , 35.983610 |
Malangono | -14.983330 , 35.933330 |
Malico | -15.307500 , 36.168890 |
Manavel | -15.369440 , 36.215000 |
Manhunho | -14.952220 , 35.936670 |
Matimbe | -15.101390 , 35.969720 |
Matuaeco | -15.290280 , 35.972780 |
Matuto | -14.649440 , 35.934440 |
Mecanhelas | -15.200000 , 35.883330 |
Mecanhelas | -15.200000 , 35.866670 |
Megissa | -14.647220 , 35.955000 |
Mepunga | -15.125280 , 36.256940 |
Messia | -14.616670 , 35.983330 |
Metucula | -15.438890 , 36.214440 |
Milione | -15.405560 , 35.942220 |
Mirole | -15.195280 , 36.218890 |
Mlaviua | -15.409720 , 36.013890 |
Moreno | -14.612220 , 35.898330 |
Mpanda | -15.152780 , 35.923610 |
Muala | -15.210280 , 36.037780 |
Mucomo | -15.240830 , 36.235830 |
Muima | -15.086110 , 35.976670 |
Mulima | -15.204440 , 35.860830 |
Muria | -15.283330 , 35.908330 |
Mussorro | -15.373610 , 36.012500 |
Mvigo | -15.073890 , 36.261940 |
Nacaca | -14.733330 , 35.949440 |
Nacuala | -15.320000 , 36.116110 |
Namabe | -15.328890 , 36.022220 |
Namacaca | -15.286390 , 35.946940 |
Namatcha | -15.300000 , 36.016670 |
Namuaia | -15.345560 , 35.886390 |
Naquali | -15.083610 , 36.131670 |
Necucuta | -15.295830 , 36.288890 |
Nemoni | -15.273610 , 36.401390 |
Nemtchapa | -15.094440 , 36.224440 |
Nionga | -15.034440 , 36.058060 |
Pabissane | -15.236110 , 36.229440 |
Palale | -15.282220 , 35.861110 |
Panachengua | -15.381110 , 35.910280 |
Peruane | -15.230280 , 35.863890 |
Pescaria Aldeia da Silva | -14.546390 , 35.917500 |
Pescaria Duarte | -14.581940 , 35.903060 |
Pescaria Moreno | -14.523890 , 35.928890 |
Pescaria Patricio | -14.509720 , 35.916390 |
Popo | -15.282220 , 35.926940 |
Quitocole | -15.233890 , 36.303330 |
Regulo Carronga | -14.951390 , 36.162500 |
Regulo Chamba | -15.328330 , 36.138890 |
Regulo Mecanhelas | -15.218610 , 35.881670 |
Regulo Messossomera | -15.271670 , 35.850000 |
Sabite | -14.982220 , 36.111390 |
Sale | -15.284170 , 36.354440 |
Serecai | -15.429170 , 36.083330 |
Sousa | -15.442220 , 36.046110 |
Sulemane | -14.800000 , 35.950000 |
Tchalamanda | -15.040830 , 35.982780 |
Tchepoce | -15.028060 , 35.981940 |
Teble | -15.439440 , 35.955000 |
Tobue | -15.025830 , 36.033060 |
Uaite | -15.045830 , 36.012780 |
Vanavegua | -15.360830 , 36.060280 |
- You can download geometry data for Mecanhelas in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.