Maua (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples

Maua (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Maua (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Maua neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Maua with 3D shadow effect

Maua map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Maua (geojson format) :
Maua.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Maua map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Maua Map : ( -14.366103 , 36.113075 , -13.430336 , 37.745808 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Maua map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-14.366103, 36.113075, -13.430336, 37.745808);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Maua)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Maua
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abima | -13.778610 , 37.334170 |
Aldeia Colope | -13.887220 , 37.360560 |
Aldeia Mamirrupa | -13.734170 , 37.260000 |
Aldeia Mugoma | -13.776940 , 37.305000 |
Aldeia Socossera | -13.761670 , 37.274720 |
Amela | -14.086390 , 37.311940 |
Amita | -13.784720 , 37.318890 |
Araujo | -13.883610 , 37.158890 |
Caiaia | -13.987500 , 37.001110 |
Cauarra | -14.218890 , 37.075560 |
Cavala | -14.285280 , 37.476940 |
Chaga | -14.202500 , 37.431110 |
Chicoco | -14.059170 , 37.414440 |
Coia | -13.567500 , 37.505000 |
Cuvir | -14.245560 , 37.440000 |
Cuvir | -14.234170 , 37.517500 |
Daraimo | -13.805280 , 37.716940 |
Djerace | -14.177500 , 37.285560 |
Iagaia | -14.265000 , 37.401670 |
Intepia | -14.121670 , 37.355560 |
Jemusse | -13.885830 , 37.196940 |
Jeomar | -13.671110 , 37.463890 |
Lotia | -14.243890 , 37.322780 |
Mancoze | -13.727500 , 37.375000 |
Mara | -13.798330 , 36.971110 |
Massassa | -14.018330 , 37.344170 |
Massuco | -14.188060 , 37.484170 |
Maua | -13.930000 , 37.139170 |
Maua | -13.875560 , 37.161110 |
Mauarre | -13.810280 , 37.717780 |
Meca | -13.852220 , 37.429170 |
Mepepe | -14.126110 , 37.259720 |
Merripa | -14.235280 , 37.167220 |
Metambarra | -14.054720 , 37.380830 |
Metarapa | -14.011940 , 37.368610 |
Metulucula | -14.166670 , 37.400000 |
Mina | -14.009170 , 36.361110 |
Mirrione | -14.005280 , 37.150280 |
Mombe | -13.570560 , 37.506390 |
Mompano | -13.718890 , 37.448890 |
Mono | -13.890560 , 37.328890 |
Montovo | -13.775280 , 37.361670 |
Mtipia | -14.220830 , 37.370280 |
Muavi | -13.927220 , 37.390830 |
Mucareco | -14.177780 , 37.355560 |
Mucoco | -14.068890 , 37.424720 |
Muela | -13.783890 , 36.946670 |
Mugema | -13.631940 , 37.311110 |
Muiua | -14.055000 , 37.400280 |
Muoco | -14.148610 , 37.239170 |
Mutelo | -13.915000 , 37.385280 |
Mutuma | -14.143330 , 37.479440 |
Naipa | -14.222220 , 37.320000 |
Namai | -13.845830 , 37.432220 |
Namarica | -14.091110 , 36.836390 |
Nametarra | -14.205280 , 37.503610 |
Nanqueja | -13.744720 , 37.365280 |
Napua | -13.778330 , 37.338330 |
Navelaque | -13.920280 , 37.376670 |
Niassa | -14.198890 , 37.496670 |
Nicaliua | -14.213060 , 37.511670 |
Nicunha | -14.160830 , 37.443890 |
Niuauarra | -13.593330 , 37.522220 |
Nivassa | -14.014720 , 37.419440 |
Pilale | -13.670560 , 37.482220 |
Pile | -14.283890 , 37.441390 |
Punhela | -14.233890 , 37.208060 |
Quingue | -14.224440 , 37.135280 |
Quita | -14.026940 , 37.431390 |
Quita | -14.017780 , 37.426110 |
Rapala | -14.021110 , 36.450000 |
Ratixe | -13.680560 , 37.398330 |
Somaina | -14.009170 , 37.415560 |
Tueia | -14.144720 , 37.243610 |
Txamaca | -14.207780 , 37.346110 |
Uapaca | -14.024170 , 37.345000 |
Vailo | -13.751390 , 37.367500 |
Vila Verde | -13.736670 , 37.345280 |
Xicule | -13.814440 , 37.282780 |
Xuati | -13.748060 , 37.437780 |
- You can download geometry data for Maua in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.