Rukh Kiri (Batdambang) Map Cropping Samples

Rukh Kiri (Batdambang) Map Cropping Samples-1

Rukh Kiri (Batdambang) Map Cropping Samples-2

Rukh Kiri neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Rukh Kiri with 3D shadow effect

Rukh Kiri map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Rukh Kiri (geojson format) :
Rukh Kiri.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Rukh Kiri map for "Google Maps" :
Rukh Kiri.txt
Bounding Box for Rukh Kiri Map : ( 12.502234 , 103.235441 , 12.6869 , 103.6436 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Rukh Kiri map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](12.502234, 103.235441, 12.6869, 103.6436);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Rukh Kiri)
rel["name"="Rukh Kiri"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Rukh Kiri"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Rukh Kiri
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Phum Banteay Dek | 12.611580 , 103.476350 |
Phum Beng Ampil | 12.598680 , 103.378400 |
Phum Beng Trach | 12.549080 , 103.375350 |
Phum Chang Vay | 12.643510 , 103.483780 |
Phum Chhke Kham Praeus | 12.660650 , 103.411550 |
Phum Chhuk | 12.587450 , 103.360100 |
Phum Chong Por | 12.623320 , 103.454080 |
Phum Chrak Poplea | 12.580190 , 103.329940 |
Phum Damnak Ampil | 12.629790 , 103.360470 |
Phum Damnak Msin | 12.600830 , 103.319780 |
Phum Kamreng | 12.602170 , 103.361790 |
Phum Kbal Kaoh | 12.576490 , 103.360160 |
Phum Khnach Ampor | 12.674190 , 103.397140 |
Phum Khnach Kack Puor | 12.671060 , 103.374670 |
Phum Khtom Kaoh | 12.639410 , 103.336550 |
Phum Knong Veal | 12.655230 , 103.347420 |
Phum Pen | 12.580000 , 103.471090 |
Phum Prey Khlot | 12.603400 , 103.486860 |
Phum Rung | 12.561060 , 103.417480 |
Phum Samraong Ach Dek | 12.620570 , 103.324680 |
Phum Siem | 12.639990 , 103.425240 |
Phum Smaoch At | 12.618580 , 103.381500 |
Phum Ta Mok | 12.668120 , 103.358850 |
Phum Ta Preal | 12.599850 , 103.348450 |
Phum Thnam | 12.603640 , 103.370810 |
Phum Tram Seh | 12.626230 , 103.389640 |
Phum Tuol Pon | 12.617130 , 103.451120 |
Phum Tuol Smau | 12.622530 , 103.346880 |
Phum Tuol Ta Ek | 12.593510 , 103.299630 |
Phum Vatt | 12.613210 , 103.369940 |
Phum Veal | 12.609520 , 103.382110 |
Phumi Ambeng Thngai | 12.623160 , 103.517450 |
Phumi Mukh Rea (1) | 12.552500 , 103.575190 |
Phumi Mukh Rea (2) | 12.566670 , 103.550000 |
Phumi Pa Phel | 12.561100 , 103.604430 |
Phumi Phko Loan | 12.533480 , 103.611240 |
Phumi Preah Andong | 12.604880 , 103.520870 |
Phumi Prey Dab Tbong | 12.616950 , 103.541580 |
Phumi Svay Ta Loum | 12.604570 , 103.527050 |
Phumi Toloeng Toeng | 12.584760 , 103.623340 |
Phumi Tuol Khvav | 12.607040 , 103.597890 |
Preaek Chik | 12.652330 , 103.406880 |
Prey Tralach | 12.579490 , 103.454020 |
Siem | 12.680430 , 103.416830 |
- You can download geometry data for Rukh Kiri in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.