Caia (Sofala) Map Cropping Samples

Caia (Sofala) Map Cropping Samples-1

Caia (Sofala) Map Cropping Samples-2

Caia neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Caia with 3D shadow effect

Caia map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Caia (geojson format) :
Caia.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Caia map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Caia Map : ( -18.236633 , 34.728054 , -17.361851 , 35.462067 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Caia map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-18.236633, 34.728054, -17.361851, 35.462067);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Caia)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Caia
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Alface | -17.678330 , 35.042220 |
Boeza | -17.658890 , 35.028330 |
Cadeado | -17.540000 , 34.953890 |
Caia | -17.820280 , 35.344170 |
Campira | -17.814170 , 35.231940 |
Camunga | -17.448060 , 35.035000 |
Candeia | -17.560000 , 35.001670 |
Chale | -17.563610 , 35.045560 |
Chapenga | -17.576670 , 35.073060 |
Chibongalaua | -17.720000 , 35.201390 |
Chicha | -17.771110 , 35.336110 |
Chipende | -17.780560 , 35.217780 |
Chipuaza | -17.832780 , 35.390280 |
Chitunco | -17.906670 , 35.423060 |
Chola | -17.383060 , 35.002780 |
Cingano | -17.853610 , 34.904440 |
Compone | -18.078610 , 34.950000 |
Conge | -17.667780 , 35.064170 |
Cuenge | -17.516670 , 35.070280 |
Gadaga | -17.738890 , 34.847220 |
Gamba | -17.645830 , 35.147220 |
Gamenga | -17.733610 , 35.281110 |
Gombe-Gombe | -17.653610 , 34.940830 |
Guda | -18.068060 , 34.956670 |
Gumancanze | -17.763060 , 35.319170 |
Inharuca | -17.502220 , 35.054170 |
Jeque | -17.811940 , 34.796390 |
Jesane | -17.571670 , 35.095830 |
Joao | -18.104170 , 34.931940 |
Joaque | -18.133330 , 34.933330 |
Jone | -18.000000 , 34.883330 |
Juse | -18.121110 , 34.960830 |
Juze | -17.706940 , 35.206110 |
Juze | -17.633890 , 34.860560 |
Licoma | -17.584170 , 34.789720 |
M'topa | -17.776940 , 35.018060 |
Machesse | -17.696390 , 34.731940 |
Magagade | -17.617500 , 35.127500 |
Mandiquice | -18.116670 , 34.900000 |
Mangane | -17.984720 , 34.983330 |
Marra | -17.885280 , 35.433890 |
Martinho | -17.863330 , 34.909170 |
Mateus | -17.810280 , 34.868330 |
Mavurabuzi | -18.083330 , 34.933330 |
Meque | -17.644720 , 34.890560 |
Muanacamba | -17.555830 , 35.084440 |
Muanalavo | -17.495000 , 35.063610 |
Murema | -17.582780 , 35.056390 |
Murraca | -17.710000 , 35.241110 |
Nacho | -17.971670 , 34.981940 |
Nharugue | -17.674720 , 35.184720 |
Nota | -17.664170 , 34.866670 |
Oliveira | -17.684440 , 34.785830 |
Pango | -17.526940 , 35.067500 |
Pango | -17.560280 , 35.038890 |
Paza | -17.853610 , 35.245560 |
Quembo | -17.823610 , 35.231670 |
Quimbine | -18.057500 , 34.950560 |
Sachombe | -17.719720 , 35.261940 |
Sacoche | -17.898610 , 34.963060 |
Sangadze | -17.441390 , 34.942220 |
Sangoma | -17.629170 , 35.131110 |
Sangombe | -17.680830 , 35.001110 |
Semente | -17.612220 , 35.035560 |
Sombreiro | -17.864720 , 35.293890 |
Tesse | -17.490000 , 34.961670 |
Tito | -18.120830 , 34.893330 |
Ubar | -17.633330 , 34.883890 |
Vicente | -17.872780 , 34.809720 |
Vila de Sena | -17.441670 , 35.027220 |
Vila Fontes | -17.819170 , 35.382500 |
Ximuara | -17.800000 , 35.366670 |
Zimbau | -17.795280 , 35.358060 |
- You can download geometry data for Caia in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.