Meegahakivula (Badulla) Map Cropping Samples

Meegahakivula (Badulla) Map Cropping Samples-1

Meegahakivula (Badulla) Map Cropping Samples-2

Meegahakivula neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Meegahakivula with 3D shadow effect

Meegahakivula map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Meegahakivula (geojson format) :
Meegahakivula.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Meegahakivula map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Meegahakivula Map : ( 7.068295 , 81.026628 , 7.210416 , 81.159776 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Meegahakivula map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](7.068295, 81.026628, 7.210416, 81.159776);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Meegahakivula)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Meegahakivula
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abakolathenna | 7.094200 , 81.080100 |
Aggalaulpota | 7.150000 , 81.050000 |
Akurukaduwa | 7.122800 , 81.062300 |
Arawagedara | 7.102100 , 81.080200 |
Athukoralegedara | 7.146500 , 81.084000 |
Attambagahakandura | 7.159500 , 81.049400 |
Balagolla | 7.160800 , 81.049700 |
Balagollagama | 7.166000 , 81.050400 |
Bathalawattagama | 7.089400 , 81.043700 |
Dambagahawela | 7.085100 , 81.071400 |
Dehithenna | 7.087900 , 81.093300 |
Dulalinda | 7.142200 , 81.046200 |
Dumwetikandura | 7.176200 , 81.048100 |
Ekiriyagama | 7.092100 , 81.115300 |
Elamana | 7.128900 , 81.126600 |
Galapitakanda | 7.105600 , 81.041800 |
Galgelanda | 7.100800 , 81.043000 |
Galwala | 7.098400 , 81.048100 |
Girulupatha | 7.134100 , 81.049300 |
Godahena | 7.090700 , 81.063800 |
Gonkatuwa | 7.086700 , 81.047700 |
Gurumade | 7.111600 , 81.074300 |
Hunuketapitiya | 7.092300 , 81.056600 |
Ilukpitiya | 7.161200 , 81.070700 |
Ititumbala | 7.094600 , 81.126400 |
Kalawelruppa | 7.096800 , 81.081400 |
Kalugahakandura | 7.126400 , 81.097500 |
Karametiya | 7.184000 , 81.042900 |
Karandagahamada | 7.154300 , 81.072500 |
Kavadiela | 7.136500 , 81.062900 |
Keselwatta | 7.117400 , 81.060100 |
Ketawattagama | 7.142800 , 81.075300 |
Kivula | 7.142400 , 81.065300 |
Kohana | 7.100000 , 81.066670 |
Kohombagahagedara | 7.140100 , 81.046200 |
Kongahalinda | 7.171300 , 81.049800 |
Kudakohana | 7.145000 , 81.046800 |
Kudumirisketiya | 7.149000 , 81.045700 |
Kukurumahanthenna | 7.154900 , 81.105000 |
Madurumandiya | 7.166700 , 81.051700 |
Mahakandura | 7.104900 , 81.080100 |
Malaboda | 7.085600 , 81.092200 |
Medagedara | 7.088600 , 81.068700 |
Meegaspitiya | 7.082600 , 81.072900 |
Nawela | 7.139800 , 81.086900 |
Palawatta | 7.127500 , 81.068000 |
Pimburaulpota | 7.117800 , 81.069000 |
Pitamaruwa | 7.116200 , 81.126200 |
Polgahaarawa | 7.140100 , 81.092700 |
Polgahathenna | 7.090500 , 81.088900 |
Puwakgahawatta | 7.088300 , 81.078700 |
Thalawathenna | 7.164800 , 81.052400 |
Thaldenagama | 7.095600 , 81.047900 |
Udaella | 7.127300 , 81.094200 |
Ukdunuwatta | 7.096100 , 81.063900 |
Urupitiya | 7.105900 , 81.082900 |
Uvawatta | 7.130700 , 81.124500 |
Wewathenna | 7.107900 , 81.126100 |
- You can download geometry data for Meegahakivula in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.