Bourem (Gao) Map Cropping Samples

Bourem (Gao) Map Cropping Samples-1

Bourem (Gao) Map Cropping Samples-2

Bourem neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Bourem with 3D shadow effect

Bourem map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Bourem (geojson format) :
Bourem.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Bourem map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Bourem Map : ( 16.547171 , -1.609434 , 19.036571 , 1.177666 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Bourem map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](16.547171, -1.609434, 19.036571, 1.177666);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Bourem)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Bourem
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abdou Salam | 16.840560 , -0.345560 |
Adiata | 16.997420 , -1.481150 |
Akarankom | 16.710000 , -0.263610 |
Amgoundji | 17.050600 , -1.126200 |
Aoua | 16.979720 , -0.475000 |
Aouzourou | 16.958060 , -0.362500 |
Argaga | 16.742780 , -0.249170 |
Argan | 17.004520 , -1.334110 |
Arimeno | 16.996350 , -1.468350 |
Assaguerye | 16.963060 , -0.367780 |
Bamba | 17.033580 , -1.403810 |
Baoundo | 16.985650 , -1.439140 |
Barkaina | 16.958340 , -0.751020 |
Barkaina | 16.968740 , -0.742710 |
Bassarey | 16.996970 , -1.348190 |
Bassarey | 16.997220 , -1.343610 |
Batanga | 17.003680 , -0.775790 |
Bia | 16.839720 , -0.296110 |
Bissane | 17.011790 , -0.848020 |
Bo | 17.004220 , -0.796930 |
Borhorma | 17.003750 , -0.889100 |
Bosahalia | 16.994290 , -0.765100 |
Bourem | 16.900375 , -0.349989 |
Bourem Forassi | 16.943330 , -0.396670 |
Bourem Guindou | 16.908890 , -0.356670 |
Boutanga | 17.007890 , -0.804570 |
Chabaria | 16.935560 , -0.636390 |
Cheoui | 16.955110 , -0.982120 |
Dan Nha | 16.779720 , -0.300830 |
Dana | 16.766940 , -0.233610 |
Danigounda | 16.724170 , -0.265560 |
Dendebre | 16.978740 , -0.531730 |
Derien | 16.973690 , -0.886870 |
Doney | 16.928890 , -0.670280 |
Dongoy | 16.910830 , -0.687220 |
Dorogoundia | 16.908330 , -0.665000 |
Eguedech | 17.046910 , -1.210340 |
Farigoure | 16.639440 , -0.282220 |
Fia | 16.989530 , -1.022000 |
Gamina Koyra | 16.980210 , -1.035520 |
Garat | 16.823610 , -0.259440 |
Garbame | 17.007180 , -1.217930 |
Garey Goungou | 17.039910 , -1.076850 |
Garia | 16.996480 , -1.413990 |
Goundji | 17.019540 , -1.435530 |
Ha | 16.653610 , -0.302500 |
Kadey | 17.005370 , -1.262870 |
Kalandi Kanmba | 16.940000 , -0.338610 |
Kandia | 17.026400 , -1.492230 |
Kara Bassa | 16.862780 , -0.361110 |
Kermachoy | 17.047260 , -1.543990 |
Kongay | 16.971110 , -0.382780 |
Konkora | 16.966390 , -0.428890 |
Kora Goundia | 16.968610 , -1.012520 |
Koria | 16.991610 , -1.423790 |
Kouloumina | 16.947320 , -0.686010 |
Koumagondie | 16.659170 , -0.236110 |
Koundougay | 16.899440 , -0.323610 |
Koy Gourou | 17.045100 , -1.172790 |
Kromkorom | 16.937780 , -0.443060 |
Maza | 16.974170 , -0.398890 |
Ouani | 16.726670 , -0.242780 |
Ouani | 16.766940 , -0.280560 |
Ouinas | 16.752220 , -0.240830 |
Taa | 16.996730 , -1.472200 |
Tabrichat | 17.729440 , 0.206110 |
Takanmba | 16.998880 , -0.954140 |
Tankane | 16.996890 , -1.362180 |
Taoussa | 16.972070 , -0.550980 |
Taoussa | 16.920560 , -0.580000 |
Tchirobaria | 16.959920 , -0.959180 |
Temera | 17.000780 , -0.938260 |
Terzey | 17.005060 , -1.349800 |
Ti-n-Sakou | 17.011940 , -0.819760 |
Tinafozo | 17.030460 , -1.184160 |
Titila | 16.691670 , -0.266670 |
Titilane | 17.002680 , -1.555840 |
Tondibi | 16.653060 , -0.228060 |
Toundo | 17.036650 , -1.419210 |
Toure Goundi | 17.003370 , -1.498860 |
Zaguia | 17.019700 , -1.419450 |
Zakoube | 16.911390 , -0.601670 |
Zaman | 17.009030 , -1.298130 |
Zinibon | 16.667500 , -0.250830 |
- You can download geometry data for Bourem in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.