Romeas Haek (Svay Rieng) Map Cropping Samples

Romeas Haek (Svay Rieng) Map Cropping Samples-1

Romeas Haek (Svay Rieng) Map Cropping Samples-2

Romeas Haek neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Romeas Haek with 3D shadow effect

Romeas Haek map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Romeas Haek (geojson format) :
Romeas Haek.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Romeas Haek map for "Google Maps" :
Romeas Haek.txt
Bounding Box for Romeas Haek Map : ( 11.262699 , 105.650278 , 11.602052 , 105.904 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Romeas Haek map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](11.262699, 105.650278, 11.602052, 105.904);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Romeas Haek)
rel["name"="Romeas Haek"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Romeas Haek"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Romeas Haek
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Andoung Khmat | 11.493860 , 105.678960 |
Andoung Trabaek | 11.580030 , 105.765230 |
Ansaong | 11.450420 , 105.716290 |
Boeng | 11.519140 , 105.821500 |
Chantrei | 11.285620 , 105.724280 |
Chrung Popel | 11.359710 , 105.685950 |
Mream | 11.330230 , 105.674210 |
Mukh Da | 11.377340 , 105.721240 |
Phum Preyphdiek | 11.457380 , 105.699630 |
Phumi Andong Pouthi | 11.359750 , 105.808120 |
Phumi Angk Prasre | 11.314910 , 105.792410 |
Phumi Angkrong | 11.452310 , 105.806800 |
Phumi Banla Saet | 11.287050 , 105.748010 |
Phumi Bat Tras | 11.401290 , 105.867310 |
Phumi Bos | 11.396220 , 105.731300 |
Phumi Bos Kokir | 11.376880 , 105.843240 |
Phumi Chea Theach | 11.354120 , 105.830080 |
Phumi Chheu Phleung | 11.405510 , 105.763810 |
Phumi Chong Prek | 11.359680 , 105.782320 |
Phumi Dang Kda | 11.410860 , 105.737270 |
Phumi Dangkieb Kdam | 11.385360 , 105.772200 |
Phumi Kampong Krasang | 11.534410 , 105.715280 |
Phumi Kampong Samraong | 11.298340 , 105.827150 |
Phumi Kampong Trach | 11.411780 , 105.790780 |
Phumi Kandal | 11.308740 , 105.756150 |
Phumi Khse Dek | 11.491730 , 105.876900 |
Phumi Kokir | 11.446310 , 105.862490 |
Phumi Kraham Kar | 11.301110 , 105.722450 |
Phumi Lbaeuk | 11.327890 , 105.674110 |
Phumi Prek Thnaot | 11.488410 , 105.709750 |
Phumi Prey Phdau | 11.387390 , 105.717590 |
Phumi Prey Tuol | 11.334350 , 105.859930 |
Phumi Rumduol | 11.460120 , 105.689640 |
Phumi Seri Os | 11.494710 , 105.798650 |
Phumi Sre Roessei | 11.467220 , 105.819870 |
Phumi Sva Lout | 11.508120 , 105.711320 |
Phumi Ta Menh | 11.534720 , 105.680100 |
Phumi Tahang | 11.375860 , 105.789950 |
Phumi Tapang | 11.318510 , 105.673280 |
Phumi Tasek | 11.467040 , 105.866270 |
Phumi Tbeng | 11.433060 , 105.819160 |
Phumi Thnal Peam | 11.329550 , 105.816090 |
Phumi Traok | 11.477550 , 105.815280 |
Phumi Trapeang Phloah | 11.412790 , 105.716480 |
Phumi Trapeang Pikar | 11.471000 , 105.790430 |
Phumi Trapeang Popel | 11.462610 , 105.800090 |
Phumi Trapeang Prei | 11.432690 , 105.803480 |
Phumi Trapeang Pring | 11.309200 , 105.801360 |
Phumi Trapeang Reang | 11.327740 , 105.793180 |
Phumi Trapeang Run | 11.316480 , 105.721160 |
Phumi Trapeang Sla | 11.338870 , 105.851730 |
Phumi Trapeang Smach | 11.532040 , 105.779090 |
Phumi Tras | 11.501660 , 105.868050 |
Phumi Tuol Sokram | 11.360770 , 105.741050 |
Popul | 11.535590 , 105.794960 |
Prey Kabbas | 11.291770 , 105.706450 |
Prey Preaek | 11.339830 , 105.702290 |
Prey Rumdenh | 11.436260 , 105.728420 |
Prey Totueng | 11.269150 , 105.674880 |
Romiet | 11.374540 , 105.732520 |
Sambat Mean Chey | 11.447340 , 105.675350 |
Sambuor | 11.488470 , 105.708130 |
Samraong | 11.351630 , 105.718910 |
Sandao | 11.435520 , 105.743850 |
Souphi | 11.475690 , 105.674360 |
Ta Phoar | 11.277300 , 105.719320 |
Ta Suos | 11.531390 , 105.836100 |
Ta Trung | 11.331310 , 105.664750 |
Thmei | 11.445300 , 105.745250 |
Thnal | 11.428290 , 105.702510 |
Thnal Totueng | 11.398000 , 105.731010 |
Tmat Pong | 11.476530 , 105.710710 |
Trapeang Ruessei | 11.449610 , 105.698780 |
Trapeang Ta Kaev | 11.389960 , 105.717450 |
Trapeang Tom | 11.282450 , 105.679210 |
Xom Giua | 11.483330 , 105.883330 |
- You can download geometry data for Romeas Haek in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.