Marrupa (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples

Marrupa (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Marrupa (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Marrupa neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Marrupa with 3D shadow effect

Marrupa map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Marrupa (geojson format) :
Marrupa.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Marrupa map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Marrupa Map : ( -13.898727 , 36.699909 , -12.177667 , 38.23431 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Marrupa map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-13.898727, 36.699909, -12.177667, 38.23431);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Marrupa)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Marrupa
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Acujo | -13.204170 , 37.510000 |
Aldeia Nacapa | -13.428330 , 37.386670 |
Aldeia Namuela | -13.367500 , 37.398060 |
Aldeia Panaema | -13.378330 , 37.494440 |
Aldeia Tempue | -13.253890 , 37.434440 |
Ancuirre | -13.431110 , 37.802500 |
Antuura | -13.220280 , 37.546670 |
Apura | -13.272500 , 37.691940 |
Assualo | -13.348890 , 37.512220 |
Bucire | -12.716670 , 37.916670 |
Caixote | -13.218890 , 37.535830 |
Calamo | -12.955830 , 37.797500 |
Catia | -12.750000 , 37.983330 |
Cepo | -13.210000 , 37.507780 |
Chipembe | -12.900000 , 37.405000 |
Contende | -12.897500 , 37.735560 |
Coriua | -13.510560 , 37.838890 |
Cuelamuene | -13.790280 , 37.890280 |
Cumongoe | -12.867500 , 37.373890 |
Cunelahe | -12.935560 , 37.746390 |
Curia | -13.395280 , 37.709720 |
Curmoto | -13.341940 , 37.517220 |
Cutxupa | -13.215830 , 37.529440 |
Djairoce | -13.364170 , 37.522500 |
Djambe | -12.967780 , 37.782780 |
Entomar | -12.973060 , 37.780830 |
Iambura | -12.950560 , 37.803890 |
Imete | -12.946940 , 37.804720 |
Jaice | -13.096110 , 37.599440 |
Jutu | -13.428060 , 37.798610 |
Lipula | -13.405830 , 37.729720 |
Macanhola | -12.456390 , 37.577220 |
Macorrocue | -12.910830 , 37.834440 |
Macula | -13.361390 , 37.494720 |
Mahique | -12.850280 , 37.717780 |
Malique | -13.390000 , 37.717500 |
Mape | -13.230560 , 37.549720 |
Maringanha | -13.417780 , 37.879440 |
Marrupa | -13.198382 , 37.499458 |
Matiquite | -12.928060 , 37.685280 |
Matola | -13.085000 , 37.605830 |
Meperia | -13.121390 , 37.579720 |
Mepinda | -13.044440 , 37.553610 |
Momola | -12.916940 , 37.831670 |
Morripa | -13.503610 , 37.838060 |
Mucuairia | -12.735000 , 37.524170 |
Mucumba | -13.235000 , 37.482500 |
Muicoma | -13.345000 , 37.528610 |
Munlala | -13.287220 , 37.663890 |
Mussoma | -12.840280 , 37.693610 |
Muta | -13.413890 , 37.808330 |
N'cupa | -12.894440 , 37.841940 |
N'lia | -12.785560 , 37.869170 |
Nacamo | -13.080280 , 37.611110 |
Namacuaiaia | -12.738060 , 37.452220 |
Namassonga | -12.752220 , 37.442780 |
Namatchuca | -12.732220 , 37.910280 |
Nambaica | -13.154170 , 37.550000 |
Namopo | -13.039440 , 37.560560 |
Nampacane | -12.872780 , 37.862500 |
Nampue | -12.891390 , 37.506390 |
Namuera | -13.223330 , 37.464440 |
Naneuma | -12.899170 , 37.508610 |
Nangavia | -13.389440 , 37.748330 |
Nanlicha | -12.884170 , 37.690280 |
Napua | -13.133890 , 37.569170 |
Napuzi | -12.491670 , 37.641390 |
Naquiria | -12.698060 , 37.940830 |
Necuela | -13.276110 , 37.694720 |
Necuinda | -12.833330 , 36.900000 |
Netchecera | -12.928060 , 37.750000 |
Netunto | -13.233330 , 37.691390 |
Nhungo | -13.181390 , 37.513330 |
Nicane | -13.205560 , 37.521110 |
Nicuo | -12.627500 , 37.445000 |
Nioque | -12.844440 , 37.710000 |
Nungo | -13.409440 , 37.784440 |
Pereira | -13.417780 , 37.943890 |
Pijore | -13.412500 , 37.722500 |
Puecera | -12.937220 , 37.819440 |
Quita | -12.709170 , 37.916670 |
Ritaca | -13.169720 , 37.541110 |
Ruculia | -13.212220 , 37.511940 |
Saide | -13.417780 , 37.844440 |
Salimane | -13.217780 , 37.513060 |
Salimo | -13.422780 , 37.926670 |
Saule | -12.789720 , 37.428610 |
Selimo | -12.923330 , 37.828610 |
Sole | -13.193890 , 37.514720 |
Tagir | -13.257780 , 37.230280 |
Tcheco | -12.949440 , 37.663890 |
Teleua | -12.967220 , 37.642500 |
Tempue | -12.936940 , 37.686940 |
Txuce | -13.156670 , 37.547500 |
Uetxa | -13.413890 , 37.731670 |
Utale | -12.488330 , 37.310560 |
Varirriaia | -12.889440 , 37.730000 |
- You can download geometry data for Marrupa in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.