Thala Barivat (Stoeng Treng) Map Cropping Samples

Thala Barivat (Stoeng Treng) Map Cropping Samples-1
Thala Barivat (Stoeng Treng) Map Cropping Samples-1

Thala Barivat neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect
Thala Barivat neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Thala Barivat with 3D shadow effect
flag map of Thala Barivat with 3D shadow effect

Thala Barivat map with 3d shadow effect
Thala Barivat map with 3d shadow effect

Create and download free physical and topographic maps for Thala Barivat.

Download outline map of Thala Barivat (geojson format) : Thala Barivat.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Thala Barivat map for "Google Maps" : Thala Barivat.txt
Bounding Box for Thala Barivat Map : ( 13.324441 , 105.519569 , 13.936797 , 106.046417 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Thala Barivat map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](13.324441, 105.519569, 13.936797, 106.046417);
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Thala Barivat)
rel["name"="Thala Barivat"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Thala Barivat"][type=boundary];
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Neighborhoods and Villages of Thala Barivat
Neighborhoods and VillagesCoordinates (Latitude, Longitude)
Anlong Chrey 13.671840 , 105.628600
Anlong Phe 13.536310 , 105.609070
Anlong Phe 13.559700 , 105.670440
Chamkar Leu 13.514210 , 105.734420
Choam Thum 13.702380 , 106.010720
Kaoh Mak Hvai 13.595630 , 105.992870
Kunakpheap Muoy 13.836640 , 105.523940
Kunakpheap Pir 13.848590 , 105.529180
Man 13.641820 , 105.710990
Ou Svay 13.879930 , 106.002180
Ph'av 13.575980 , 105.649030
Phum Kaoh Ky 13.714140 , 106.021110
Phum Pongtek 13.470690 , 105.889830
Phum Sre Russey 13.604430 , 105.914880
Phumi Ahen 13.663830 , 105.694100
Phumi Anlong Chheuteal 13.924200 , 105.951210
Phumi Anlong Kramuon 13.615110 , 105.845630
Phumi Anlong Kreul 13.889600 , 105.965520
Phumi Anlong Svay 13.912300 , 105.957240
Phumi Anlong Svay 13.522130 , 105.925920
Phumi Changha 13.811040 , 105.527810
Phumi Cheung Preah Bat 13.535570 , 105.937130
Phumi Kampong Pang 13.393800 , 105.858950
Phumi Kanghub 13.359140 , 105.886380
Phumi Kaoh Nhang 13.916210 , 105.991200
Phumi Kaoh Pnou 13.899650 , 105.998160
Phumi Khsan 13.725710 , 105.776890
Phumi Krala Peah 13.869830 , 105.969310
Phumi Krang Cham 13.430230 , 105.882530
Phumi O Rey 13.485490 , 105.900650
Phumi Pra 13.858510 , 105.620120
Phumi Run 13.467930 , 105.808500
Phumi Sam Ang 13.701380 , 105.853560
Phumi Thalabarivat 13.550000 , 105.950000
Phumi Thma Sar 13.610290 , 105.855060
Preah Angkoal 13.897990 , 105.963730
Rumdeng 13.503380 , 105.741020
Sralau 13.782340 , 105.588010
Toal 13.509810 , 105.625960
Veal Pou 13.558640 , 105.672360
Veun Kham 13.916670 , 105.983330

- You can download geometry data for Thala Barivat in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**) Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.

Create Thala Barivat neighborhoods and villages map.

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