Marromeu (Sofala) Map Cropping Samples

Marromeu (Sofala) Map Cropping Samples-1

Marromeu (Sofala) Map Cropping Samples-2

Marromeu neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Marromeu with 3D shadow effect

Marromeu map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Marromeu (geojson format) :
Marromeu.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Marromeu map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Marromeu Map : ( -18.960571 , 35.291698 , -17.846783 , 36.189751 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Marromeu map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-18.960571, 35.291698, -17.846783, 36.189751);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Marromeu)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Marromeu
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Afonso | -18.215280 , 35.864720 |
Agualva | -18.400000 , 36.066670 |
Alfaiate | -18.283330 , 35.916670 |
Amoda | -18.136110 , 35.753060 |
Amoda Uncuzana | -18.150000 , 35.800000 |
Bambala | -18.433330 , 35.450000 |
Banze | -18.106390 , 35.741670 |
Bauaze | -18.140000 , 35.760280 |
Brinca | -18.033330 , 35.483330 |
Cacador | -18.292220 , 35.954170 |
Camacho | -18.153610 , 35.828890 |
Camba | -18.268330 , 35.871670 |
Cantina de Centro Agricolo Orizidola | -18.165830 , 35.835280 |
Capenga | -18.300000 , 35.666670 |
Caponha | -18.245560 , 35.863610 |
Cardoso | -18.167780 , 35.540280 |
Carvalho | -18.143060 , 35.450280 |
Casquinha | -18.567780 , 35.659170 |
Chitui | -18.188890 , 35.846110 |
Chupanga | -18.021110 , 35.564170 |
Chupanga | -18.050000 , 35.616670 |
Cine | -18.116390 , 35.461110 |
Comissale | -18.350000 , 35.933330 |
Compiro-Zoca | -18.333330 , 35.600000 |
Cufacastigo | -18.183330 , 35.850000 |
Dausse | -18.166670 , 35.833330 |
Gale | -18.233330 , 35.783330 |
Goche | -18.766670 , 36.133330 |
Goma | -18.123610 , 35.756390 |
Gombe Gombe | -17.954720 , 35.454720 |
Gora | -17.981940 , 35.494170 |
Guex | -18.434170 , 35.887500 |
Guex | -18.516670 , 35.683330 |
Jangada | -17.900000 , 35.400000 |
Jaze | -18.389170 , 35.460280 |
Jimo | -18.066670 , 35.733330 |
Jiua | -18.198890 , 35.863890 |
Joao | -18.283330 , 35.916670 |
Joao | -18.300000 , 35.983330 |
Joao | -18.266670 , 35.866670 |
Joaquim | -18.181110 , 35.756670 |
Jonh Porao | -18.300560 , 35.971940 |
Juze | -18.433330 , 35.483330 |
Juze | -18.450000 , 35.516670 |
Liconola | -18.233330 , 35.733330 |
Luis | -18.283330 , 35.883330 |
Luis | -18.150000 , 35.833330 |
Maconharumo | -18.883330 , 35.950000 |
Mangaze | -17.923610 , 35.431940 |
Marromeu | -18.290830 , 35.945280 |
Mavigue | -18.136110 , 35.790280 |
Mofuiza | -18.374170 , 35.856670 |
Mutiora | -18.900000 , 35.883330 |
Nazare | -17.943330 , 35.464440 |
Nenca | -18.147220 , 35.720560 |
Nhamandevo | -18.040280 , 35.631110 |
Nhamura | -18.116670 , 35.732500 |
Nhane | -18.266670 , 35.883330 |
Nharugue | -18.232220 , 35.782780 |
Pinho | -18.279720 , 35.887780 |
Ponda | -17.861390 , 35.350830 |
Salone | -18.166670 , 35.783330 |
Sande | -18.433330 , 35.483330 |
Senancumbe | -18.149440 , 35.809440 |
Sengueredo | -18.900000 , 35.933330 |
Suzuma | -18.059440 , 35.667780 |
Tandigua | -18.070560 , 35.707500 |
Tomedembe | -18.233330 , 35.866670 |
Tomo | -18.150000 , 35.833330 |
Tozo | -18.333330 , 35.483330 |
Vale Chassapa | -18.400000 , 35.583330 |
Zo | -17.935000 , 35.435560 |
- You can download geometry data for Marromeu in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.