Cuamba (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples

Cuamba (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Cuamba (Niassa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Cuamba neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Cuamba with 3D shadow effect

Cuamba map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Cuamba (geojson format) :
Cuamba.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Cuamba map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Cuamba Map : ( -15.271412 , 36.141407 , -14.223697 , 37.085793 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Cuamba map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-15.271412, 36.141407, -14.223697, 37.085793);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Cuamba)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Cuamba
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Beira-Rio | -14.784440 , 36.702780 |
Camala | -14.646110 , 36.691940 |
Carrau | -14.728330 , 36.765000 |
Carrico | -14.960280 , 36.734170 |
Chefe Buaira | -14.546390 , 36.685000 |
Chefe Camala | -14.847220 , 36.374440 |
Chefe Carrau | -14.718610 , 36.748060 |
Chefe Chidengo | -14.704440 , 36.243060 |
Chefe Cochopo | -14.716110 , 36.921110 |
Chefe Companhiua | -15.235560 , 36.502500 |
Chefe Correia | -15.148890 , 36.605560 |
Chefe Culue | -15.229170 , 36.376940 |
Chefe Cumale | -15.160280 , 36.375830 |
Chefe Cunhamera | -15.180830 , 36.519440 |
Chefe Jarasse | -14.904170 , 36.425830 |
Chefe Limone | -15.239440 , 36.371670 |
Chefe Macaue | -14.770560 , 36.808060 |
Chefe Macaue | -14.764440 , 36.430000 |
Chefe Machanga | -14.482500 , 36.280000 |
Chefe Maluata | -14.731940 , 36.859440 |
Chefe Marques | -14.916390 , 36.751940 |
Chefe Masse | -14.854440 , 36.461110 |
Chefe Matuane | -14.633890 , 36.408890 |
Chefe Melomba | -14.835000 , 36.818060 |
Chefe Mepaniua | -15.178610 , 36.541390 |
Chefe Mepica | -14.628890 , 36.348060 |
Chefe Mepina | -14.994170 , 36.678890 |
Chefe Mepingo | -14.770000 , 36.352780 |
Chefe Mepita | -14.476390 , 36.585560 |
Chefe Meposso | -15.259440 , 36.454720 |
Chefe Mepula | -15.220830 , 36.409170 |
Chefe Mepulage | -14.455560 , 36.254720 |
Chefe Merripo | -14.670830 , 36.578890 |
Chefe Mevava | -14.982220 , 36.524170 |
Chefe Mivava | -14.939170 , 36.491390 |
Chefe Mocola | -15.005000 , 36.651390 |
Chefe Moeia | -15.058890 , 36.675830 |
Chefe Mojele | -14.523610 , 36.389440 |
Chefe Muala | -14.899440 , 36.698890 |
Chefe Muaua | -14.507220 , 36.649170 |
Chefe Mucatare | -14.637500 , 36.997220 |
Chefe Mucunua | -15.021670 , 36.690000 |
Chefe Mugonha | -14.536670 , 36.920560 |
Chefe Mulipa | -15.211670 , 36.540280 |
Chefe Mupata | -14.675830 , 36.703610 |
Chefe Murrula | -14.734440 , 36.926940 |
Chefe Mussala | -14.676110 , 36.745280 |
Chefe Nacoma | -14.940280 , 36.578060 |
Chefe Namacoma | -14.741390 , 36.675560 |
Chefe Namanha | -14.741670 , 36.730000 |
Chefe Namecanguasse | -14.694170 , 36.677500 |
Chefe Napita | -14.758890 , 36.317220 |
Chefe Napuarara | -15.221940 , 36.523330 |
Chefe Nessarra | -14.597500 , 36.998890 |
Chefe Nicomo | -14.658060 , 36.695830 |
Chefe Nimara | -15.162780 , 36.528610 |
Chefe Nipurro | -14.484440 , 36.300560 |
Chefe Paia | -14.665560 , 36.993330 |
Chefe Pauge | -14.525000 , 36.855000 |
Chefe Puiamuene | -15.019440 , 36.522220 |
Chefe Quimar | -15.088060 , 36.650560 |
Chefe Quirasse | -14.904720 , 36.604720 |
Chefe Quissapasse | -14.963330 , 36.491940 |
Chefe Rimbane | -14.823330 , 36.479440 |
Chefe Solomba | -14.761110 , 36.705000 |
Chefe Telemana | -14.910830 , 36.364440 |
Chefe Tiole | -14.683890 , 36.929720 |
Chicasso | -14.668060 , 36.583610 |
Chobela | -14.788890 , 36.860000 |
Correia | -15.144170 , 36.614440 |
Cuamba | -14.844720 , 36.606940 |
Cuamba | -14.803060 , 36.537220 |
Dinis | -14.620280 , 37.013610 |
Entre-Montes | -14.529440 , 36.722780 |
Figueiredo | -14.870000 , 36.553330 |
Guaua | -14.536670 , 36.739440 |
Inacio | -14.932500 , 36.544720 |
Lira | -14.613060 , 36.867780 |
Lurio | -14.794720 , 36.853890 |
M'pita | -14.502780 , 36.486110 |
Maaco | -15.159170 , 36.588890 |
Macua | -15.000000 , 36.659720 |
Macua | -15.135830 , 36.613330 |
Mangurro | -14.702780 , 36.643890 |
Marquepo | -14.794720 , 36.378610 |
Marrotela | -14.760280 , 36.784440 |
Massua | -14.976940 , 36.488060 |
Matare | -14.615560 , 37.020000 |
Mepecene | -14.853330 , 36.359170 |
Mepica | -14.621670 , 36.347780 |
Mepina | -15.023610 , 36.681390 |
Mepita | -14.629720 , 36.444720 |
Meteuia | -14.614720 , 36.361670 |
Mevava | -14.900830 , 36.576940 |
Mpirro | -15.166670 , 36.566670 |
Mualapa | -14.613890 , 36.941670 |
Muanamunepa | -15.241670 , 36.453330 |
Muanhupo | -14.480830 , 36.710280 |
Mugonha | -14.521390 , 36.926110 |
Mutapo | -14.895000 , 36.672500 |
Namironde | -15.046390 , 36.338330 |
Nicuba | -14.733890 , 36.285560 |
Nunes | -14.542780 , 36.602500 |
Oano | -14.794440 , 36.852500 |
Paua | -14.757220 , 36.598060 |
Penedos | -14.728330 , 36.858610 |
Pique | -14.641390 , 36.851670 |
Quemuenhe | -14.977500 , 36.718330 |
Rapela | -14.907500 , 36.767220 |
Raposo | -14.674440 , 36.969170 |
Regulo Cuamba | -14.798890 , 36.601390 |
Regulo Matia | -14.878890 , 36.534170 |
Regulo Muicuna | -14.699440 , 36.381940 |
Ruace | -14.915830 , 36.352780 |
Salama | -14.512500 , 36.820280 |
Salamerimane | -14.678610 , 36.734170 |
Saulo | -14.988330 , 36.623330 |
Teixeira | -14.525830 , 36.596390 |
- You can download geometry data for Cuamba in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.