Higueras (Nuevo León) Map Cropping Samples

Higueras (Nuevo León) Map Cropping Samples-2

flag map of Higueras with 3D shadow effect

Higueras map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Higueras (geojson format) :
Higueras.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Higueras map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Higueras Map : ( 25.9051965941 , -100.118132441 , 26.1659421693 , -99.8802261047 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Higueras map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](25.9051965941, -100.118132441, 26.1659421693, -99.8802261047);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Higueras)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Higueras
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Altamira | 26.028170 , -100.116020 |
Buenavista Dos | 26.019390 , -100.106250 |
Canajan | 26.081190 , -99.992990 |
El Apartadero | 25.922000 , -99.991420 |
El Barranco | 26.028950 , -100.036060 |
El Chilarito | 26.079090 , -100.080120 |
El Conejo | 25.955270 , -100.009750 |
El Derramadero | 26.065570 , -100.045280 |
El Divisadero | 26.024680 , -99.993810 |
El Encinal | 25.912560 , -99.967250 |
El Estanque | 25.978060 , -100.010010 |
El Farallon | 25.917560 , -99.980860 |
El Gato | 26.006090 , -100.031980 |
El Huisache | 26.068090 , -100.002060 |
El Huisachito | 25.960210 , -99.982440 |
El Monte | 25.989190 , -100.028470 |
El Palo Quemado | 25.942130 , -100.003820 |
El Puerto | 25.931170 , -99.998640 |
El Ranchito | 26.035410 , -100.115160 |
El Sumidero | 26.049100 , -99.984110 |
Higueras | 25.961316 , -100.017233 |
Infiernillo | 26.016200 , -99.922200 |
La Barranca | 25.965000 , -100.010080 |
La Canada | 25.949440 , -100.003480 |
La Cruz | 25.924840 , -100.040360 |
La Gaviota | 26.114810 , -100.077000 |
La Laguna | 25.938570 , -99.991890 |
La Pena | 25.918720 , -99.977850 |
Las Dos Emes | 25.922100 , -100.014140 |
Las Estacas | 25.949280 , -100.005540 |
Las Lomas | 25.933390 , -99.998090 |
Las Palmas | 26.094210 , -100.051530 |
Las Pilas | 26.100190 , -100.046400 |
Las Placetas | 25.982760 , -100.022620 |
Las Rucias | 26.143810 , -99.976350 |
Las Rusias | 26.144070 , -100.017680 |
Llanito Blanco | 26.076890 , -100.046350 |
Llano Chapa | 25.928480 , -99.952770 |
Loma Blanca | 25.999360 , -100.045780 |
Los Cabestros | 25.991060 , -100.020630 |
Los Magueyes | 25.991970 , -100.038160 |
Migueras | 25.976940 , -100.002780 |
Noria Blanca | 25.953020 , -100.005260 |
Ocho de Abril | 25.939210 , -100.017530 |
Palma Gorda | 26.059330 , -100.007720 |
Plan del Derramadero | 26.051080 , -100.048180 |
Puerto del Aire | 26.038820 , -99.985500 |
San Andres | 25.982480 , -100.018650 |
San Benito | 26.073800 , -100.057160 |
San Jose | 25.947170 , -99.974100 |
San Jose | 25.995130 , -99.983200 |
San Miguel | 26.092040 , -100.076050 |
Tanquecillos | 26.057800 , -100.024280 |
Tres M | 25.951670 , -100.002780 |
- You can download geometry data for Higueras in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.