Weeraketiya (Hambantota) Map Cropping Samples

Weeraketiya (Hambantota) Map Cropping Samples-1

Weeraketiya (Hambantota) Map Cropping Samples-2

Weeraketiya neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Weeraketiya with 3D shadow effect

Weeraketiya map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Weeraketiya (geojson format) :
Weeraketiya.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Weeraketiya map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Weeraketiya Map : ( 6.09568078701 , 80.7170625736 , 6.24662727251 , 80.8422596212 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Weeraketiya map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](6.09568078701, 80.7170625736, 6.24662727251, 80.8422596212);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Weeraketiya)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Weeraketiya
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abakolawewa | 6.183330 , 80.800000 |
Aggarahere | 6.133330 , 80.783330 |
Anguluwelamedagama | 6.143200 , 80.754800 |
Badalgoda | 6.119300 , 80.743200 |
Bisogalgodella | 6.119700 , 80.732400 |
Bodimaluwa | 6.177500 , 80.744000 |
Brahmanayagama | 6.181000 , 80.745500 |
Buddiyagama | 6.166100 , 80.753000 |
Degampota | 6.186700 , 80.764100 |
Egodahawatugoda | 6.163600 , 80.735100 |
Etgalmulla | 6.100000 , 80.766670 |
Etubode Ihala | 6.150800 , 80.729000 |
Etubode Pahala | 6.144600 , 80.731300 |
Galahitiyagoda | 6.173300 , 80.731900 |
Galpottayaya | 6.216700 , 80.770500 |
Galwalagoda | 6.118300 , 80.769200 |
Gonadeniya | 6.196200 , 80.805800 |
Gowagalgoda | 6.123700 , 80.759600 |
Gurumaditta | 6.116800 , 80.802600 |
Hattasingoda | 6.167500 , 80.734000 |
Hillegeayina | 6.229800 , 80.760700 |
Ihalagoda | 6.182200 , 80.755100 |
Ittademaliya | 6.156500 , 80.725600 |
Kandamaditta | 6.212700 , 80.766800 |
Kapugampota | 6.151800 , 80.780500 |
Kapugampotagoda | 6.161000 , 80.731800 |
Katuwewagoda | 6.121900 , 80.765900 |
Keppitiyawa | 6.148700 , 80.740600 |
Kinchigune | 6.186800 , 80.754900 |
Kinchigunemedagama | 6.194700 , 80.766900 |
Kudabedigama Ihalagoda | 6.107500 , 80.758900 |
Kudagalage | 6.232400 , 80.767700 |
Lintotapaya | 6.175800 , 80.763100 |
Mahagoda | 6.162100 , 80.726400 |
Mahayaya | 6.189900 , 80.752400 |
Malehegeayine | 6.207000 , 80.749300 |
Mandaduwa | 6.139400 , 80.769500 |
Medamulana | 6.178300 , 80.769200 |
Medatisamuna | 6.148900 , 80.775900 |
Migasara | 6.201200 , 80.766900 |
Morayaya | 6.179500 , 80.802300 |
Mulanyaya | 6.239500 , 80.757100 |
Okandeyaya | 6.222100 , 80.775200 |
Palankadawewa | 6.133000 , 80.743900 |
Pallemulana | 6.173100 , 80.767200 |
Pansalagawagoda | 6.124900 , 80.749100 |
Pattiyawelagoda | 6.137100 , 80.754900 |
Potuwewa | 6.131500 , 80.768100 |
Suneethagama | 6.158000 , 80.747900 |
Udawakamulla | 6.141700 , 80.783500 |
Udukiriwila | 6.172100 , 80.750700 |
Walawgoda | 6.158500 , 80.731600 |
Waraketigoda | 6.139400 , 80.737500 |
Wenahatamuna | 6.147100 , 80.748100 |
Yaggasmulla | 6.165800 , 80.762000 |
- You can download geometry data for Weeraketiya in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.