Chetr Borei (Krachen) Map Cropping Samples

Chetr Borei (Krachen) Map Cropping Samples-1

Chetr Borei (Krachen) Map Cropping Samples-2

Chetr Borei neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Chetr Borei with 3D shadow effect

Chetr Borei map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Chetr Borei (geojson format) :
Chetr Borei.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Chetr Borei map for "Google Maps" :
Chetr Borei.txt
Bounding Box for Chetr Borei Map : ( 12.336251 , 105.989867 , 12.790705 , 106.409109 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Chetr Borei map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](12.336251, 105.989867, 12.790705, 106.409109);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Chetr Borei)
rel["name"="Chetr Borei"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Chetr Borei"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Chetr Borei
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
A Loch | 12.440020 , 106.219940 |
Anhchanh | 12.485400 , 106.119380 |
Antong Vien | 12.466470 , 106.192920 |
Boeng Run | 12.625850 , 106.055650 |
Bos Leav | 12.402260 , 106.044980 |
Bos Leav Leu | 12.412960 , 106.039470 |
Changkrang | 12.607930 , 106.092930 |
Chranaol | 12.504870 , 106.236370 |
Chrava | 12.560410 , 106.100050 |
Chrava | 12.451510 , 106.177690 |
Chuor Chrey | 12.444650 , 106.106760 |
Chuor Krouch | 12.431460 , 106.147790 |
Damnak Sasar | 12.425830 , 106.149080 |
Dar | 12.485320 , 106.113390 |
Kakot | 12.657820 , 106.015870 |
Kantuot | 12.461010 , 106.171970 |
Kaoh Chraeng | 12.383760 , 106.041140 |
Kbal Chuor | 12.628800 , 106.020780 |
Khnach | 12.510740 , 106.230750 |
Khnang Pos | 12.440290 , 106.117780 |
Khsar | 12.475250 , 106.147070 |
Kou Loab | 12.540910 , 106.062470 |
Krasang | 12.478170 , 106.223580 |
L'ak | 12.407090 , 106.135640 |
Lvea Tong | 12.449030 , 106.077640 |
Mean Chey | 12.493620 , 106.218570 |
Phum Chak Seng | 12.625470 , 106.187870 |
Phum Chambak | 12.476250 , 106.213440 |
Phum Chas | 12.571880 , 106.219850 |
Phum Chhak Preah | 12.715860 , 106.318660 |
Phum Chou | 12.571250 , 106.211390 |
Phum Kampi | 12.611920 , 106.022240 |
Phum Kampung Kdei | 12.608270 , 106.191870 |
Phum Khvien | 12.433170 , 106.031840 |
Phum Laa | 12.681730 , 106.164740 |
Phum Pou | 12.374730 , 106.096970 |
Phum Prus | 12.480530 , 106.230150 |
Phum Riep | 12.664690 , 106.157440 |
Phum Roloch | 12.410590 , 106.232570 |
Phum Russei Char | 12.533310 , 106.000250 |
Phum Sre Chrey | 12.617580 , 106.082450 |
Phum Sre Pring | 12.671550 , 106.059330 |
Phum Svay Yu | 12.630230 , 106.073310 |
Phum Yung | 12.710580 , 106.208490 |
Phumi Anlung Khe | 12.393550 , 106.252330 |
Phumi Bos Prahaong | 12.602270 , 106.035880 |
Phumi P'ier | 12.468840 , 106.366520 |
Phumi Sambor | 12.478410 , 106.208480 |
Phumi Sre Pring | 12.594870 , 106.046880 |
Preaek | 12.370730 , 106.045060 |
Preaek Kov | 12.427210 , 106.072340 |
Preaek Ta Am | 12.375410 , 106.058010 |
Preaek Ta Thoeng | 12.388230 , 106.052600 |
Preah Konlong | 12.427090 , 106.057880 |
Roka Khnaor | 12.378800 , 106.033590 |
Sambok | 12.583250 , 106.024300 |
Sereipheap | 12.465300 , 106.146730 |
Stueng Svay | 12.484460 , 106.126740 |
Svay Chrum | 12.501640 , 106.266550 |
Ta Luh | 12.440320 , 106.030070 |
Ta Nguon | 12.453770 , 106.083840 |
Thma Andaeuk | 12.431170 , 106.153220 |
Thma Kreae | 12.546700 , 106.004680 |
Thma Kreae Leu | 12.559600 , 106.013800 |
Thmei | 12.482380 , 106.214780 |
Tnaot | 12.478640 , 106.213700 |
Treab | 12.495010 , 106.244220 |
Voat | 12.361120 , 106.044450 |
- You can download geometry data for Chetr Borei in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.