Chiuta (Tete) Map Cropping Samples

Chiuta (Tete) Map Cropping Samples-1

Chiuta (Tete) Map Cropping Samples-2

Chiuta neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Chiuta with 3D shadow effect

Chiuta map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Chiuta (geojson format) :
Chiuta.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Chiuta map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Chiuta Map : ( -15.936675 , 32.916565 , -15.080769 , 34.042194 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Chiuta map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-15.936675, 32.916565, -15.080769, 34.042194);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Chiuta)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Chiuta
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Acomutero | -15.265560 , 33.840830 |
Aldeia Cassunsa | -15.285000 , 33.489440 |
Aldeia Chambambe | -15.421670 , 33.147780 |
Aldeia Chapaluca | -15.515560 , 33.657500 |
Aldeia Chayane | -15.364170 , 33.473610 |
Aldeia Chicoco | -15.542220 , 33.188330 |
Aldeia Chidzidzi | -15.431110 , 33.197220 |
Aldeia Chiuta | -15.562220 , 33.289720 |
Aldeia Gimica | -15.520560 , 33.160280 |
Aldeia Gomacheza | -15.461110 , 33.772220 |
Aldeia Lipaque | -15.453890 , 33.258890 |
Aldeia M'Pomba | -15.568330 , 33.446670 |
Aldeia Mabwedzi | -15.809440 , 33.473060 |
Aldeia Massamba | -15.644170 , 33.687220 |
Aldeia Massatwe | -15.486670 , 33.127500 |
Aldeia Messu | -15.476110 , 33.358330 |
Aldeia Mifumbe | -15.626390 , 33.244170 |
Aldeia Msemene | -15.437500 , 33.493610 |
Aldeia Mtovo | -15.646390 , 33.241940 |
Aldeia Muabvi | -15.206110 , 33.046670 |
Aldeia Muchena | -15.682220 , 33.805560 |
Aldeia Mudzimbe | -15.342500 , 33.071110 |
Banja | -15.377220 , 33.819720 |
Bongo | -15.494170 , 33.105560 |
Botao | -15.675560 , 33.082220 |
Cachere | -15.372780 , 33.133060 |
Cacumba | -15.836940 , 33.434170 |
Caiua | -15.572500 , 33.462500 |
Caixote | -15.689170 , 33.788890 |
Camango | -15.461940 , 33.908610 |
Cambui | -15.657500 , 33.792220 |
Candedza | -15.528330 , 33.794440 |
Capenda | -15.341390 , 33.891940 |
Capuia | -15.632500 , 33.454440 |
Carua | -15.730830 , 33.287220 |
Cassanjika | -15.588610 , 33.216670 |
Cassora | -15.364170 , 33.032500 |
Cassossole | -15.368610 , 33.810830 |
Caunda | -15.707500 , 33.353060 |
Cazula | -15.393060 , 33.632780 |
Chaculo | -15.140560 , 33.190280 |
Chadodoma | -15.271390 , 33.573890 |
Chaimo | -15.627780 , 33.473330 |
Chambangua | -15.299720 , 33.336110 |
Chapesosa | -15.273890 , 33.419720 |
Chibarongondo | -15.465560 , 33.136110 |
Chilupsa | -15.768330 , 33.303610 |
Chituco | -15.161670 , 33.790280 |
Coqueiza | -15.341390 , 33.525830 |
Cuachera | -15.202780 , 33.861390 |
Cuia | -15.650000 , 33.333330 |
Dejombo | -15.741110 , 33.530560 |
Farau | -15.342780 , 33.737780 |
Jasse | -15.351940 , 33.832500 |
Jeque | -15.429440 , 33.520560 |
Joaquim | -15.702220 , 33.767780 |
Lancha | -15.406940 , 33.923890 |
Lumadzi | -15.190000 , 33.368330 |
Machinga | -15.318610 , 33.611110 |
Malemia | -15.408060 , 33.277220 |
Mangane | -15.144720 , 33.904440 |
Mangaze | -15.298060 , 33.632220 |
Mangocue | -15.783330 , 33.333330 |
Manje | -15.372500 , 33.184720 |
Manje | -15.361390 , 33.179170 |
Massongoto | -15.886110 , 33.300830 |
Matenge | -15.408610 , 33.776670 |
Mazunga | -15.627220 , 33.360560 |
Mesanguesa | -15.226940 , 33.814720 |
Metavo | -15.666940 , 33.795830 |
Meza | -15.778610 , 33.428610 |
Mfigo | -15.449720 , 33.161110 |
Mitone | -15.538610 , 33.818890 |
Mussata | -15.744170 , 33.134720 |
Nhandalo | -15.665000 , 33.466670 |
Nhemba | -15.328330 , 33.855560 |
Paiva | -15.825830 , 33.254720 |
Paiva | -15.591390 , 33.481390 |
Patricio | -15.809440 , 33.270280 |
Pondandue | -15.684170 , 33.766390 |
Ponde | -15.263330 , 33.389440 |
Pungalume | -15.143890 , 33.081670 |
Sabondo | -15.374720 , 33.172780 |
Same | -15.311940 , 33.409440 |
Sapule | -15.394720 , 33.696390 |
Tamwariri | -15.648330 , 33.344170 |
Tchareca | -15.841670 , 33.786670 |
Tchincango | -15.862500 , 33.416390 |
Tchindime | -15.720560 , 33.568890 |
Tesachirire | -15.455280 , 33.248610 |
Tetane | -15.677500 , 33.800280 |
Tonazino | -15.113330 , 33.250000 |
Tundumula | -15.916670 , 33.366670 |
Uncoca | -15.280560 , 33.638060 |
Valice | -15.639170 , 33.240280 |
Vazoacoma | -15.433330 , 33.483330 |
Vila Luso | -15.535280 , 33.264170 |
Vilanova | -15.286940 , 33.396110 |
Xeline | -15.586940 , 33.350000 |
Zangaia | -15.620560 , 33.183330 |
Zuze | -15.502780 , 33.297220 |
- You can download geometry data for Chiuta in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.