Iwaki (Fukushima Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples

Iwaki (Fukushima Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-1

Iwaki (Fukushima Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-2

Iwaki neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Iwaki with 3D shadow effect

Iwaki map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Iwaki (geojson format) :
Iwaki.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Iwaki map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Iwaki Map : ( 36.856335 , 140.5672 , 37.319733 , 141.005295 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Iwaki map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](36.856335, 140.5672, 37.319733, 141.005295);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Iwaki)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Iwaki
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Arayashiki | 37.182380 , 140.983810 |
Chuodai-iino | 37.013910 , 140.911970 |
Chuodai-kashima | 37.004640 , 140.916690 |
Eda | 37.178860 , 140.827960 |
Gomizawa | 37.241710 , 140.691590 |
Hirukubo | 37.210890 , 140.639160 |
Hisanohamamachi-hisanohama | 37.140670 , 140.997010 |
Hisanohamamachi-tanoami | 37.123350 , 140.995470 |
Ienomae | 37.210010 , 140.691120 |
Iwaki | 37.006939 , 140.740983 |
Iwaki | 36.997666 , 140.920944 |
Izumi | 36.950000 , 140.850000 |
Kaidomari | 36.983330 , 140.616670 |
Kamimisaka | 37.182330 , 140.624420 |
Kawamaemachi-kamiokeuri | 37.264890 , 140.699280 |
Kawamaemachi-kawamae | 37.201350 , 140.748590 |
Kawamaemachi-ojiroi | 37.299180 , 140.713210 |
Kawamaemachi-shimo'okeuri | 37.245020 , 140.721640 |
Kishiuchi | 37.173690 , 140.997960 |
Koyamae | 37.145740 , 140.760820 |
Kubota | 36.883330 , 140.766670 |
Kunugitachi | 37.205380 , 140.757600 |
Maeda | 37.037330 , 140.708050 |
Mishima | 37.124060 , 140.868610 |
Miwamachi-kamiichigaya | 37.150740 , 140.662420 |
Miwamachi-kamimisaka | 37.171890 , 140.621240 |
Miwamachi-kaminagai | 37.151510 , 140.751060 |
Miwamachi-nakadera | 37.131800 , 140.710470 |
Miwamachi-nakamisaka | 37.197380 , 140.642020 |
Miwamachi-shimomisaka | 37.211740 , 140.670160 |
Miwamachi-shimonagai | 37.142180 , 140.775870 |
Miwamachi-watado | 37.116670 , 140.733330 |
Nakajima | 37.077850 , 140.948120 |
Nakajima | 37.129970 , 140.862380 |
Nakanosaku | 36.950000 , 140.933330 |
Ogawamachi-shioda | 37.175150 , 140.826260 |
Ogawamachi-takahagi | 37.126210 , 140.854160 |
Ogawamachi-uwadaira | 37.127770 , 140.872790 |
Onahama | 36.950000 , 140.900000 |
Otsu | 36.916670 , 140.783330 |
Owagamachi-shimo'ogawa | 37.111630 , 140.873530 |
Saibachi | 37.014550 , 140.673020 |
Sekifune | 36.983330 , 140.850000 |
Shidamyo | 37.264330 , 140.766530 |
Shuku | 37.128780 , 140.717600 |
Tabitomachi-ishizumi | 37.033940 , 140.650760 |
Taira-attame | 37.054880 , 140.944610 |
Taira-izumizaki | 37.076070 , 140.946580 |
Taira-kamikabeya | 37.066670 , 140.916670 |
Taira-minamishirado | 37.050000 , 140.916670 |
Taira-nakakabeya | 37.065000 , 140.930530 |
Taira-shimokabeya | 37.066670 , 140.950000 |
Taira-shimotakaku | 37.028800 , 140.955160 |
Taira-shimoyamaguchi | 37.023500 , 140.935710 |
Towada | 37.242690 , 140.848310 |
Toyoma | 36.983330 , 140.966670 |
Uchigo-tsuzuramachi | 37.032460 , 140.856540 |
Yoshimada | 37.283330 , 140.766670 |
Yotsukuramachi-omori | 37.085110 , 140.959200 |
Yotsukuramachi-tamayama | 37.171680 , 140.908240 |
- You can download geometry data for Iwaki in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.