Maghama (Gorgol Region) Map Cropping Samples

Maghama (Gorgol Region) Map Cropping Samples-1

Maghama (Gorgol Region) Map Cropping Samples-2

Maghama neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Maghama with 3D shadow effect

Maghama map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Maghama (geojson format) :
Maghama.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Maghama map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Maghama Map : ( 15.1240844727 , -13.1669653198 , 15.9218713683 , -12.5375520755 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Maghama map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](15.1240844727, -13.1669653198, 15.9218713683, -12.5375520755);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Maghama)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Maghama
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agreyate | 15.593720 , -12.780150 |
Aoure Baoude | 15.485170 , -12.676000 |
Barbarak | 15.706830 , -12.815640 |
Barkevy | 15.330000 , -12.863060 |
Beilougue Bolol | 15.722430 , -12.769680 |
Beilougue Demounde | 15.669880 , -12.691320 |
Beilougue Litama | 15.676680 , -12.743980 |
Beilougue Yero | 15.727540 , -12.775810 |
Boguel Fadoua | 15.425170 , -12.886220 |
Boki Hamet | 15.259080 , -12.797480 |
Bondi | 15.440520 , -12.628600 |
Bourele | 15.472740 , -12.716620 |
Dao | 15.533330 , -13.016670 |
Demba Lembere | 15.353050 , -12.734620 |
Deneal Samba Ombo | 15.364380 , -12.694790 |
Desili | 15.352370 , -12.692620 |
Dineker | 15.518140 , -12.594710 |
Djebaba Galadio | 15.586540 , -12.670210 |
Djebaba Level | 15.578300 , -12.669760 |
Djilalfa | 15.584270 , -12.745300 |
Dolol | 15.579850 , -13.090010 |
Dolol Sivre | 15.568640 , -13.062300 |
Doulel | 15.351930 , -12.676710 |
Goumal | 15.320560 , -12.850000 |
Gourel Ali | 15.502220 , -12.652310 |
Gourel Dieri | 15.437990 , -12.888050 |
Gourel Malalfa | 15.453960 , -12.624340 |
Gourel Samba Sidi | 15.499530 , -12.640980 |
Gourel Somana | 15.184200 , -12.786010 |
Gourel Tierno | 15.378390 , -12.945010 |
Gourele | 15.490240 , -12.776730 |
Guidilol | 15.435930 , -12.611520 |
Hari Hara | 15.460350 , -12.625240 |
Koumbou | 15.148000 , -12.782110 |
Leboudou Waounde | 15.249710 , -12.851730 |
Louguere | 15.226060 , -12.769540 |
Maghama | 15.509150 , -12.850050 |
Ngano | 15.472740 , -13.047170 |
Niarawal | 15.198910 , -12.740560 |
Nouma | 15.372270 , -12.852510 |
Ouro Aire | 15.550670 , -12.801050 |
Ouro Ndom | 15.550510 , -12.664940 |
Saboala | 15.206770 , -12.838090 |
Sagne | 15.204570 , -12.789790 |
Sintian Dioude | 15.401110 , -12.935830 |
Tacheur | 15.672090 , -12.798190 |
Tiemping | 15.594590 , -13.128540 |
Tineto Koba | 15.689270 , -12.761170 |
Toulel | 15.338180 , -12.824790 |
Vinde Lelel | 15.524620 , -12.639090 |
Vindetile | 15.532060 , -12.925780 |
Wali | 15.334400 , -12.876760 |
Yama | 15.617760 , -13.117810 |
Youmane Yire | 15.583330 , -13.083330 |
- You can download geometry data for Maghama in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.