Mandimba (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples

Mandimba (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Mandimba (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Mandimba neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Mandimba with 3D shadow effect

Mandimba map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Mandimba (geojson format) :
Mandimba.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Mandimba map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Mandimba Map : ( -14.672342 , 35.386333 , -13.785191 , 36.314911 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Mandimba map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-14.672342, 35.386333, -13.785191, 36.314911);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Mandimba)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Mandimba
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abudo | -14.365830 , 35.662220 |
Aissa | -14.000000 , 35.816670 |
Aldeia Martins Santareno | -14.377220 , 35.890000 |
Aldeia Melo Egidio | -14.317780 , 35.854720 |
Antigo Posto de Mandimba | -14.366670 , 35.650000 |
Belem | -14.130830 , 35.949170 |
Cacova | -14.400000 , 35.900000 |
Cajuro | -14.316670 , 35.866670 |
Cardoso | -14.324170 , 35.661110 |
Casembe | -14.183330 , 35.533330 |
Castro | -14.256390 , 35.858060 |
Chaduire | -14.166670 , 35.683330 |
Chefe Chicueu | -14.054720 , 35.955560 |
Chefe Colue | -14.031110 , 35.950000 |
Chefe Cussupa | -14.272500 , 35.988060 |
Chefe Machado | -14.223060 , 35.894170 |
Chefe Meporiua | -14.140280 , 35.938890 |
Chefe Mepuina | -14.242500 , 35.870280 |
Chefe Metende | -14.294170 , 35.687500 |
Chefe Mina | -14.217500 , 36.020560 |
Chefe Mucuaiaia | -14.287500 , 35.585280 |
Chefe Munhama | -14.334720 , 36.297500 |
Chefe Mupina | -14.266940 , 35.746940 |
Chefe Mutiniua | -14.324720 , 36.275830 |
Chefe Namicoio | -14.105000 , 35.866670 |
Chefe Namuala | -14.006110 , 35.943060 |
Chefe Nassonge | -14.120830 , 35.945000 |
Chefe Nicomo | -14.323060 , 36.286670 |
Chefe Nogoe | -14.159440 , 35.931940 |
Chencula | -14.150000 , 35.683330 |
Chendenga | -14.050000 , 35.700000 |
Chilangue | -14.416670 , 35.683330 |
Chiponde | -14.033330 , 35.900000 |
Chitemangane | -14.033330 , 35.733330 |
Colonato Mucuaiaia | -14.273330 , 35.563330 |
Congerenge | -14.207500 , 35.917780 |
Dauda | -14.200000 , 35.516670 |
Ermino | -14.365560 , 35.708610 |
Iasine | -14.250000 , 35.700000 |
Juma | -13.973610 , 35.937500 |
Lamas | -14.319720 , 36.234440 |
Licongolo | -14.368610 , 35.721670 |
Licuacua | -14.278330 , 35.740000 |
Luximue | -14.211670 , 35.515560 |
Macote | -14.016670 , 35.766670 |
Madejembe | -14.183330 , 35.916670 |
Mandimba | -14.352500 , 35.650560 |
Mataca | -14.583330 , 35.866670 |
Matemba | -14.346670 , 35.726110 |
Mecaputo | -14.333330 , 35.850000 |
Mecerradje | -14.150000 , 35.900000 |
Mecungura | -14.300000 , 35.583330 |
Melolo | -14.500000 , 35.850000 |
Mepadja | -14.183330 , 35.916670 |
Mepone | -14.072500 , 35.847220 |
Metende | -14.136110 , 35.700830 |
Miceve | -14.333330 , 35.900000 |
Minhamar | -14.228330 , 36.227500 |
Mojava | -14.367220 , 35.624170 |
Mucuaiaia | -14.258610 , 35.604720 |
Nacote | -14.271670 , 35.701670 |
Nacuda | -14.216670 , 35.666670 |
Nampalala | -14.250000 , 35.783330 |
Namuaia | -13.967220 , 35.912780 |
Napulo | -14.320830 , 35.861390 |
Nhapese | -14.233330 , 35.733330 |
Nicuaca | -14.234440 , 35.697780 |
Pescaria Cardoso | -14.387500 , 35.929170 |
Pescaria Cassiano | -14.436670 , 35.907780 |
Pescaria Raposo | -14.361110 , 35.936110 |
Ponda | -14.316670 , 35.850000 |
Quiquiua | -14.033330 , 35.783330 |
Raposo | -14.135830 , 35.968330 |
Regulo Chipa | -14.194170 , 35.978060 |
Regulo Congerenge | -14.198610 , 35.915000 |
Regulo Matreze | -14.318060 , 35.624440 |
Regulo Mezito | -14.047500 , 35.946940 |
Regulo Napulo | -14.376110 , 35.893610 |
Ricalo | -14.516670 , 35.883330 |
Uncuavira | -14.333330 , 35.650000 |
Ungunga | -14.416670 , 35.666670 |
Xitemue | -14.300000 , 35.900000 |
- You can download geometry data for Mandimba in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.