Kolahun (Lofa) Map Cropping Samples

Kolahun (Lofa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Kolahun (Lofa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Kolahun neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Kolahun with 3D shadow effect

Kolahun map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Kolahun (geojson format) :
Kolahun.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Kolahun map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Kolahun Map : ( 7.715939 , -10.412223 , 8.46362 , -9.822264 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Kolahun map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](7.715939, -10.412223, 8.46362, -9.822264);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Kolahun)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Kolahun
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Bakanda | 8.368890 , -10.075830 |
Balalahun | 8.330000 , -10.059720 |
Balatahun | 8.223610 , -10.151940 |
Banwei | 8.147500 , -10.146110 |
Bendenbu | 8.269440 , -10.180280 |
Bengolahun | 8.173610 , -10.147220 |
Boawolohun | 8.205560 , -10.120560 |
Bolahun | 8.232220 , -10.160560 |
Bolobang | 8.450000 , -9.983330 |
Bondowalahun Number One | 8.095560 , -10.202500 |
Bondowalahun Number Two | 8.096940 , -10.196390 |
Botamba | 8.341390 , -10.123610 |
Dangalahun | 8.133330 , -10.350000 |
Davidta | 8.183330 , -10.033330 |
Faihensu | 8.316670 , -10.133330 |
Fangorda | 8.222500 , -10.173890 |
Fanhalahun | 8.314170 , -10.040560 |
Fasawolo | 8.392780 , -10.066110 |
Fofanata | 8.184170 , -10.200280 |
Fokolahun | 8.161390 , -10.274170 |
Gbabulahun | 8.066670 , -10.283330 |
Gbandela | 8.233330 , -10.216670 |
Gbenyalahun | 8.108610 , -10.240830 |
Gboma | 8.233330 , -10.250000 |
Gelema | 8.258890 , -10.169440 |
Gjenga | 8.150000 , -10.333330 |
Gohunbo | 8.150000 , -10.250000 |
Golahun | 8.083330 , -10.255560 |
Gondolahun | 7.965830 , -10.055830 |
Hailahun | 8.183330 , -10.133330 |
Hankha | 8.114170 , -10.092220 |
Hembehulahun | 8.300000 , -10.100000 |
Hengbelahun | 8.391670 , -10.026940 |
Honehun Number One | 8.363890 , -10.008890 |
Honehun Number Two | 8.355000 , -10.001110 |
Jenneh | 7.895000 , -9.992500 |
Jomata | 8.398060 , -9.949720 |
Kabawana | 8.316670 , -10.083330 |
Kailahun | 8.020560 , -10.272220 |
Kalahun | 7.970560 , -10.267780 |
Kalepo | 8.300000 , -10.066670 |
Kamatahun | 8.139720 , -10.292780 |
Kambalahun | 8.250000 , -10.050000 |
Kambalahun | 8.260830 , -10.106390 |
Kambolahun | 8.300000 , -10.100000 |
Kambolahun | 8.344170 , -10.057220 |
Kambuema | 8.249170 , -10.252220 |
Kangama | 8.050000 , -10.333330 |
Kembalahun Number One | 8.129440 , -10.193610 |
Kenyatahun | 8.164170 , -10.218060 |
Kiatahun | 8.150280 , -10.176390 |
Kimbalahun Number Two | 8.155830 , -10.222500 |
Koilahun | 8.416670 , -9.983330 |
Kokpailahun | 8.150000 , -10.350000 |
Kolehewa | 8.348330 , -10.111670 |
Kolikelelahun | 8.183330 , -10.083330 |
Kolikpakumai | 8.400000 , -9.950000 |
