Fukuchi (Fukuoka Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples

Fukuchi (Fukuoka Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-1

Fukuchi (Fukuoka Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-2

Fukuchi neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Fukuchi with 3D shadow effect

Fukuchi map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Fukuchi (geojson format) :
Fukuchi.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Fukuchi map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Fukuchi Map : ( 33.663933 , 130.742996 , 33.742199 , 130.830093 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Fukuchi map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](33.663933, 130.742996, 33.742199, 130.830093);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Fukuchi)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Fukuchi
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agano | 33.713990 , 130.779730 |
Benjo | 33.701670 , 130.794020 |
Daikoku | 33.682030 , 130.804830 |
Fukuchi | 33.702992 , 130.780786 |
Fukumaru | 33.675780 , 130.775860 |
Fukuyoshi | 33.680640 , 130.757750 |
Fushihara | 33.688800 , 130.759700 |
Haru | 33.715950 , 130.780200 |
Haruda | 33.710920 , 130.779210 |
Haruda | 33.692670 , 130.789170 |
Hichijikkoku | 33.667960 , 130.774660 |
Higashifurukado | 33.671960 , 130.805050 |
Higashikanada | 33.677930 , 130.783120 |
Hirotani | 33.705990 , 130.809040 |
Hitomi | 33.686170 , 130.769680 |
Hitomizaka | 33.685180 , 130.767110 |
Hoju | 33.688210 , 130.781100 |
Horita | 33.717020 , 130.790200 |
Idoi | 33.674850 , 130.771100 |
Ikata | 33.686570 , 130.802990 |
Imayashiki | 33.707740 , 130.786550 |
Inarimachi | 33.693820 , 130.770160 |
Inuboshi | 33.678350 , 130.790460 |
Ishimatsu | 33.703280 , 130.761480 |
Itchi | 33.704600 , 130.755140 |
Iwabuchi | 33.689320 , 130.770840 |
Kamenoko | 33.681780 , 130.783460 |
Kamibenjo | 33.711880 , 130.797020 |
Kamigumi | 33.712420 , 130.751400 |
Kamikoji | 33.721130 , 130.782040 |
Kamisato | 33.706740 , 130.776770 |
Kanada | 33.683330 , 130.783330 |
Kasuga | 33.707350 , 130.754920 |
Kozaki | 33.678600 , 130.765560 |
Kuro'o | 33.681350 , 130.773080 |
Kusaba | 33.685430 , 130.786340 |
Kuzuhara | 33.701530 , 130.797150 |
Kyuroku | 33.694390 , 130.793540 |
Maemura | 33.677600 , 130.795310 |
Maruyama | 33.695490 , 130.805560 |
Minagi | 33.669460 , 130.768310 |
Miroku | 33.693170 , 130.799550 |
Miyatoko | 33.688030 , 130.775860 |
Nagaura | 33.698740 , 130.819080 |
Nakabaru | 33.689960 , 130.805650 |
Nakafurukado | 33.673390 , 130.800500 |
Nakamachi | 33.692320 , 130.761520 |
Nakasato | 33.703140 , 130.775350 |
Nakatani | 33.716160 , 130.767150 |
Nishikanada | 33.678070 , 130.780280 |
Nishimachi | 33.691550 , 130.758020 |
Noji | 33.705130 , 130.794830 |
Nozoe | 33.682680 , 130.800500 |
Okubo | 33.712100 , 130.766720 |
Okugahata | 33.717700 , 130.798950 |
Oura | 33.720270 , 130.769300 |
Sako | 33.693920 , 130.781740 |
Sarayama | 33.729190 , 130.788310 |
Saruta | 33.700370 , 130.768020 |
Sasao | 33.684920 , 130.760460 |
Shimogumi | 33.715920 , 130.751270 |
Shimokoji | 33.718130 , 130.784320 |
Shinkado | 33.690100 , 130.800540 |
Showamachi | 33.680210 , 130.778140 |
Suwayama | 33.717910 , 130.757880 |
Taiyo | 33.673890 , 130.765690 |
Takamicho | 33.673140 , 130.784710 |
Takarami | 33.684960 , 130.778950 |
Tanokuchi | 33.672890 , 130.755480 |
Tengo | 33.725200 , 130.780200 |
Tsunefuku | 33.710450 , 130.787580 |
Tsurugaoka | 33.683890 , 130.797540 |
Ushirodani | 33.680500 , 130.795520 |
Yahatacho | 33.682280 , 130.796250 |
Yakubo | 33.679030 , 130.785650 |
Yakuoji | 33.714240 , 130.773590 |
Yamanote | 33.686530 , 130.789080 |
Yamazaki | 33.704460 , 130.770930 |
Yoshigaura | 33.697990 , 130.754140 |
- You can download geometry data for Fukuchi in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.