Macanga (Tete) Map Cropping Samples

Macanga (Tete) Map Cropping Samples-1

Macanga (Tete) Map Cropping Samples-2

Macanga neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Macanga with 3D shadow effect

Macanga map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Macanga (geojson format) :
Macanga.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Macanga map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Macanga Map : ( -15.281737 , 33.021336 , -14.14623 , 34.07832 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Macanga map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-15.281737, 33.021336, -14.14623, 34.07832);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Macanga)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Macanga
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aldeia Bacicolo | -14.513610 , 33.713330 |
Aldeia Bawe | -15.196940 , 33.642780 |
Aldeia Cachere | -14.834170 , 33.605280 |
Aldeia Cauzi | -15.036390 , 33.670280 |
Aldeia Chipacasse | -15.129440 , 33.733060 |
Aldeia Chirowa | -15.062780 , 33.321670 |
Aldeia Milanda | -15.056390 , 33.428890 |
Aldeia Nhanchinde | -15.087780 , 33.449170 |
Aldeia Zobue | -14.692500 , 33.706110 |
Cabancunda | -14.824170 , 33.750280 |
Cabancunda | -14.851940 , 33.748330 |
Cafua | -15.069720 , 33.490000 |
Camanulo | -15.030280 , 33.661110 |
Cambeu | -15.034170 , 33.418610 |
Campira | -15.033330 , 33.383330 |
Cancumula | -14.993330 , 33.497220 |
Cantchubua | -15.085280 , 33.416390 |
Cauere | -14.988330 , 33.273610 |
Cazembere | -14.967780 , 33.275000 |
Chicoco | -14.716670 , 33.366670 |
Chicuco | -15.163330 , 33.694170 |
Chicuco | -15.203060 , 33.690830 |
Chidzolomondo | -15.033330 , 33.396110 |
Chimbuto | -15.104440 , 33.376940 |
Chimuere | -14.825280 , 33.385000 |
Chimunda | -14.585280 , 33.617500 |
Chipacasse | -15.178610 , 33.630000 |
Chiremboe | -14.715830 , 33.262220 |
Chiria | -15.078610 , 33.545830 |
Chizampeca | -14.667500 , 33.580560 |
Chizoio | -14.803060 , 33.938610 |
Chuala | -14.847220 , 33.413890 |
Comaxinda | -14.478890 , 33.421110 |
Eremete | -14.870560 , 33.626940 |
Furancungo | -14.896940 , 33.615000 |
Gandali | -14.622780 , 33.741110 |
Giramariro | -14.919170 , 33.650830 |
Gomane | -15.268890 , 33.664170 |
Joso | -15.133890 , 33.639720 |
Lumbe | -15.081110 , 33.570560 |
Macheca | -14.616940 , 33.585830 |
Madzinqua | -15.147220 , 33.656390 |
Mandjane | -15.138610 , 33.425830 |
Mariche | -14.721940 , 33.877500 |
Massange | -14.699720 , 33.223610 |
Messiriza | -14.793330 , 33.353610 |
Mezocota | -14.836940 , 33.334720 |
Murilima | -14.835000 , 33.613330 |
Muririma | -14.851110 , 33.694440 |
Namadende | -14.638060 , 33.570560 |
Panda | -14.556670 , 33.481670 |
Pero | -15.033330 , 33.766670 |
Tunga | -14.969720 , 33.798610 |
Tunge | -14.966110 , 33.851670 |
Vuende | -15.062780 , 33.408330 |
Vunda | -14.994440 , 33.301940 |
Zigua | -14.644170 , 33.327500 |
- You can download geometry data for Macanga in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.