Prasat Balangk (Kampong Thum) Map Cropping Samples

Prasat Balangk (Kampong Thum) Map Cropping Samples-1

Prasat Balangk (Kampong Thum) Map Cropping Samples-2

Prasat Balangk neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Prasat Balangk with 3D shadow effect

Prasat Balangk map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Prasat Balangk (geojson format) :
Prasat Balangk.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Prasat Balangk map for "Google Maps" :
Prasat Balangk.txt
Bounding Box for Prasat Balangk Map : ( 12.838822 , 104.619232 , 13.313839 , 105.078802 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Prasat Balangk map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](12.838822, 104.619232, 13.313839, 105.078802);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Prasat Balangk)
rel["name"="Prasat Ballangk"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Prasat Ballangk"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Prasat Balangk
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Anlong Chuor | 13.103770 , 104.770060 |
Beng Per | 12.949630 , 104.907400 |
Bos Thum | 13.113450 , 104.752440 |
Dang Phdiek | 12.984640 , 104.683840 |
Kien Teak | 13.157850 , 104.772940 |
Kranhung | 13.012010 , 104.765020 |
Kraya | 13.121130 , 104.765420 |
Kruos | 12.977740 , 104.669490 |
Mreak Ka | 13.019620 , 104.953870 |
Mreak Kha | 13.010860 , 104.951190 |
Ou Angkor | 13.240950 , 104.763530 |
Peam Atit | 13.271420 , 104.770030 |
Phan Nheum | 13.024240 , 104.766090 |
Phdiek | 13.043460 , 104.773130 |
Phumi Anlong Chrou | 13.296080 , 104.770380 |
Phumi Baray | 13.093360 , 104.745980 |
Phumi Bos Veng | 12.876450 , 104.943770 |
Phumi Chamnar | 12.898280 , 105.009160 |
Phumi Chanloh | 13.020110 , 104.820840 |
Phumi Chant Reangsei | 13.025500 , 104.739170 |
Phumi Chey | 12.868710 , 104.986480 |
Phumi Chitang | 13.130260 , 104.712130 |
Phumi Dang Anteak | 12.911840 , 105.012400 |
Phumi Dong | 13.017770 , 104.732600 |
Phumi Dong Ta Ek | 13.002460 , 104.718130 |
Phumi Kampeut | 13.090320 , 104.678050 |
Phumi Kansaom Kreas | 13.166520 , 104.747590 |
Phumi Kbal Damrei | 12.976400 , 104.769590 |
Phumi Kduoch | 13.020110 , 104.869800 |
Phumi Koki | 13.011700 , 104.994120 |
Phumi Kokrus | 13.171930 , 104.748100 |
Phumi Kvan Tieng | 12.964610 , 104.941030 |
Phumi Mreak | 13.043120 , 104.869940 |
Phumi Nu Em | 12.938310 , 104.883190 |
Phumi O Kroch | 12.988370 , 104.949110 |
Phumi Pech Noreay | 13.063380 , 104.819870 |
Phumi Phnou Khlong | 13.102710 , 104.749200 |
Phumi Robieng | 13.052320 , 104.966320 |
Phumi Roessei Duoch | 12.910510 , 104.944290 |
Phumi Rolum Sasar | 13.265530 , 104.764750 |
Phumi Sala Vichey (1) | 12.952370 , 104.941700 |
Phumi Sangvat | 13.129020 , 104.718260 |
Phumi Skor Kdei | 13.114110 , 104.783460 |
Phumi Smaonh | 12.960680 , 104.762940 |
Phumi Spean Thma | 12.938000 , 104.944140 |
Phumi Svay | 12.983330 , 104.833330 |
Phumi Svay | 12.994730 , 104.827840 |
Phumi Thlok Andong | 12.958080 , 104.980740 |
Phumi Thmei (2) | 13.076310 , 104.745760 |
Phumi Thum | 12.972740 , 104.825430 |
Phumi Toap Sdech | 12.871340 , 104.971340 |
Phumi Trach | 13.066450 , 104.745830 |
Phumi Tralek | 13.058080 , 105.027550 |
Phumi Trapeang Roessei | 12.951610 , 104.895390 |
Phumi Trapeang Thma | 12.955720 , 105.010330 |
Phumi Trapeang Veal | 12.985060 , 104.681380 |
Phumi Tuol Tbeng | 13.017840 , 104.832310 |
Phumi Veal Lpeak | 12.925930 , 104.977030 |
Prey Mari | 13.030020 , 104.767850 |
Prich | 13.186100 , 104.775040 |
Sa Kream | 13.186570 , 104.753840 |
Sakream Khang Cheung | 13.192620 , 104.756160 |
Sakream Khang Tboung | 13.180420 , 104.753450 |
Sochul | 13.086470 , 104.768250 |
Srae | 13.034630 , 104.963990 |
Srae Veal | 13.218650 , 104.778190 |
Ta Laek | 13.043700 , 104.969280 |
Ta Mom | 12.997960 , 104.712080 |
Trapeang Knong | 13.051190 , 104.777270 |
Trapeang Pring | 13.279740 , 104.776900 |
Veal Thnal | 13.201390 , 104.759670 |
- You can download geometry data for Prasat Balangk in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.