Kolume | 8.183330 , -10.300000 |
Konehun | 7.773330 , -10.079440 |
Koniadu Number One | 8.266670 , -10.216670 |
Konjolahun | 8.215560 , -10.222500 |
Kotalahun | 8.387780 , -9.993610 |
Kotuhun | 8.302780 , -10.140000 |
Kotuvelela | 8.416670 , -10.000000 |
Kovinjeilahun | 8.133330 , -10.250000 |
Koyadu | 8.255000 , -10.206940 |
Kpakbambu | 7.815280 , -10.053060 |
Kpandahewa | 8.200000 , -10.116670 |
Kpandahewa | 8.365830 , -10.110280 |
Kpangaimei | 8.242780 , -10.268330 |
Kpokulahun | 8.190280 , -10.231940 |
Kwegia | 8.133330 , -10.366670 |
Laboba | 8.421670 , -9.970830 |
Lehoma | 8.180560 , -10.174720 |
Lengbama | 8.217500 , -10.273610 |
Lomboba | 7.839170 , -9.938330 |
Lukasu | 8.050000 , -10.244440 |
Maka | 8.016670 , -10.233330 |
Makuilahun | 8.158330 , -10.120830 |
Mambo | 8.200000 , -10.266670 |
Mambo | 8.241390 , -10.206390 |
Manguasu | 8.147500 , -10.094440 |
Mania | 7.988890 , -10.201670 |
Manjotahun | 8.365560 , -10.117780 |
Masambolahun | 8.227780 , -10.173330 |
Mawulahun | 8.276670 , -10.138610 |
Mbabahun | 8.292220 , -10.132780 |
Mbaloma | 7.885560 , -10.120560 |
Mbaloma | 8.042500 , -10.194720 |
Menditahun | 8.316670 , -10.066670 |
Molahun | 8.283330 , -10.116670 |
Ndambu | 8.216940 , -10.081390 |
Ngaylayhun | 8.293330 , -10.160560 |
Ngilima | 8.086670 , -10.126670 |
Ngilima | 7.865560 , -10.136110 |
Ngohokohun | 8.355560 , -10.099720 |
Ngohunba | 8.312220 , -10.135000 |
Ngokohun | 8.329440 , -10.086390 |
Niendama | 8.144170 , -10.242500 |
Njalolohun | 8.216670 , -10.166670 |
Nokole | 8.245280 , -10.147500 |
Nwalezu | 7.993610 , -10.003330 |
Nyangolahun | 8.260830 , -10.053610 |
Pasolahun | 7.971110 , -10.131390 |
Pelewahun | 8.183330 , -10.300000 |
Polowu | 8.218890 , -10.187780 |
Popalahun | 8.178890 , -10.229170 |
Saadia | 8.268060 , -10.235000 |
Sahngana | 8.300000 , -10.183330 |
Sakpawa | 8.250000 , -10.200000 |
Sasahun | 7.744720 , -10.037780 |
Sendedu | 8.200000 , -10.266670 |
Sigema | 8.157220 , -10.252780 |
Sikamai | 8.333330 , -10.000000 |
Somalahun | 8.234720 , -10.078890 |
Sosomolahun | 8.261940 , -10.146390 |
Sumalahun | 8.350000 , -10.066670 |
Tahemba | 8.366670 , -10.100000 |
Taninahun | 8.370280 , -10.047220 |
Tawalahun | 8.400000 , -10.000000 |
Tekpelembu | 8.441940 , -9.989720 |
Tengbelahun | 8.050000 , -10.066670 |
Tewulahun | 8.242780 , -10.156940 |
Tingawa | 8.266670 , -10.133330 |
Tongola | 8.433330 , -9.983330 |
Wahilahun | 7.979440 , -10.173610 |
Wanlehun | 8.029170 , -10.327780 |
Wanlezu | 7.906390 , -9.912780 |
Whia | 8.042780 , -10.141940 |
Wohalahun | 8.333330 , -10.100000 |
Wokoihun | 8.305280 , -10.124440 |
Yalahun | 8.128330 , -10.319720 |
Yamatahun | 8.183330 , -10.200000 |
Yandohun | 8.105830 , -10.358330 |
Yasadu | 8.279720 , -10.235830 |
Yehnma | 8.200000 , -10.250000 |
Yengbelahun | 8.240560 , -10.136110 |
Yengema | 8.171670 , -10.307780 |
Yukpedu | 8.233610 , -10.222780 |
- You can download geometry data for Kolahun in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.