Oguni (Kumamoto Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples

Oguni (Kumamoto Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-1

Oguni (Kumamoto Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-2

Oguni neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Oguni with 3D shadow effect

Oguni map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Oguni (geojson format) :
Oguni.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Oguni map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Oguni Map : ( 33.094002 , 130.9776 , 33.194733 , 131.172394 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Oguni map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](33.094002, 130.9776, 33.194733, 131.172394);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Oguni)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Oguni
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akibaru | 33.170100 , 131.044540 |
Asozuru | 33.183970 , 131.106500 |
Bessho | 33.117100 , 131.098850 |
Dojiin | 33.133170 , 131.084080 |
Furuji | 33.118700 , 131.043250 |
Futamata | 33.159760 , 131.067020 |
Hagenoyu | 33.153860 , 131.141600 |
Handa | 33.133650 , 131.061230 |
Haru | 33.123750 , 131.111210 |
Hirota | 33.101430 , 131.095800 |
Honmura | 33.148920 , 131.054990 |
Honmura | 33.131310 , 131.023490 |
Honmura | 33.144630 , 131.089700 |
Horita | 33.149590 , 131.109960 |
Ikeino | 33.142780 , 131.047970 |
Ikenotsuru | 33.156620 , 131.052250 |
Ishii | 33.131960 , 131.047710 |
Jomura | 33.127360 , 131.043420 |
Kaimoto | 33.142290 , 131.095070 |
Kakizako | 33.128060 , 131.092750 |
Kamida | 33.111880 , 131.093050 |
Kamiekoo | 33.107040 , 131.105750 |
Kaminoharu | 33.122690 , 131.048440 |
Kamitarumizu | 33.142200 , 131.021150 |
Kashiwada | 33.125660 , 131.065240 |
Katata | 33.129700 , 131.056290 |
Kiribaru | 33.139200 , 131.063530 |
Kitagauchi | 33.152820 , 131.043120 |
Kitazato | 33.145310 , 131.097770 |
Koya | 33.131770 , 131.027690 |
Kozono | 33.129030 , 131.088160 |
Kurabaru | 33.119060 , 131.062170 |
Kuramoto | 33.159900 , 131.075370 |
Kurazono | 33.127240 , 131.083050 |
Kurobuchi | 33.133720 , 131.031300 |
Kuwazuru | 33.139740 , 131.104510 |
Manjoji | 33.119650 , 131.106050 |
Miyahara | 33.122660 , 131.070110 |
Murobaru | 33.139470 , 130.985830 |
Nabaru | 33.130360 , 131.106700 |
Nakao | 33.162600 , 131.120880 |
Nanbira | 33.113150 , 131.120600 |
Nanokaichi | 33.142760 , 131.104120 |
Nise | 33.110600 , 131.060240 |
Nishihorai | 33.127190 , 131.031530 |
Nishizato | 33.175200 , 131.099810 |
Nitagiri | 33.123840 , 131.037450 |
Nuruyu | 33.141500 , 131.099920 |
Obita | 33.118230 , 131.077150 |
Odake | 33.148100 , 130.997050 |
Oguni | 33.132951 , 131.064712 |
Oharuda | 33.123970 , 131.098330 |
Okuyama | 33.122900 , 131.028100 |
Otsuru | 33.124110 , 131.107430 |
Oyabu | 33.115750 , 131.027840 |
Ozono | 33.128760 , 131.048780 |
Sakamoto | 33.117280 , 131.084600 |
Sakashita | 33.149430 , 131.056750 |
Sarayama | 33.120180 , 131.075220 |
Sekida | 33.111360 , 131.064490 |
Seriwara | 33.159000 , 131.111180 |
Shimoakari | 33.157670 , 131.085580 |
Shimoekoo | 33.111170 , 131.102110 |
Shimojo | 33.151930 , 131.057680 |
Shinbashi | 33.123950 , 131.059940 |
Shioigawa | 33.146100 , 131.109490 |
Shirieda | 33.139920 , 131.070220 |
Sugenosako | 33.151460 , 131.105930 |
Suginohira | 33.127610 , 131.001490 |
Tabaru | 33.176820 , 131.050710 |
Tainota | 33.163740 , 131.101570 |
Tamukai | 33.115030 , 131.061830 |
Tashiro | 33.149010 , 131.084770 |
Temizuno | 33.116980 , 131.001450 |
Teraono | 33.123530 , 131.119920 |
Toinokuchi | 33.154650 , 131.111930 |
Tokoroono | 33.155950 , 131.106760 |
Tosumi | 33.122400 , 131.055260 |
Tsuetate | 33.183570 , 131.035220 |
Uchigoshi | 33.155480 , 131.093010 |
Utodani | 33.181850 , 131.077190 |
Yamagawa | 33.144630 , 131.118030 |
Yamatsuno | 33.130420 , 131.037110 |
Yanase | 33.160370 , 131.044580 |
Yumita | 33.154750 , 131.059220 |
Yumoto | 33.139350 , 131.099490 |
Yuyama | 33.135930 , 131.095070 |
- You can download geometry data for Oguni in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.