Goundam (Tombouctou) Map Cropping Samples

Goundam (Tombouctou) Map Cropping Samples-1

Goundam (Tombouctou) Map Cropping Samples-2

Goundam neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Goundam with 3D shadow effect

Goundam map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Goundam (geojson format) :
Goundam.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Goundam map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Goundam Map : ( 15.503171 , -6.402734 , 23.553471 , -3.178934 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Goundam map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](15.503171, -6.402734, 23.553471, -3.178934);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Goundam)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Goundam
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Ader Mallene | 16.650500 , -4.199900 |
Alakat | 16.697180 , -3.711520 |
Alfao | 16.630610 , -3.764920 |
Alkanabangou | 16.709910 , -3.890600 |
Amaghanane | 16.646200 , -4.335800 |
Amaghanane | 16.713280 , -4.174120 |
Angabere | 16.587410 , -3.717200 |
Aragoungou | 16.641900 , -4.221100 |
Ariey | 16.773490 , -3.873010 |
Arkachene | 16.703600 , -4.194700 |
Assobol | 16.231000 , -3.732070 |
Ata | 16.184110 , -3.716040 |
Bankani | 16.164240 , -3.782560 |
Banyega | 16.166670 , -3.731970 |
Bilalbankore | 16.714330 , -3.769960 |
Bintagoungou | 16.735370 , -3.735180 |
Bougoumeyra | 16.519290 , -3.727940 |
Boya-Oundou | 16.486830 , -3.403690 |
Boya-Sambaloumbe | 16.456560 , -3.416080 |
Dabey Gandi | 16.793290 , -3.712390 |
Dangay | 16.479350 , -3.469290 |
Dendeguer | 16.548110 , -3.767150 |
Dinadabay | 16.568320 , -3.284400 |
Djindjikounda | 16.567490 , -3.364920 |
Dongoy | 16.546400 , -3.449120 |
Dongoy-Samou | 16.265890 , -3.717150 |
Douegoussou | 16.462000 , -3.290330 |
Dyadyebi | 16.136350 , -3.728230 |
El Serabo | 15.566400 , -5.477400 |
Essakane | 16.782500 , -3.632780 |
Fatakara | 16.478670 , -3.757390 |
Foita | 15.549900 , -5.411300 |
Gaina | 15.559200 , -5.372700 |
Galaga | 16.497380 , -3.508160 |
Garbey | 16.718900 , -3.924050 |
Gargando | 16.462500 , -4.172700 |
Goumel | 16.538730 , -3.238480 |
Goumsagho | 16.654890 , -4.150240 |
Gousoutjire | 16.605080 , -3.191810 |
Guindegata | 16.189360 , -3.811950 |
Inatabanes | 16.632400 , -4.260900 |
Issinsa | 16.609800 , -4.339300 |
Kalandjabi | 16.430710 , -3.432650 |
Kalango | 16.404660 , -3.462970 |
Kalantassiri | 16.174680 , -3.930520 |
Kalaoussa | 16.173520 , -3.923370 |
Kaney | 16.421720 , -3.597570 |
Karango | 16.202040 , -3.715020 |
Katoua | 16.479690 , -3.293200 |
Kel Haoussa | 16.427600 , -3.450490 |
Kessou-Indyar | 16.511610 , -3.268800 |
Kinassani | 16.682850 , -3.997470 |
Kyessoubibi | 16.552140 , -3.215700 |
Laboun | 16.566860 , -3.353690 |
Lerneb | 16.328690 , -4.959120 |
Mbos | 16.722210 , -3.845820 |
Mekore | 16.275460 , -3.723710 |
Nyambourgou | 16.538340 , -3.449030 |
Ras el Ma | 16.605590 , -4.459820 |
Sakabele | 16.383330 , -4.333330 |
Sakhlis | 16.771820 , -3.758310 |
Saobongo | 16.570070 , -3.337030 |
Saya | 16.178470 , -3.657680 |
Sorkey | 16.720940 , -3.868760 |
Taksin | 16.737410 , -3.721570 |
Tedeini | 16.604600 , -4.363400 |
Ti-n-Ouartene | 16.638600 , -4.351900 |
Ti-n-Tara | 16.170650 , -3.910010 |
Tihigrin | 16.710740 , -3.728380 |
Timallalene | 16.626200 , -4.281700 |
Timboukre | 16.619300 , -4.296200 |
Tississiki | 16.514140 , -3.457870 |
Tondigame | 16.263850 , -3.650390 |
Tonka | 16.128860 , -3.747760 |
Toufanzrot | 16.726430 , -3.711900 |
Toukabangou | 16.718970 , -3.787070 |
Yourmi | 16.161420 , -3.838580 |
- You can download geometry data for Goundam in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.