Gorongosa (Sofala) Map Cropping Samples

Gorongosa (Sofala) Map Cropping Samples-1

Gorongosa (Sofala) Map Cropping Samples-2

Gorongosa neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Gorongosa with 3D shadow effect

Gorongosa map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Gorongosa (geojson format) :
Gorongosa.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Gorongosa map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Gorongosa Map : ( -19.164087 , 33.723778 , -18.122688 , 34.708294 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Gorongosa map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-19.164087, 33.723778, -18.122688, 34.708294);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Gorongosa)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Gorongosa
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aldeia Cambarira | -18.646940 , 33.937780 |
Aldeia Canda | -18.485560 , 33.980830 |
Alfinete | -18.605280 , 34.367780 |
Augusto | -18.666670 , 34.079440 |
Azevedo | -18.368060 , 34.001390 |
Bandeira | -18.632220 , 33.953330 |
Bazar | -18.654170 , 34.095280 |
Bene | -18.616390 , 34.323060 |
Bonde | -18.729720 , 34.301390 |
Botao | -18.456940 , 33.938890 |
Bute | -18.516670 , 34.550000 |
Buzue | -18.643890 , 34.211670 |
Calezera | -18.638610 , 34.280000 |
Candeeiro | -18.678330 , 34.045000 |
Canhese | -18.966670 , 34.170830 |
Carabina | -18.372780 , 34.168610 |
Cardoso | -18.736940 , 34.398060 |
Casaco | -18.736110 , 34.303890 |
Catumbo | -18.420280 , 33.971670 |
Chaima | -18.251670 , 34.068060 |
Chamissanga | -18.483330 , 34.383330 |
Chapopira | -18.621940 , 33.935000 |
Cherinfume | -18.851390 , 34.218890 |
Chesua | -18.663610 , 34.237780 |
Chicari | -19.007220 , 34.294170 |
Chinanaxi | -18.370280 , 34.047220 |
Chitengo | -18.979170 , 34.353060 |
Cifa | -18.995000 , 34.319170 |
Coche | -18.701390 , 34.335280 |
Coutinho | -18.660280 , 34.411110 |
Cudzo | -18.711670 , 34.038060 |
Cusinurera | -18.607780 , 34.562500 |
Dapassoa | -18.380560 , 34.160000 |
Gimo | -18.601110 , 34.545000 |
Gire | -18.884170 , 34.120560 |
Gorongosa | -18.675560 , 34.072780 |
Gramucana | -18.539720 , 34.038330 |
Gunda | -18.349720 , 33.996110 |
Inhanguo | -18.992780 , 34.403890 |
Jacobo | -18.358890 , 33.993060 |
Janasse | -18.479720 , 34.371940 |
Jemusse | -18.649170 , 34.401940 |
Jeque | -18.967780 , 34.092220 |
Jeque | -18.797220 , 34.105830 |
Jequessene | -18.290830 , 34.148890 |
Joao-Gueli | -18.468330 , 34.283890 |
Joaque | -18.486670 , 34.490000 |
Jofrisse | -18.657220 , 34.175830 |
Jone | -18.503060 , 34.483060 |
M'sucossa | -18.557780 , 34.077220 |
M'sunza | -18.300830 , 34.481670 |
M'sunze | -18.558610 , 34.056390 |
Macorreia | -18.723330 , 34.465830 |
Madoda | -18.901390 , 34.239720 |
Maferoje | -18.614440 , 34.057500 |
Mafunga | -18.557780 , 34.283330 |
Magocho | -19.062780 , 34.269170 |
Mala | -18.211390 , 33.906390 |
Mangumo | -18.531940 , 34.194170 |
Massara | -18.265000 , 34.128330 |
Matambo | -18.651670 , 33.899440 |
Matanda | -18.622220 , 34.070560 |
Mauirimbade | -18.524440 , 34.039440 |
Megarirgue | -18.453610 , 34.218330 |
Messussa | -18.758890 , 34.365000 |
Mogundo | -19.050000 , 34.400000 |
Muchangueia | -18.801940 , 34.091670 |
Mujeza | -18.613330 , 34.372500 |
Mutiambamba | -19.012780 , 34.120830 |
Nhamachete | -18.410560 , 34.364440 |
Nhamadza | -18.476390 , 33.951670 |
Nhamechengue | -18.300830 , 34.496390 |
Nota | -18.882500 , 34.092500 |
Panguete | -18.910280 , 34.323330 |
Pavua | -18.941940 , 34.059170 |
Penzane | -18.779440 , 34.045280 |
Perenha | -18.677220 , 34.013330 |
Piro | -18.362780 , 34.390830 |
Promeiro | -18.804440 , 33.930000 |
Quemba | -18.550000 , 33.900000 |
Raposo | -18.725830 , 34.254720 |
Rega | -18.989170 , 34.131940 |
Roque | -18.737220 , 34.369170 |
Sabao | -18.634440 , 34.361940 |
Sabonete | -18.325830 , 34.089720 |
Sabunga | -18.634440 , 34.387220 |
Sande | -18.795280 , 34.094170 |
Sanduanjira | -18.751670 , 34.272220 |
Sanhachoco | -18.975560 , 34.164170 |
Saogene | -18.499170 , 34.471670 |
Sengo-Senge | -18.832780 , 34.022500 |
Sima | -18.593610 , 34.542220 |
Sombrero | -18.705280 , 34.034440 |
Tambarara | -18.670830 , 34.098330 |
Tomo | -18.621940 , 34.341940 |
Tongo | -18.275560 , 34.036390 |
Traquino | -18.479440 , 34.490000 |
Vanduzi | -18.480280 , 34.209170 |
Vicente | -18.566670 , 34.516670 |
Vinho | -18.605560 , 34.337220 |
Zenembe | -18.876940 , 33.969170 |
- You can download geometry data for Gorongosa in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.