Gbehlay-Geh (Nimba) Map Cropping Samples

Gbehlay-Geh (Nimba) Map Cropping Samples-1

Gbehlay-Geh (Nimba) Map Cropping Samples-2

Gbehlay-Geh neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Gbehlay-Geh with 3D shadow effect

Gbehlay-Geh map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Gbehlay-Geh (geojson format) :
Gbehlay-Geh.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Gbehlay-Geh map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Gbehlay-Geh Map : ( 6.932464 , -8.641825 , 7.513483 , -8.27361 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Gbehlay-Geh map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](6.932464, -8.641825, 7.513483, -8.27361);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Gbehlay-Geh)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Gbehlay-Geh
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Balpali | 7.059440 , -8.305280 |
Bamawipla | 7.359440 , -8.436940 |
Bambli | 7.331390 , -8.478890 |
Bapie | 7.177220 , -8.559720 |
Baple | 7.128890 , -8.433060 |
Belage | 7.124190 , -8.601910 |
Bia | 7.256670 , -8.423890 |
Biage | 7.151110 , -8.575830 |
Biaplay | 7.180830 , -8.495830 |
Binpie | 7.039720 , -8.528060 |
Blabe | 7.159170 , -8.528890 |
Blipi Town | 6.998060 , -8.370560 |
Bloduwi | 7.006110 , -8.424170 |
Bobe | 7.368330 , -8.605000 |
Bompele | 7.302780 , -8.455280 |
Bongaplay | 7.011110 , -8.307780 |
Buleya | 7.084440 , -8.456940 |
Butadeputah | 7.053610 , -8.319440 |
Deliyapa | 7.106390 , -8.521390 |
Dobakui | 7.240830 , -8.369170 |
Duela | 7.392220 , -8.409440 |
Duoplay | 7.284910 , -8.421190 |
Dvabli | 7.207500 , -8.465830 |
Gadali | 7.353330 , -8.517500 |
Ganaglay | 7.046390 , -8.358060 |
Ganibli | 7.226110 , -8.480000 |
Ganta | 7.302220 , -8.530830 |
Gantlo | 7.034170 , -8.594170 |
Garplay | 7.126110 , -8.466390 |
Gbei Bonnah | 7.171110 , -8.442500 |
Gbele | 7.083330 , -8.416670 |
Gbenelay | 7.026940 , -8.327500 |
Gbonwlea | 7.120000 , -8.502220 |
Gohnwe | 7.125560 , -8.558060 |
Grandi | 7.165280 , -8.434440 |
Guli | 7.177780 , -8.580000 |
Guoguatuo | 7.410000 , -8.454720 |
Guwa Pla | 7.315560 , -8.426940 |
Jebli | 7.032780 , -8.436940 |
Jlepie | 7.054440 , -8.570280 |
Karnplay | 7.269720 , -8.503890 |
Kenlay | 7.287480 , -8.384980 |
Kenle | 7.400000 , -8.400000 |
Kenle | 7.313890 , -8.394440 |
Kentuckle | 7.446670 , -8.425560 |
Kiale | 7.316670 , -8.550000 |
Kissiplay | 7.278020 , -8.371980 |
Komapie | 7.445000 , -8.452780 |
Konto | 6.983330 , -8.400000 |
Kpeaplay | 7.198890 , -8.553610 |
Kpeaplay | 7.085560 , -8.335830 |
Kpehtuo | 7.152590 , -8.576610 |
Kuahn | 7.083330 , -8.516670 |
Kuetapla | 7.218060 , -8.443330 |
Kuiatapla | 7.147500 , -8.438330 |
Lapui | 7.320000 , -8.472220 |
Larpea #1 | 7.265560 , -8.486670 |
Larpea #2 | 7.286020 , -8.444800 |
Lepula | 7.336390 , -8.509440 |
Logatuo | 7.257740 , -8.366360 |
Loguplay | 7.282500 , -8.377220 |
Lole | 7.239720 , -8.522500 |
Londasi | 6.957500 , -8.326940 |
Ma Diaplay | 7.079720 , -8.451940 |
Maba | 7.243060 , -8.535830 |
Molople | 7.416670 , -8.483330 |
Nelabatu | 7.284440 , -8.375280 |
New Gabloi | 7.118610 , -8.463890 |
Nyoanplay | 6.993610 , -8.317220 |
Oui | 7.150000 , -8.483330 |
Palanam | 7.081110 , -8.497220 |
Pila | 7.293890 , -8.577780 |
Pineli | 7.080560 , -8.313890 |
Piseko | 7.132500 , -8.332780 |
Potia | 7.016670 , -8.566670 |
Rhekpehlay | 7.053610 , -8.571670 |
Rondaze | 6.966670 , -8.333330 |
Ropie | 7.300000 , -8.483330 |
Sali | 7.130830 , -8.573330 |
Senlay | 7.116670 , -8.548330 |
Suya Town | 7.194170 , -8.436670 |
Tatula | 7.134440 , -8.307220 |
Teazegboplay | 7.133060 , -8.349440 |
Tombli | 7.270560 , -8.533610 |
Tule | 7.482500 , -8.443610 |
Vayenglay | 7.142500 , -8.560830 |
Yabli | 7.365280 , -8.405000 |
Yehn | 7.483330 , -8.416670 |
Ylowee | 7.413610 , -8.529170 |
Yola | 7.000000 , -8.333330 |
Yuba | 7.102780 , -8.419440 |
Zaazota | 6.995280 , -8.316940 |
Zali | 7.223890 , -8.347500 |
Zalimobuku | 7.286670 , -8.401110 |
Zeanlay | 7.287380 , -8.399370 |
Zogowe | 7.337500 , -8.585830 |
Zortaple | 7.381670 , -8.561940 |
Zualay | 7.390560 , -8.517780 |
- You can download geometry data for Gbehlay-Geh in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.