Bleebo (Grand Gedeh) Map Cropping Samples

Bleebo (Grand Gedeh) Map Cropping Samples-1

Bleebo (Grand Gedeh) Map Cropping Samples-2

Bleebo neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Bleebo with 3D shadow effect

Bleebo map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Bleebo (geojson format) :
Bleebo.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Bleebo map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Bleebo Map : ( 4.819366 , -7.859453 , 5.57804 , -7.365113 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Bleebo map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](4.819366, -7.859453, 5.57804, -7.365113);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Bleebo)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Bleebo
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Bakla | 5.416670 , -7.500000 |
Bawrekon | 5.373890 , -7.786390 |
Brownville | 4.909030 , -7.633990 |
Chebokehn | 4.949300 , -7.666280 |
Cheepoh | 5.264170 , -7.814720 |
Diepo | 5.083330 , -7.600000 |
Freemanville | 4.940010 , -7.640530 |
Freetown | 5.344720 , -7.529720 |
Gaploke | 5.117220 , -7.580280 |
Gbaaka | 5.024170 , -7.657500 |
Gbaklika | 5.046110 , -7.849720 |
Gbarwreken | 5.033610 , -7.660830 |
Gbawiliken Cavalla | 4.991500 , -7.847810 |
Geealke | 5.033060 , -7.692780 |
Geepla | 5.014440 , -7.555280 |
Gekehn | 5.115830 , -7.701940 |
Gibsonsville | 4.855670 , -7.608810 |
Glaro | 5.300000 , -7.500000 |
Gwotuken | 4.963060 , -7.850000 |
Jalatoke | 5.015560 , -7.669440 |
Jarlotokehn | 4.958910 , -7.597470 |
Jawake | 4.990910 , -7.576160 |
Jaytohkon | 5.280000 , -7.788610 |
Jlikako | 5.375280 , -7.510000 |
Kalbuke | 4.876230 , -7.811230 |
Kaloke | 4.878470 , -7.643740 |
Kaobli | 5.439170 , -7.509440 |
Karbakehn | 4.906510 , -7.764560 |
Klaboke | 5.060560 , -7.762220 |
Kodeke | 4.856750 , -7.600100 |
Kronoken City | 4.880640 , -7.624230 |
Makla | 5.383330 , -7.500000 |
Mape Town | 5.236390 , -7.831110 |
Matuwake | 5.188890 , -7.681110 |
Matwa | 5.333330 , -7.500000 |
Mofa | 5.316670 , -7.750000 |
Mofa Town | 5.232500 , -7.795280 |
Naroka | 5.186670 , -7.632220 |
Naumake | 5.011110 , -7.761110 |
Nyaake | 4.851520 , -7.597480 |
Parken | 5.042780 , -7.608330 |
Patake | 4.978600 , -7.558000 |
Peloke | 5.216670 , -7.750000 |
Peloken | 5.058330 , -7.735560 |
Petekehn | 4.939930 , -7.751710 |
River Gbe Camp | 5.211940 , -7.668060 |
River Gbe Estate | 5.215560 , -7.663610 |
Sabo | 5.116670 , -7.683330 |
Saklake | 4.999470 , -7.543700 |
Sala | 5.477220 , -7.532780 |
Suwrokehn | 4.914870 , -7.637980 |
Sweakehn | 4.987000 , -7.711180 |
Swekehn | 5.126670 , -7.728330 |
Tarwarken | 5.170830 , -7.613610 |
Taryaken | 4.904800 , -7.819110 |
Tawohkeh | 4.977990 , -7.695220 |
Thebaken | 5.039440 , -7.613330 |
Tienbo | 4.875660 , -7.789910 |
Tilehkehn | 4.890730 , -7.630260 |
Watuake | 5.031940 , -7.783060 |
Wesake | 5.026390 , -7.740560 |
Weseke | 5.085830 , -7.668060 |
Wessatoken | 5.109720 , -7.666670 |
Wlorptue | 5.381110 , -7.509170 |
Woffiken | 5.155000 , -7.746390 |
Wolokehn | 4.905660 , -7.751880 |
Woloken | 4.935560 , -7.795000 |
Wortuke | 4.839720 , -7.650830 |
Wregbokehn | 4.949230 , -7.639890 |
Wutuke | 4.962310 , -7.565780 |
Wutuken | 4.962410 , -7.848990 |
Yarbekehn | 4.972690 , -7.594530 |
Yeboke | 4.911360 , -7.656290 |
Yeebo Town | 5.416670 , -7.516670 |
Yuwohken | 5.068610 , -7.606940 |
- You can download geometry data for Bleebo in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.