Yorosso (Sikasso) Map Cropping Samples

Yorosso (Sikasso) Map Cropping Samples-1

Yorosso (Sikasso) Map Cropping Samples-2

Yorosso neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Yorosso with 3D shadow effect

Yorosso map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Yorosso (geojson format) :
Yorosso.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Yorosso map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Yorosso Map : ( 11.8848876953 , -5.22333366027 , 12.8064713683 , -4.36737060547 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Yorosso map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](11.8848876953, -5.22333366027, 12.8064713683, -4.36737060547);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Yorosso)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Yorosso
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Baguibe | 12.092800 , -4.921200 |
Bana | 12.613000 , -4.745000 |
Bangadina | 12.656800 , -4.661400 |
Benngourla | 12.217980 , -4.961420 |
Besso | 12.084100 , -4.982200 |
Boura | 12.411700 , -4.539300 |
Chouala | 12.039100 , -4.801500 |
Damou | 12.668500 , -4.763900 |
Diarakongo | 12.358500 , -4.824500 |
Diena | 12.116670 , -4.816670 |
Dionna | 12.030500 , -5.216730 |
Dorosso | 12.665600 , -4.690700 |
Doumasso | 12.021500 , -5.193500 |
Douna | 12.049900 , -4.774700 |
Fakoni | 12.420500 , -4.982200 |
Falakoro | 12.128550 , -5.070830 |
Famasso | 12.090100 , -5.076600 |
Founa | 12.184600 , -4.898200 |
Garamana | 12.024000 , -4.885500 |
Gbangan | 12.482460 , -4.482140 |
Gouama | 12.453690 , -4.440440 |
Gouele | 12.097700 , -4.885500 |
Gourla | 12.068400 , -4.803500 |
Kafouna | 12.259870 , -5.054430 |
Kaledougou | 12.586730 , -4.901220 |
Kanrangana | 12.229600 , -5.035230 |
Karagouroula | 12.312390 , -4.840690 |
Katie | 12.319800 , -5.069600 |
Kenngouara | 12.202200 , -4.768800 |
Kia | 12.700000 , -4.750000 |
Kifosso | 12.501500 , -4.899200 |
Koloni | 12.360400 , -4.584200 |
Komi | 12.461500 , -4.544200 |
Koumia | 12.595620 , -4.690040 |
Kounian | 12.318300 , -5.059430 |
Kouri | 12.183960 , -4.802840 |
Kume | 12.503000 , -4.547100 |
Lokana | 12.253000 , -4.623800 |
Makongo | 12.555700 , -4.851300 |
Mao | 12.132130 , -4.629510 |
Marena | 12.724200 , -4.552500 |
Mberesso | 12.264700 , -5.052300 |
Minanba | 12.394630 , -4.671620 |
Mnia | 12.464060 , -4.608040 |
Moue | 12.144600 , -4.764900 |
Nanikire | 12.701500 , -4.779600 |
Nanmpena | 12.265200 , -4.819600 |
Neresso | 12.291600 , -4.728800 |
Niasso | 12.624230 , -4.529700 |
Noumpinesso | 12.236000 , -5.131430 |
Ouho | 11.969470 , -5.192340 |
Ourikela | 12.109590 , -5.062810 |
Parakoro | 12.110400 , -5.020400 |
Pijela | 12.157800 , -4.815700 |
Pikouro | 12.177300 , -4.877200 |
Saazila | 12.114530 , -5.075530 |
Sakoni | 12.226100 , -4.867900 |
Sala | 12.030300 , -4.903600 |
Sani | 12.226100 , -4.785900 |
Sende | 12.538200 , -4.667200 |
Siela | 12.495700 , -4.729300 |
Simona | 12.287200 , -4.892800 |
Sinkolo | 12.216130 , -5.036970 |
Sogoba | 12.473700 , -4.641900 |
Son | 12.215400 , -4.655000 |
Sona | 12.097700 , -4.686800 |
Tanio | 12.160200 , -4.959200 |
Tasso | 12.578710 , -4.456370 |
Tebere | 12.643600 , -4.806400 |
Ti | 12.018100 , -4.982700 |
Tibi | 12.018900 , -5.072930 |
Tioro | 12.034600 , -5.201300 |
Toro | 12.391670 , -4.921620 |
Torosso | 12.317000 , -4.945100 |
Wasso | 12.150000 , -4.666670 |
Wolela | 12.039900 , -5.143300 |
Yakrissi | 12.287200 , -4.646700 |
Zagounso | 12.548900 , -4.793700 |
Zagousso | 12.262300 , -4.714600 |
Zaniegala | 12.262800 , -4.634000 |
Zeblena | 12.013100 , -5.017600 |
- You can download geometry data for Yorosso in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.