Iturbide (Nuevo León) Map Cropping Samples

Iturbide (Nuevo León) Map Cropping Samples-1

Iturbide (Nuevo León) Map Cropping Samples-2

Iturbide neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Iturbide with 3D shadow effect

Iturbide map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Iturbide (geojson format) :
Iturbide.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Iturbide map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Iturbide Map : ( 24.390156 , -99.99635 , 24.898012 , -99.710314 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Iturbide map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](24.390156, -99.99635, 24.898012, -99.710314);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Iturbide)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Iturbide
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agua de Enmedio | 24.460180 , -99.771390 |
Altamira | 24.509520 , -99.855250 |
Benito Juarez (Las Adjuntas) | 24.463890 , -99.731110 |
Buena Vista | 24.486310 , -99.816690 |
Camarones | 24.529380 , -99.761630 |
Cuevas | 24.592400 , -99.810960 |
Denape | 24.620660 , -99.830760 |
Dulces Nombres | 24.643620 , -99.850300 |
Edmundo Carreon Mata | 24.722970 , -99.902070 |
El Alabastro | 24.467400 , -99.804940 |
El Alamar | 24.791680 , -99.918790 |
El Calabozo | 24.731020 , -99.887600 |
El Fortin | 24.546470 , -99.795810 |
El Madrono | 24.496060 , -99.770500 |
El Pino | 24.516190 , -99.788870 |
El Potrero | 24.534720 , -99.830280 |
El Saucillo | 24.704240 , -99.913040 |
El Saucito | 24.540630 , -99.783590 |
El Saucito | 24.652950 , -99.855190 |
Iturbide | 24.727897 , -99.905853 |
Jazmines | 24.573820 , -99.790390 |
La Boquilla | 24.504700 , -99.737120 |
La Cieneguita | 24.662020 , -99.865540 |
La Colorada | 24.751200 , -99.940640 |
La Fabrica | 24.676460 , -99.881930 |
La Loma del Chile | 24.535960 , -99.754150 |
La Luz | 24.543990 , -99.790340 |
La Mentira (Las Anacuas) | 24.545910 , -99.823310 |
La Noria | 24.548130 , -99.763590 |
La Providencia | 24.685070 , -99.911100 |
La Purisima | 24.535320 , -99.829850 |
La Salitrera | 24.775070 , -99.905370 |
La Sierra | 24.556230 , -99.739490 |
La Tapia | 24.548730 , -99.819230 |
Lampazos | 24.600910 , -99.814420 |
Las Alazanas | 24.766140 , -99.911730 |
Las Delicias | 24.720630 , -99.969150 |
Las Nogales | 24.538700 , -99.776480 |
Los Charquitos | 24.661070 , -99.834130 |
Los Chorros | 24.710320 , -99.917180 |
Los Corrales | 24.779040 , -99.909850 |
Los Nogales | 24.533050 , -99.771750 |
Los Pinos (Gachupines) | 24.715350 , -99.920260 |
Los Sauces | 24.695330 , -99.906800 |
Los Toros | 24.505080 , -99.809700 |
Majaditas | 24.542860 , -99.785810 |
Mario Carreon Rodriguez | 24.722220 , -99.900560 |
Marrubial | 24.531740 , -99.749700 |
Palmarito | 24.714520 , -99.937490 |
Puerto Blanco | 24.783230 , -99.882270 |
Puerto Reina | 24.749380 , -99.954220 |
Rancho Moreno | 24.691740 , -99.853080 |
San Antonio | 24.680630 , -99.886370 |
San Antonio de Penitas | 24.664440 , -99.867220 |
San Francisco de las Adjuntas | 24.428130 , -99.761640 |
San Ignacio | 24.431120 , -99.762280 |
San Luisito | 24.679770 , -99.882610 |
San Manuel | 24.509590 , -99.834060 |
San Pablo | 24.531790 , -99.843490 |
Santa Elena | 24.531960 , -99.850800 |
Santa Ines | 24.424640 , -99.783990 |
Santa Maria del Refugio | 24.733150 , -99.965310 |
Santa Rosa (Laguna de Santa Rosa) | 24.700570 , -99.855300 |
Sierra las Papas | 24.667880 , -99.823770 |
Siete Palos | 24.720830 , -99.943920 |
- You can download geometry data for Iturbide in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.