Itsuki (Kumamoto Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples

Itsuki (Kumamoto Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-1

Itsuki (Kumamoto Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-2

Itsuki neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Itsuki with 3D shadow effect

Itsuki map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Itsuki (geojson format) :
Itsuki.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Itsuki map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Itsuki Map : ( 32.341999 , 130.720108 , 32.498135 , 130.959396 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Itsuki map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](32.341999, 130.720108, 32.498135, 130.959396);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Itsuki)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Itsuki
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Chiikiri | 32.424360 , 130.858350 |
Gumeki | 32.367180 , 130.843520 |
Hae | 32.457070 , 130.860080 |
Hakiai | 32.414300 , 130.862360 |
Hiate | 32.380630 , 130.920250 |
Hirano | 32.448200 , 130.852530 |
Hirasawazu | 32.484010 , 130.843990 |
Hirase | 32.413640 , 130.790730 |
Hoyoji | 32.446240 , 130.860170 |
Iiboshi | 32.454570 , 130.789060 |
Ikenotsuru | 32.397230 , 130.817260 |
Irikamo | 32.415710 , 130.891290 |
Itagi | 32.386280 , 130.835970 |
Itsuki | 32.427361 , 130.827583 |
Izuruha | 32.441680 , 130.765370 |
Kajihara | 32.406000 , 130.874590 |
Kamiarachi | 32.461200 , 130.865240 |
Kamiyashiki | 32.416890 , 130.847850 |
Ko | 32.397590 , 130.830300 |
Kobama | 32.346920 , 130.845190 |
Kobaru | 32.398170 , 130.869660 |
Kobetto | 32.490130 , 130.824640 |
Koshiiba | 32.423790 , 130.790410 |
Kozuru | 32.446450 , 130.774360 |
Kurizuru | 32.433160 , 130.851740 |
Kuryo | 32.398430 , 130.820820 |
Kusha | 32.395020 , 130.909100 |
Kuzunohae | 32.364500 , 130.857470 |
Matsumoto | 32.402520 , 130.826830 |
Matsuono | 32.446320 , 130.856950 |
Minamiseme | 32.353520 , 130.853310 |
Miura | 32.405850 , 130.865840 |
Miyazono | 32.440770 , 130.857940 |
Mizonoguchi | 32.401610 , 130.825370 |
Motoidani | 32.400490 , 130.796570 |
Nakamichi | 32.467970 , 130.883820 |
Nakamura | 32.448380 , 130.765590 |
Nonowaki | 32.361280 , 130.843480 |
Ohira | 32.369470 , 130.835410 |
Oritachi | 32.405270 , 130.784380 |
Oshiyama | 32.437200 , 130.800480 |
Oyabu | 32.421390 , 130.795240 |
Sakasegawa | 32.374370 , 130.835920 |
Sanpodani | 32.377600 , 130.838350 |
Shiiba | 32.477460 , 130.837770 |
Shimoarachi | 32.453560 , 130.857340 |
Shimokajihara | 32.391290 , 130.922660 |
Shimote | 32.397120 , 130.826100 |
Shiraiwado | 32.449190 , 130.782410 |
Shirokura | 32.397770 , 130.944630 |
Susogo | 32.399160 , 130.918990 |
Taguchi | 32.399550 , 130.825580 |
Takano | 32.400380 , 130.813870 |
Takenokawa | 32.417840 , 130.855540 |
Tankaino | 32.487480 , 130.797820 |
Tatsusako | 32.416650 , 130.800600 |
Toji | 32.400000 , 130.833330 |
Tsubaki | 32.429300 , 130.789100 |
Tsuru | 32.432380 , 130.858260 |
Tsutehira | 32.398970 , 130.810000 |
Uchidani | 32.433930 , 130.734000 |
Yamaguchi | 32.448020 , 130.745540 |
Yashiki | 32.419330 , 130.877980 |
- You can download geometry data for Itsuki in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.