Manica (Manica) Map Cropping Samples

Manica (Manica) Map Cropping Samples-1

Manica (Manica) Map Cropping Samples-2

Manica neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Manica with 3D shadow effect

Manica map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Manica (geojson format) :
Manica.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Manica map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Manica Map : ( -19.259073 , 32.698315 , -18.344238 , 33.453648 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Manica map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-19.259073, 32.698315, -18.344238, 33.453648);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Manica)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Manica
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aldeia Moronde | -18.531390 , 33.040830 |
Aldeia Revue | -18.967500 , 33.028060 |
Alfandega | -18.731110 , 33.064170 |
Andrada | -18.897780 , 32.858060 |
Andrec | -19.053060 , 33.115560 |
Azevedo | -18.837220 , 33.296670 |
Babe | -18.880280 , 33.254720 |
Bandula | -19.011670 , 33.143330 |
Bastera | -18.927220 , 33.211940 |
Belas | -18.948330 , 33.221390 |
Bengura | -19.116670 , 32.900000 |
Bernardino | -18.774440 , 33.366390 |
Cacamira | -19.176390 , 33.221110 |
Caetano | -18.866110 , 33.261940 |
Cafunganedo | -18.494720 , 33.068330 |
Canhaufe | -19.057220 , 33.195280 |
Capetera | -18.679170 , 33.346940 |
Carazansua | -18.730560 , 33.286940 |
Carizo | -18.886390 , 33.215830 |
Catandica | -19.148610 , 33.210560 |
Cavucatemo | -19.185000 , 33.219170 |
Cazuguizo | -18.917780 , 33.209440 |
Cere | -18.858060 , 33.140000 |
Chadrique | -18.728330 , 33.017500 |
Chairuca | -19.100000 , 32.900000 |
Chale | -18.621670 , 33.090830 |
Charamba | -19.040560 , 33.350280 |
Chibata | -19.095830 , 33.265830 |
Chicanda | -19.066670 , 32.883330 |
Chicane | -18.889440 , 33.250560 |
Chico | -19.016670 , 32.966670 |
Chicombo | -19.123060 , 33.189170 |
Chicote | -18.903060 , 33.242220 |
Chingandeia | -18.418890 , 33.084170 |
Chingonza | -18.628330 , 33.050830 |
Chuanda | -18.743330 , 33.234170 |
Cuenzeim | -18.703330 , 33.206940 |
Cunha | -18.811670 , 32.862220 |
Dentanga | -18.423060 , 33.083330 |
Dienene | -18.914170 , 33.244440 |
Djangue | -18.670830 , 33.443060 |
Dore | -18.913330 , 33.189720 |
Elvas | -18.972780 , 33.079440 |
Femane | -18.733330 , 32.966670 |
Fetera | -19.150000 , 32.966670 |
Franca | -18.721940 , 33.280000 |
Fureme | -18.505560 , 32.973330 |
Ganhamo | -19.221390 , 33.205830 |
Garuzo | -18.947500 , 33.068610 |
Garvin | -18.834170 , 33.018610 |
Gire | -19.228610 , 33.206110 |
Godua | -19.033330 , 32.983330 |
Gomoringanyani | -18.812780 , 32.761940 |
Guenda | -19.133330 , 32.900000 |
Guiraze | -18.496110 , 33.034720 |
Inhadiro | -18.563610 , 33.030280 |
Janero | -18.572780 , 33.043060 |
Juaque | -18.878890 , 33.215830 |
Lampeao | -19.099440 , 33.165280 |
Mabzarila | -19.235560 , 33.233060 |
Macacha | -19.191110 , 33.222500 |
Macarichi | -18.950830 , 33.183060 |
Macheca | -19.033330 , 32.966670 |
Machipanda | -18.986040 , 32.735530 |
Madofo | -18.673890 , 33.003330 |
Mafungo | -18.361670 , 33.074720 |
Malenguezecue | -18.736390 , 33.245560 |
Manica | -18.969606 , 32.879998 |
Manica | -18.933330 , 32.877130 |
Manuel | -18.750000 , 32.950000 |
Manzu | -18.701250 , 32.991230 |
Massop | -18.887220 , 33.017500 |
Mateca | -18.395830 , 33.040280 |
Matengavo | -18.685280 , 33.008890 |
Matomate | -19.028890 , 33.105560 |
Mavonde | -18.538480 , 33.035510 |
Mazarare | -18.580560 , 33.283060 |
Maziacuromba | -18.821110 , 33.091670 |
Meque | -19.019170 , 33.177500 |
Meque | -18.670560 , 33.439170 |
Monteiro | -18.824440 , 32.916110 |
Muchocoto | -18.488890 , 33.020000 |
Mucupura | -19.150000 , 32.883330 |
Munhar | -18.916670 , 33.200000 |
Mutiajuica | -18.681110 , 33.337780 |
Muziua | -19.169170 , 33.209170 |
Nheresanhe | -18.515560 , 33.235280 |
Perai | -18.828060 , 33.050560 |
Quembo | -18.731110 , 33.245830 |
Querubi | -18.780280 , 33.042500 |
Raice | -19.025560 , 33.125280 |
Raposo | -18.860560 , 32.936390 |
Raposo | -18.489170 , 32.967500 |
Razao | -19.046110 , 33.160000 |
Rore | -18.801110 , 33.168610 |
Sabao | -18.585000 , 33.282220 |
Sande | -18.747780 , 33.233610 |
Sangano | -18.850280 , 33.147500 |
Semente | -18.638610 , 33.088890 |
Sigrela | -18.616670 , 32.966670 |
Sixpence | -18.650000 , 32.983330 |
Sombreiro | -18.728610 , 33.235560 |
Taimo | -18.882500 , 33.218060 |
Tengo | -19.069720 , 33.101940 |
Tica | -19.002500 , 33.119440 |
Tombatia | -18.708060 , 33.009720 |
Tomo | -18.698890 , 32.975560 |
Tomu | -19.100000 , 33.116670 |
Vanduzi | -18.951110 , 33.268610 |
Viage | -19.081670 , 33.106670 |
Vumissae | -19.240000 , 33.238610 |
Vumoarimiro | -19.097500 , 33.041670 |
Vuraipingo | -18.971670 , 33.104170 |
Xavier | -18.603890 , 33.384720 |
Zaba | -18.914170 , 33.317780 |
Zembe | -19.011670 , 33.125000 |
- You can download geometry data for Manica in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.